Chris: Previously on Survivor. 22 Canadians set out on the adventure of a lifetime. The started out just surviving the elements and deciding when it was their time to go.

Owen: I want out.

Justin: I want out.

Katie and Sadie: We want out.

Chris: But then, it was a whole new ball game.

Chris: One at a time, you will be voted out of this game.

Chris (narrating): Foa Foa attendend the first Tribal Council where the vote was close.

Chris: Heather, the tribe has spoken.

Chris (narrating): But then Galu became the underdogs when Noah and Beth went home. But Galu prevaled.

Chris: Galu, Galu, Galu wins Immunity!

Chris (narrating): The Foa Foa's voted out Leshawna, Courtney and Geoff. Then, the merger came and Duncan became the first juror member. After that, it was obvious tribal lines were gone when DJ and Bridgette went home. All the alliances were even. But a switch changed the game.

Chris: Drop your buffs.

Chris (narrating): They were seperated into two tribes again and Lindsay and Trent went home. Then the merge came again and Gwen was the only one without an alliance. However, she became very useful as a swing vote. The Cody, Tyler and Harold alliance stayed strong and they voted out Eva, Ezekiel and Izzy. Tonight, the final four will compete in their final Immunity challenges. Two will become the final jury members, two will face the jury and one will outlast all the rest.



The Final Four


the strategist


the nice one

39 Days


the smart one


The flipper

One Survivor

Total Drama Survivor


Night 36

Tyler, Harold and Cody all pound it.

Cody: The only way to guarentee one of us wins is to get Gwen out before the final tribal.


Day 37


Gwen: I got up this morning thinking that this Immunity is crucial for me especially because I know these guys won't flip on each other. If I can win this, I will basically cause the most hectic day in Survivor history.

Immunity Challenge

Chris: Come on in, guys!

Everyone walks in.

Chris: Ready to get to your Immunity Challenge. Here's how it'll work. You will all have cards with Survivor seasons on them. I will ask you about Survivor history. Every time you get a question right, you score a point. First person to three points wins Immunity.

Everyone gets a card.

Chris: In which Survivor did we have the Survivor's divided by race? Everyone except Gwen says Exile Island. Gwen says the Cook Islands. Gwen is right. Gwen has one point, everyone else has zero. Next question: In which Survivor did the Hidden Immunity Idol first start? Cody and Tyler say Guatemala. Gwen says Exile Island. Harold says Fiji. The correct answer is Guatemala. Everyone except Harold has one. Next question: In which season did a castaway outlast their entire tribe? Everyone says Palau. The correct answer is: Palau. Next question: What was the first season where old tribal lines stayed strong through the merge? Gwen says Borneo. Cody, Tyler and Harold say Thailand. The correct answer is... Borneo. Gwen wins Immunity.

Chris gives Gwen Immunity.

Chris: Gwen is the only one who is safe at Tribal Council. Harold, Tyler, Harold, one of you is going home.


Day 37


Gwen: Today, I won Immunity and cannot be voted off. Now, I just sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

Cody and Harold talk.

Harold: I want Tyler to leave. If you and me stay strong, we can vote out the original Foa Foa's.

Cody: I'll think about it.

Tyler and Cody talk.

Tyler: I always thought about it, and you and me have been the two major strategists and Harold has kind of been on the outskirts.

Cody: I agree.

Harold and Gwen are talking.

Harold: I talked to Cody about voting off Tyler, but I don't think he'll do it because they have been very close since the merger.

Gwen: I know, and I don't know which one of them would win if they were the final two.

Harold: Exactly, al least it would be pretty obvious to vote you to win, against any of us.

Gwen: Cody and I are pretty much not going home. Right now, I haven't made up my mind and I don't think Cody has made up his. It will be an interesting Tribal Council.

Tribal Council

Day 27

The final four walk in and place their torches in the slot.

Chris: I will now bring in the members of our jury. Duncan, DJ, Bridgette, Lindsay, Trent, Eva, Ezekiel and Izzy voted out at the last Tribal Council. So, Tyler, it was obvious that, you, Cody and Harold had an alliance. If Gwen didn't win, Immunity, would you have voted out Gwen?

Tyler: Yes.

Chris: Cody, You were the ringleader of this alliance. Where you on the chopping block?

Cody: I don't think so, but people could be going up to other people sying things about me, it's fair game.

Chris: Gwen, were you releived to win the Immunity challenge.

Gwen: Having this thing around your neck gives you alot of power, and You should not mess with the person that has Immunity.

Chris: Harold, afraid that it could be you?

Harold: The only person that isn't afraid is Gwen, so yes. This game changes all the time. You never know, Gwen could give up Immunity.

Chris: We'll find that out now. Gwen, givin' it up.

Gwen: Nope.

Chris: Gwen is the only one you can't vote for. Everybody else is fair game. It is time to vote. Gwen, you're up.

Gwen casts her vote.

Harold votes for Tyler.

Harold: It was either gonna be you or me.

Cody casts his vote.

Tyler votes for Harold.

Tyler: I didn't want to cast this vote, but I had to.

Chris: I'll go tally the votes.

Chris walks back.

Chris: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediatly. I'll read the votes.

Chris opens the box.

Chris: First vote, Harold.... Harold. That's two votes for Harold... Tyler..... Tyler. We have a tie. In the event of a final four tie, it either goes to past votes, drawing rocks or fire making. Cody and Gwen will decide your fate.

Gwen and Cody whisper.

Gwen: Drawing rocks seems like the only fair way.

Cody: Okay.

Cody: Drawing rocks.

Chris: Okay, here's a bag. Cody, Tyler, Harold, pick one and keep it in your palm. Don't look. On three, I want you to open your hand. The person with the purple rock will go home. One, two, three, open.

To be continued......