Meg's POV

"Go away, Ian. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now." I mumbled.

"Come on. Lighten up." Ian laughed, obviously not taking me seriously, pulling out a chair and sliding in. "Why the long face?"

Oddly peppy... Hm...

"You do realize I could easily beat you up, right?"

"Perhaps. But you wouldn't right now." He said confidently, as always.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked, looking up.

"Because. Something's off with you, Meg. What's wrong?"

Eh. Now we were on a first name basis? Yeah, this was seriously getting weird.

"Go. Away." I enunciated mo clearly.

"Really. What ever is wrong with you? If it's something that requires brains, I do understand that you may be at a loss for people with many working brain cells, so if you need someone to collaborate with, perhaps I'd be the best option."

"It's not that." I mumbled. For once, it honestly wasn't about that.

"Well, last I checked, it was 8 o'clock on the 13th day of April and we only have until 11:40 tomorrow night to figure something out."

"We have the clue, but it's useless if we can't get home. The captain and crew are also plotting against us, and I haven't the slightest idea where on this blasted ship Alex could be." I complained. Then in a whisper, "I just want to go home."

Ian chuckled. "Don't we all at this point? This isn't exactly my cup of tea either, but unfortunately, we can't undo what's already been done and we just have to cope with whatever life throws at us."

Easy for him to say...

I got up abruptly, without saying a word to Ian.

"Bye...?" He said.

"Yes, thank you." I drifted off in a daze.

He hadn't really solved any of my problems- heck, he didn't even know the real problem that he tried to solve- but his advice helped me anyway. This entire trip, no one really gave me a nice, genuine pep talk. And coming from Ian, it may have been even nicer.

The clock struck 11 and it felt as if we were coming to the apocalypse itself.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ was April 14th, 11 p.m.

Not only did we not have a plan, but I was rather panicking since I have a rather... Eh, big fear of water.

When I came back from the library yesterday, Amy and Dan eyed me angrily, but as the night went on, and I just sat on my bed reading quietly, they both ended up apologizing since they realized that either way they would've been mad at me.

Presently, though, we were standing on deck, trying to blend in as much as possible. All we did was wait.

We listened to the band play as we shuffled our feet awkwardly. No one in the group talked to each other, or made eye contact.

Dan's POV

Even as we were standing, waiting for our death sentence, I noticed how gorgeous all of the girls looked.

Meg was wearing a blue dress. The lace was almost as blue as her eyes, which sparkled in the light. The fabric arched open in the middle to both sides, leaving white satin in the middle. Pearls hung around her neck, and her natural curls fountained down her back in an elegant up-do. The dimming lights of the deck shadowed her beautiful face, but her red lips still shinned, and her flawless pale cheeks were still filled with a tiny shade of rose.

Natalie was wearing a shorter red dress with her hair done up so fancy, it kind of made my eyes hurt to try and anatomize every detail about it. It was so complex! Her dark coffee skin matched her dark eyes and hair. Even in this 20th century look, she could still pull it off as a model.

Amy, now, usually looked gangly and clumsy. Hey, I'm allowed to say that cause I'm her brother. But tonight, jut standing up here, her amber-red hair illuminated her jade eyes as she stared around at nothing in particular in the sea of people on deck. She wore a dress of different shades of green all sown in randomly.

I know it's creepy to say since she's my sister, but she could give Natalie a run for her money.

Meg's POV

We were all just standing there. I saw Dan's eyes gaze over the entire group, then swipe back over to me and look at me up and down a few times. I tried to look around and pretend not to notice, but do you know how weird it is when you know someone's checking you out?

Anyway, I finally saw his eyes flick away, and they flew straight over to Natalie. Natalie! The devil of all people! It took everything in me to stop myself from interfering and punching someone- either Dan for checking her out or Natalie just for being so... Natalie.

Before I could see what happened next, I felt Ian grab my hand as he pulled me over to the piano. The pianist that was already there had gotten up to go to the restroom and so we sat down at the bench.

"Know any Bach? Beethoven? Mozart?" He asked, wanting to duet.

Yeah, I guess he would play piano.

And yes, of course he'd know I'D play piano as well.

"Of course!"

So we started playing a classic Mozart piece. I couldn't put my finger on what the name was, but i remembered how to play it, so I continued playing the higher melody.

But then I saw Amy looking over at me longingly.

I get it. SHE wanted to be dueting with Ian.


So what do I do? I purposefully mess up.

"Goodness! I'm so sorry!" I flustered. "I haven't played this piece in years. I don't remember anymore. I think Amy does, though. Do you want to join in?"

Her eyes lit up as she mouthed the words, 'Thank you!'

I just grinned back.

I walked back over to Dan, checking the time. 11:25. 15 more minutes.

I grabbed Dan's hand as I led him to the front of the boat, leaving Alex and Natalie by themselves.

When we got to the front, I instantly felt Deja vu- like we should totally attempt to do what they did at the front of the boat in the movie Titanic.

Then I realized it was probably a bad idea because we'd probably both end up falling head first into the ice cold water.

So we just sat there and talked.

Until- "Iceberg, right ahead!"

Dan and I instantly turned our attention from each other to the ocean.

We looked right in front of us, but didn't see anything.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a huge ice mountain bobbing to our left.

Let me repeat that.

To our left.

We started turning, but in the wrong direction.

With a discord of sound, the iceberg dug into the side of the ship, screeching like nails on a chalkboard.

And that's when all hell broke loose.