Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Ahem...

Just a little one-shot to get rid that stupid writer's block. I just furiously wrote it and published it without thoroughly editing it.





Stay with me…I want to hold your hands forever


Sakura had awoken to the rapping sound of heavy rain pouring outside. She lied still on the bed, composing her breath and regaining her sense. After some times, she drew her body up into a sitting position, wincing slightly as she felt how sore her body was. The soreness that she fully knew she would feel, and secretly enjoyed, for it was a proof that what she had with him wasn't a dream. She turned her head. Her gaze soon landed on an alarm clock on the small bedside table.

It was 3.47 a.m.

So, she'd been asleep for only about one or two hours. Sakura sighed. Her medic instinct was screaming at her to just lie back on the bed and resumed her sleep. But she didn't feel like it. Besides, knowing what time it was right now, she had to leave in an hour or two if she wanted to get to Konoha on time. She couldn't risk herself of being overslept now, could she?

A long, pale, masculine arm snaked around her waist, interrupting her reverie. She turned to her right to look at him. He was still lying on his stomach with his head facing to her direction and eyes shut, though Sakura knew that he had awoken too.

"Hey," She greeted softly, "good morning."

"Hn, it's still early. Go back to sleep." He mumbled with eyes still shut.

Sakura smiled, reaching out a hand to brush his bangs gently. "You do that. I'm going to the bathroom."

A gasp escaped her mouth when his hand suddenly gripped her wrist tightly. A pair of onyx orbs now widely opened, gazing at her menacingly. "Don't." His voice was cold and sharp.

She sighed. "You know I have to, Sasuke kun. I've to comeback before somebody noticing my absence. You know how Ino always comes to my apartment in the morning to go to the hospital together. If she doesn't find me there, she would question me and wouldn't leave me alone til she gets the answer. I will never be able to lie to her, you know… "She said.

"Tch," Sasuke let go of her hand and rolled over. He raised himself before drape his right arm around her shoulder, pulling her and pressing her back to his hard chest. His other arm was absentmindedly caressed her left arm up and down gently making the girl sighed in contentment. Placing a chaste kiss on her head, he spoke, "I want you to stay." His voice was longing and needy.

Sakura smiled weakly at his words. She still could clearly remember that she had said those words to him too, that night when he left the village eight years ago. It was so ironic how their position had switched. He was now the one who asked her not to leave.

Slowly, Sakura turned to face him. She brushed his raven locks before softly tracing her fingers on his forehead down to his nose and to his lips before finally settling on his cheek, caressing it gently. He was so beautiful. For maybe million times, she thanked Kami for finally giving him to her embrace.

She loved him. She always did. No matter how his cold words always shattered her into pieces, no matter how his rejection always hurt her back then, she always loved him. Even after he'd gone to Orochimaru, no matter how everyone in the village hated him, no matter how most of all her fellow shinobi called him traitor, her feelings for him was unchanged and in fact, grew even more. What started as a childish crush now had turned into a true love which she wouldn't be able to live without.

The rain kept pouring outside when she felt a pair of soft lips pressed onto hers. She closed her eyes as their kiss got more passionate. She sighed softly into his mouth. Everytime he was kissing her, it never failed sending a jolt of excitement to her body. She would make sure she savoured every moment of this, for she hadn't know when she would feel it again.

Their kiss lasted for few minutes before they were forced to pulled away to catch their breaths. Eyes still locking into each other, they panted slightly.

"It's amazing how our kisses always made us see fireworks." Sakura smiled.

"Not us, just you." He smirked.

Sakura chuckled. "Ne, Sasuke kun?"


"It is raining now."


"Don't you remember? It was the rain that brought us to where we are now."

"And the cave…" He added.

"And your nasty wound too."

"And the cold…"

"And the fate…" Sakura concluded before once again sealed his mouth with hers.


It was a warm and good Sunday afternoon. Sakura was currently sitting on a coach in her living room, doing piles and piles of paperwork Tsunade assigned her and Shizune while the Godaime herself was out of village for kage business. Once in a while, she would stretch or just massaged her temple. Man, it was so tiring and boring. If it wouldn't for her dear shishou, she would have just ignored them and going out for a walk outside instead. Being Tsunade's apprentice had its price, surely.

A loud knock on the door interrupted her. Sakura stood up and walked to the door, silently thanking whoever it was that excused herself from her works. She swung the door opened to see a very happy-looking Yamanaka Ino standing on her door step. A very wide grin plastered on her face was proving that.

"Oh Forehead, you won't believe it!" Suddenly Ino hugged her tightly. Out of instinct, she hugged her best friend back with a puzzled expression clear on her face.

"I-Ino, what is it?"

Ino finally pulled away and her grin grew wider upon seeing Sakura's confused face. "Well, Shikamaru proposed to me just now."

Sakura gasped, "Really, Ino?"

Ino nodded excitedly.

"Oh my God!" Sakura hugged Ino again. "Congratulation, Pig. It's about the time."

"Damn right!" Ino laughed. "It took him five years before finally decided that I am indeed the one for him. That lazy ass!"

Sakura laughed. "I'm happy for you, Ino."

"I know, thank you." Ino smiled at her best friend genuinely, "Now, you're the one left, Sakura."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see… Ten Ten is married to Neji. Hinata too, is going to marry Naruto in two weeks. And now, I am engaged to the most gorgeous and genius Shikamaru. Don't you think it's time for you to move on and find someone for your self?" Ino paused for a while, studying Sakura's expression. "You're beautiful, Sakura. Many men would die for you, if you just open your heart for them."

Sakura looked down. That's exactly the same thing that her mother used to nag her about lately. Both Ino and her mother thought that she had to find a man that she loved and loved her back so that she would be happy. Little did they know, she did. She did find a man that she always loved. It never changed since she was little, in fact.

It's him. Always him…

"It's been about nine years…" Ino's voice brought Sakura back to the present. She looked up as Ino continued. "I know you still love him but you must face the reality. Open your eyes, he will never comeback." Ino took Sakura's hand in hers. "You deserved to be happy, Sakura…"

Sakura locked her gaze with Ino before she gave the blonde a weak smile. "I am happy with what I have now, Ino…"

Ino shook her head and sighed. Sakura was always so stubborn when it came to her feelings for that certain Uchiha. She would always love him and Ino was not sure if there's anyone could change that.

"Fine, then, Forehead, do whatever you want. We're always behind you. But in case you change your mind, just call me. I'll introduce you to all the hotties in town. You'll never regret it."

"Thanks Ino," Sakura nodded. "So, wanna come in and have some juice? I feel bad for letting a guest just standing outside."

Ino smiled. "Ah, maybe later, I still need to share the news with the others since I'm sure Shikamaru will feel so troublesome to do that." She looked over Sakura's shoulder into the house. Her eyes landed on the paperwork. "Besides, it seems you're busy at the moment. You should know that too much work will kill you…"

Sakura chose to ignore her and just laugh. She hugged Ino briefly, "Bye, Ino Pig"

"Bye, Forehead."

Sakura watched as Ino's figure finally out of sight. Quietly, she turned into the house and closed the door behind her. Leaning against it, Sakura let her body slumped down to the floor. She let out a heavy sigh and smiled a sad smile. Ino's words replaying in her ears.

'True,' She thought. 'Everyone seemed to have someone for them. Ten Ten, Hinata, and Ino… they had found their soul mate. And they too were so lucky that that soul mate of them were the ones they had loved since forever.

Why couldn't she be like them? Why it was so damn complicated with her and him?

A soft smiled lingered on her pretty face as she recalled her last meeting with Sasuke a week ago in that dingy little inn. Every second full of passion between a lover. Yeah, it was like a dream come true for her, that she and Sasuke were lovers for the past couple of years. Nobody knew about this, of course.

Sakura still clearly remembered the first time it was started. The first time she encountered him again after that last time in Orochimaru's lair. That time, she was on her way home after finishing her solo mission to gather some herbs in Sunagakure. The rain was pouring so heavily that it forced her to find a shelter. That's when she encountered him. In a cave that was supposed to be her protection from rain, she found him, alone without his team, as soaked as hers with a nasty large wound on his stomach.

Sakura knew that he was enemy but she couldn't help it. Her love for him had shut down all of her rational thoughts. She didn't think again and even didn't asked how he got that wound as she slowly, cautiously inched closer towards him. She stopped for a moment waiting for a sign of rejection. None. He was just sat there, leaning against the cave wall, looking at her in an unreadable expression. So, she did what she thought she should do.

She healed him and he let her.

Sakura swore she saw his lips tugged upwards a little as she finished healing him. Their eyes had locked and in that moment Sakura learned a lot about him.

He was lonely. He was lost. He was in pain. Enough reasons for Sakura to gently caress his cheek and, when he didn't resist, pull him into a loving embrace.

The rain was pouring even harder but neither cared. Sakura didn't know why he was acting so uncharacteristically towards her. Whether it was because she had practically saved his life or merely he was just in a desperate need of a company, she had no idea. But, for the first time, he didn't push her away. And she had decided, for the sake of that moment, she would savour each seconds with him. That's why she had smiled when he cupped her cheeks with both hands, silently asking her permission. She had smiled to show him. Her love was always reserved for him.

Then he kissed her, their first kiss. Slowly at first before turned more passionate, needier, and more desperate. As they both panting for air, eyes locked into each other, they knew. It was just the beginning.

So, that night, a year ago, in the rocky cold cave, Haruno Sakura had given her body and soul to Uchiha Sasuke. And she could only hope that he had done the same.

Since that day, until now, they found themselves meeting secretly in various possible places before finally settled in that dingy old little inn in a deserted village not very far from Konoha. The place was their safe haven. No one cared about them and vice versa. There, they would simply put everything but themselves aside. There were only them, Sasuke and Sakura.

It was heaven for Sakura, to be able to be with him. Though, still, she had to be careful so she didn't get caught. His current reputation as an Akatsuki member made her feelings towards him like a treason, a blasphemy. She didn't care though.

Sakura smiled again as she remembered how he had touched her, how he had looked at her with longing in his onyx eyes, how he had smiled at her, how he had made love to her... he loved her, she was sure of that.

And she was happy for that. Though sometimes it felt wasn't enough. Honestly, she wanted to be like her other friends. She wanted to tell them, proudly, that they were together. She wanted to tell her friends to just shut up and stop telling her to find someone because she had him by her side. Her one and only man.

If only he would just return to Konoha.

Sakura sighed. It had been years ago that she convinced herself to just give up her hope for him returning to Konoha. Besides, it's like there was a silent agreement between them not to talk about the matter. He said he was content with them right now. However, she couldn't deny it.

She wanted him here with her. No hiding. No lying. No acting.

Maybe there was still hope, she would find out soon…


A month later, Sakura found herself in that certain inn again. In his embrace again. Currently, they were lying on the bed, enjoying each other's company.

"Ino and Shikamaru are going to get marry next week." She said.

"Hn, good for them."

"It's good to be married, don't you think?"

Sakura didn't need to look at his face to know that her words had caught him off guard. She could feel his body tensed and his hand stopped rubbing circle on her belly.

She took a deep breath before slowly turning to look at him. His stoic mask had returned to his face with those pair of onyx orbs staring intently at her, anticipating what she would say next. She knew that he knew what this was all about. Sakura had decided, she would try once again.

"Do you love me, Sasuke kun?"

"You know I do."

"Then comeback with me?"

There's an eerie silence between them with his gaze felt like burning her. But she wasn't about to back away and he knew it. She watched as he slowly reached out and pulled her to him once again.

"I will die..." His voiced was barely a whisper, full of bitterness and sadness.

Sakura smiled bitterly to his chest. Too true. If he returned to Konoha, they wouldn't let him just get away freely. There's a price to pay for his actions. Death penalty for him wouldn't be impossible. But still, the egoistic part of her couldn't stop hoping.

"I just want to be with you, Sasuke kun…" She said softly.

Sakura felt him pulled away and kissed her on the forehead. A rare, full of love gaze settled on her.

"Ne, if someday…" She began, looking straightly at his eyes, "If someday there was a chance, would you really comeback?"

"Would you really wait for me?"

She nodded.

"Hn…" He smiled. His eyes told it all. He said yes. And he didn't need to say the reason out loud.

'I too want to be with you…'

She smiled. Guess it couldn't be helped. She should just be more patient. For now, yes, for now, she would just accept it. The world where there were only her and him. The world which was separated from the world in which there were her friends and family. And she would keep waiting… until both of the worlds could unite one day. One day for sure…

To be with you…

Forever and ever…


Hmm, I see there's a hole to continue this story. But I dunno, maybe if I have some muses and more time to write. XD

I still have one story unfinished. That's my priority.

Thank you so much for reading. Feel free to leave your comment, or maybe an idea or two to help me continuing it lol

Have a good day to you, Dear Readers!

All hail the God of writing! Please, kill that pest called writer's block!