62. Magic: Little Sam reads about it and wants to know if it's real

"De?" four year old Sam Winchester came into the living room where his older brother was.

"Yeah Sammy?" Dean Winchester asked his little brother

"What's magic?" Sam planted himself on the floor in front of Dean.

"Why do you want to know?" Dean asked wondering where he had heard about it to begin with before he could tell his brother anything.

"It was on TV; someone made sottin dispear! But I still don't know what it is." Sam crossed his arms in front of his chest and pouted.

"Well it's a make believe thing where people can make things happen using powers."

"Like Stuperman?"

Dean laughed at his brother, "Kinda yeah."

"Okay, cool!" Dean laughed at the little boy again as Sam jumped up, "I wanna be a magic stuperman person too!"

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do with your magic powers?"

"Ummm, save doggies!"

"Ha-ha, that's my boy. Don't forget about the kitties."

"Oh yeah, those too! What would you do, De?"

"Hmm," Dean replied, thinking. "Fly to the moon, dance with elephants…"

"Really?" Sam interrupted, fascinated with Dean's sentence.

"Sure, why not?"

"I go with you too?" Sam asked.

"Of course."

"Thanks, De."

"You're welcome buddy."

Sam went into the bedroom and found his dad working at the desk. "Hi Daddy."

"Hey Sammy," John replied, looking away from his work to his youngest son. "How are you?"

"Good. Guess what?!"

"What?" John asked, picking up the boy and putting him in his lap.

"Me and De are going to the moon!"


"Uh-huh, and dance with elephants."

"How is this going to happen exactly?"

"With our stuper magicky powers!" Sam paused and then smiled at his father again.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup! Oh, and I'd save the sad puppies and kitties too! What would you do?"

"I'd give them all to you and your brother."

"Really?!" Sam exclaimed.


Sam's enthusiasm suddenly vanished. "But then you'll be sad."

"No I won't cause you and your brother will be happy."

Sam seemed to think about this before agreeing with his father, "Okay, but I'm gonna give you some of mine."

"That's very nice of you," John smiled and kissed the little boy's head. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Sam turned so that he could see his Dad's face better. "Daddy? Will you help me save the animals?"

"Of course I will. I wouldn't mind dancing with an elephant either."

"Yay! It be fun!"

"Yup, now why don't you run off and play with your brother?"

"Okay," Sam said and hopped off of his dad's lap. He turned around and gave John a hug saying, "I love you Daddy."

John gladly returned the hug. "I love you too, Sammy."