Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

~ Reflection ~

I can't be myself anymore,

tears drip down my pale face,

my once sparkling eyes; dull,

as I s t a r e into the mirror.

My legs start to shake,

my heart beats too quickly,

I can feel myself falling.


My blonde hair lays limp,

covering my protruding collarbones.

I make the mistake of looking,

looking back at my reflection.

The t e a r s start falling once more,

because I see that girl I despise staring back at me,

I don't like looking in the mirror;

because I don't like what's staring back at me.

I bite down on my lip,

closing my eyes when I taste b l o o d,

wishing, just wishing,

that maybe, just maybe, I'll be the girl I once was.

I try to smile,

but it's never going to be the real thing.

I try to smile,

but I don't think I know what happy means anymore.

I shake my head,

running my fingers through my hair,

trying to get rid of those nasty thoughts.


I stare at my reflection;

never really seeing.

I stare at the girl looking back at me,

never really understanding.

My heart thumps in my chest,

as I hear him call my name.

I want to run to him,

I want him to hold me, tell me it's gonna be okay.

My hands t r e m b l e,

my fingers find their way to the glass,

gently stroking my broken reflection,

running over every imperfection.

The tears carry on falling,

and I wonder if they will ever stop.

My legs shake, and I feel n.o.t.h.i.n.g

I'm numb; and I wonder if it's better this way?

I feel the arms before I see them,

I feel his breath on my neck,

I feel tears falling onto my bare shoulder,

and I think.. maybe I'm safe.

"I'm scared," You whisper softly,

your arms wrap tightly around my tiny waist,

and you put your head on my shoulder.

"Me too..." I murmur, why are things so different?

I watch you in the mirror,

the way you look at me,

explaining to me how much you l o v e me,

that I need help.

Our eyes meet; maybe everything will be okay now.

You take my hand in yours,

whisper those three words I love to hear,

those three words that never fail to make me smile

Hold me close, I don't care if I can't breathe tonight.

Hold me close, I only feel s a f e with you.

Hold me close, I don't want to die tonight.

Hold me close, let me know you care.

"You're perfect,"

I shake my head, knowing I'm not,

reminding you that nobody's perfect,

"You're perfect in my eyes."

And for the first time in a long time,

I turn my eyes away from the,

mirror reflection,

and turn to face you.

I say those three words back to you,

not daring myself to look at my reflection,

looking into your eyes, finally happy.

I love you Oliver Oken.

A/N: This is actually terrible, but I just wanted to write SOMETHING, you know?

So anyway, review, let me know what you think.

Also; I wanted to write a story like this; but I don't know if anyone even liked Eating Disorder fictions in this fandom?