Chapter 1
The sun was set high in the sky. There was a fluffy cloud here and there which made the strong sunbeams disappear for only a moment so the earth would cool down a bit. It was the hottest day that month.
There was a couple under a tree. The boy was lying on his back with his eyes closed, just enjoying his surroundings. The girl lay on her belly, reading a book.
"I can't believe the year is almost over." Michaela put her book away. She watched his face and saw a small smile.
"Hmmm..." was all he replied.
She knew he felt at peace here as she did. This was where they first met. It would always have a special meaning for them. Michaela sighed. Sully heard it and opened his eyes. "Something wrong?" he wondered.
"No, I'm just happy to be here," Michaela explained.
Sully rolled on his side so he could face her. She copied his movements and got closer to him.
"A lot has happened last year" she revealed what's on her mind.
"You can say that again." He was playing with a piece of her hair.
"I must say I was a bit sad when Abby moved out. I mean I understand she didn't want to be confronted with us every day. But she is with Daniel now. She didn't have to move."
"I never thought you two were a good match to be roommates," Sully confessed.
"What do you mean?" Michaela sat up.
"Nothing bad. I just think she is more of a party girl. And you love your books." He grinned.
"Oh." She couldn't deny that. Abigail cared more for fashion and parties than she did for school.
"But you got a fair trade," Sully said.
"Yes, I still can't believe Abigail went along with it, but Dorothy was pleased. This way, she didn't have to share with Catherine anymore. I must admit I never saw Abigail that much after she knew about us. And of course she spent allot of time with Daniel," Michaela continued.
"I haven't seen Daniel around much either, but I was busy too." Sully got up and sat close, wanting to kiss her.
"I almost forgot." Michaela didn't notice his advances and interrupted him. "Rebecca wanted to invite you for dinner." She looked at him and saw his face close to hers.
"Sure." He laid his hand on her back. "Any moment I can spend longer in your presence is perfect with me." He closed the short distance between them and they shared a small kiss.
"I'm happy you've met my family. They really liked you. Marjorie was acting weird when she first saw you. So... how shall I put it... exaggerated. Wanting your attention all the time. " Michaela rolled her eyes. "Do you know what she asked me when you left?" She didn't wait for a reply. "Whether we used the condoms she gave me."
Sully chuckled.
"That isn't even the worst part. My mother was standing behind her when she asked it!" Michaela said.
"What did you tell her?" Sully was getting curious.
"I didn't have the chance to tell her that nothing had happened. I got a lecture about the birds and the bees." Michaela sighed.
"I can teach you more, I bet." Sully whispered close to her ear.
She instantly began to blush. They had shared some romantics moments together and he did make her feel things she'd never felt before. Both had agreed on taking it slowly, but when they were together they couldn't help themselves. Every time they set their boundaries a bit wider. Sully was nuzzling her ear while he ran his fingers through her hair, and feeling his fingers made her tingle. Michaela closed her eyes; she bent her neck to give him more access.
The sunbeams came through the tree's twigs illuminating her face. Sully pulled away for a moment to watch her. Michaela opened her eyes to see why he stopped.
"You are so beautiful," he stated.
She looked down. He knew she was shy and was only slowly letting him see bits and pieces of her true self. "Trust me, Michaela. You were the missing piece of my heart and I would do anything to protect you," he promised.
She stroked his cheek while gently placing a kiss on his lips. His hands went to her waist, travelling up her back. He deepened the kiss, but while they fell down onto the floor, he softened the fall with his hand under her head. Her hands were stroking his arms and shoulders, slowly letting them glide down his back. Both could feel the heat trough the thin fabric of their clothes.
He could feel her pulling up his shirt; her hands were warm against his skin. She didn't know what she was doing to him. His hands kneaded her thigh; the need of feeling her close was too powerful. She moaned in his mouth, showing her pleasure. He knew they couldn't let it get out of control. But it felt so good...
Suddenly a cell phone was beeping, breaking up their romantic encounter. Sully groaned out of frustration and rolled on his stomach to hide his physical reaction. Michaela quickly searched for the beeping object to shut it down.
"Sorry, I set my alarm so we won't be late for work," she apologized. Her breathing was still rapid.
"It's a good thing you did, time seems to go by too fast," Sully smiled. He had to calm down his racing heart. Michaela lay down beside him again. "We still have a few minutes," she said, not aware of what this little encounter had done to him.
"Oh no, Miss Quinn, don't start something we can't finish. We better get going." Sully got up and offered her his hand. She took it willingly, and when she wanted to gather her belongings he held her close and kissed her one more time. Their kissing was getting more passionate, it became harder and harder to stop. Sometimes she wanted to let go of all her inhibitions and give herself to him completely. He was always the one to not let get things out of hand, that was one of the qualities she loved about him. He would never push her into anything. She knew he wouldn't hurt her.
Both still worked at the centre. Michaela was interested in the medical aspect, while Sully was occupied with the machines and medical devices.
As always, Wolf came to greet them at the porch, but this time he was wet and barking as if he needed them to follow him. Both began to walk faster, afraid of what had happened. When they arrived at the back of the building they saw what was going on. They stopped.
"Watch out!!" A balloon filled with water, hit Sully in the chest. Michaela fell into laughter.
"You think this is funny?" Sully pointed at his shirt. Michaela was still giggling.
"You could use some cooling down a few minutes ago." She grinned.
Alex, Sully's big brother, came by with his lap full of balloons. Sully grabbed a few and before Michaela knew it she was soaked. She ran to the water hose and started filling buckets. Wolf was running around like crazy. He loved seeing his friends acting silly.
Sully was walking back, wanting to throw another balloon, but he didn't notice Wolf behind him and tumbled backwards. Wolf got out of the way quickly.
Michaela saw it happen and wanted to stop his falling. It didn't do any good. Before they knew it, Sully lay on the ground with Michaela on top of him. One of the children emptied a filled bucket over them and laughed.
"I think we're both cooled down now." Michaela smiled. Her hair clung to her face. He stroked some strains out of her eyes. He saw the twinkle in her eyes and loved seeing her like this.
"If you stay here, we might need some ice water later." He winked. She saw what he meant, both were soaked and he could see every curve of her body. Michaela blushed and got up quickly. He followed her suit.
"Come on, let's get into the sun." Alex threw some towels at them.
Sully put one around her shoulders, whispering "Nothing to be ashamed of."
The employees, patients, Alex, Michaela and Sully sat on blankets to warm up in the sun. Michaela was scratching Wolf behind his ear.
"When are you going home?" Alex asked.
"My dad is coming next Friday to pick me up." Michaela answered. "I'm sorry I can't stay and help you this summer," she apologized.
"No problem. Most of the patients are going on vacation or to summer camp," Alex explained to her.
Sully was biting in an apple, listening to their conversation. "Any plans when you get home?" Alex asked.
"Not sure" Michaela replied. "I think my father and I will visit some medical schools. And I want to get a head start on some studies for next semester. Probably my mother will drag me to her tea parties, brunches and other parties." Michaela rolled her eyes.
"Sounds like fun," Alex laughed. "What about you, little brother?" he turned to Sully.
"Nothing special," Sully answered. "Maybe I'll go and visit Cloud Dancing and Snowbird. Haven't seen them in a long time."
"I wish I could go with you," Michaela said.
"You know about Cloud Dancing?" Alex was surprised. He knew Sully never talked about him. He had told her, it had to be true love, otherwise Sully wouldn't share it with her, he thought.
"Sully explained to me how they both helped your family after your father and…" Michaela grew quiet. She knew this was a difficult topic.
"You can say it out loud: my accident," Alex continued her sentence. "I'm thankful Cloud Dancing and Snowbird were around to guide us. I don't think we all would sit here if they hadn't." Alex was getting emotional. "Then I must meet them, I need to thank them!" Michaela took Sully's hand. He saw the love in her eyes. His heart swelled with pride.
"Maybe you can join me?" Sully hoped.
"I would love that!" She was getting excited about the idea. "But I doubt my parents would let me go." she sighed.
"Maybe one day," Sully stated. Alex was required by a patient and excused himself.
"I'm gonna miss you," Sully whispered to Michaela.
"Me too," she replied. "I can't stand the thought of being separated from you for eight weeks."
She had tears in her eyes by now. Sully held her close. He knew how she felt. How would they cope without each other, for such a long time? He had to think of something.
"We'll manage," he tried to reassure himself.