*Disclaimer* I don't own Digimon but that's okay.

Description: After Ruki rejects Takato's invitation to the Valentine Dance he stars to realize that everyone hates him and his condition (Schizophrenia) is getting worse. But why is Lee having second thoughts on the goggle-head boy....Yaoi / attempt of suicide.

My Broken hearted Valentine


Chapter One

Ruki looked down at her pack of cards. She reached down and was about to turn it over when someone knocked at the door. This better be good! She got to her feet turned, walked to the door and opened it to see a drenched Takato holding a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate in his hand.

"Uh .... hi Ruki .... uh ... I was wondering if you would .... uh ...."

"Just spit it out!"

"Uh, right. I was wondering if you would go with me to the Valentine Dance?"

She took one look at the soggy flowers and pushed him away with a disgusted look on her face saying that she hated flowers, dances and boys with goggles. Takato tried to open his mouth, but she just closed the door right in his face. He just stood there when Renamon appeared saying that he needed to leave. Takato never felt so humiliated or casted out in all his life.

Everyone hates me. I'm ugly, worthless, and I don't deserve to be a tamer.

The first three words echoed in his mind as he stared down at the rocks below. Why does everyone hate me so much? Where did he go wrong during the journey? He never could figure that one out. He always thought he was normal until he became a tamer and that's when his whole life changed. Takato really cared about his Digimon Guilmon and vice versa. The one thing he didn't anticipate was that his heart would set on a young blue-eyed tamer named Ruki.

She was a spunky eleven-year-old girl that took no shit from no one. Not even from her own Digimon, Renamon. Yes. She was a Digimon Tamer too. She had a class of her own and so did Renamon. They were both unique and divine with class and style. A style that stood out among him and his best friend Lee Jenyra.

He really wanted to jump. He really wanted to end it all. But something was holding him back. What was it? What was holding him back from ending all the pain he accumulated over the years - all the insults and heartache that people inflicted on him? Something always stopped him and drove. He always thought it was Guilmon. But it was something more that, something deeper.

"Takato, NO!!" It was Lee Jenyra; standing there on the south side of the bridge with great fear in his eyes shaking his head telling him not jump.

"No! Stay back!"

"No! I'm not going to let you! Now get down before you hurt yourself!" Lee panicked.

Takato looked down at the rocks below. He started to lean closer when his heart leaped into to his throat when he found himself falling forward. He closed his eyes ready to feel the pain but nothing happened. He opened his eyes looked up to see that Lee had caught him by the arm.

"Don't worry, I have you! Now pull!"

"I can't!" Takato panicked kicking his legs, trying to take hold of Lee's arm with his other hand.

"Takato, listen to me! I'm going to pull you up, and I want you to take hold of the railing and pull yourself up!"

The scared boy nodded his head as the dark haired boy started to pull upward. Takato took hold of the railing as soon as it was in reach. Lee pulled the boy over the railing. He fell back holding Takato, who had just pasted out. Lee partly sat up and looked down to see that he was leaning against his chest. Lee sat all the way up having his left arm around the unconscious boy.

Lee turned his head looking down at the rocks below, not even realizing that he was clutching Takato tighter. Questions rose in his mind. Why would he try to kill himself? Why didn't he come for help? Lee never saw Takato like this. He always saw his best friend happy, cheerful and caring. So why would anyone try to inflict so much pain to make him have suicidal thoughts? It started to anger Lee a great deal to see his best friend like this.

He looked down at his friend who was still out cold. He looked so fragile, so innocent, so ... attractive. Attractive? Now where did that come from? Where did all these feelings come from? The inside of his body started to shake, warmth growing to his cheeks. Why do I have this sudden desire to kiss him, hold him, and love him? Ugh!! What's wrong with me? Why do I have these feelings when I touch him?

Lee continued to look at Takato as he lifted his head. Their faces inches apart. He had such soft skin and his lips were soft and moist at his fingertips. Takato seemed to whimper as Lee brushed his lips against his. That's when he noticed that he was turning his face feeling his body tense up and shake and tears where coming out from under his eye-lashes. Lee watched with fear.

"Takato, snap out of it! You're having a nightmare!"

He opened his eyes as they widened with horror. The dark haired boy felt his heart racing when he saw it. Takato's lower lip was trembling, clamping his hands to his ears and shaking his head violently. Lee frowned in confusion.

"Stop! Make them stop!"

"Make who stop? I don't see anyone?" Lee asked looking around.

"They won't leave me alone! They keep calling me names! They say that I don't deserve to live!" He stated.

Lee could see the pain and helplessness in his eyes. He immediately took hold him by the arms pulling his hands away from Takato's ears making the boy look at him. The brown-eyed boy looked at Lee with tears forming under the circles of his eyes. Lee's heart was still pounding, but it was aching, aching because there was nothing he thought he could do to help.

He knew better than to think that Takato was crazy. Or possessed by a demon. It had to be more than that, then something so stupid. The thing that Lee didn't know was that Takato had Schizophrenia. He pulled his crush into a hug rubbing his back and stroking his hair.

"Shhh, I'm here now," Lee whispered in the boy's ear, "I'll take care of you."

Lee's voice and his touch were starting to calm Takato down as he took shaky breaths. Lee started to help him up saying that he was going to take him home. Takato just whimpered as Lee walked him home.

"Takato-chan where have you been," Mrs. Mastuda panicked holding her only son close, "I was so worried about you!"

Mr. Mastuda joined in the hug thanking the dark-haired stranger for bringing their son home. Lee couldn't help but smile as he put his hand on his friend's shoulder. Takato stiffened to his touch and he put his hands to his ears again. Lee's eyes widened with fear, moving his hand away immediately. Mr. Mastuda got up and ran to the back of the building to the bathroom to get the medication. Once he got back Takato was able to take it.

"Well, I should be getting home. I'll so you tomorrow, Takato."

The brown-eyed boy watched him leave trying to figure out why Lee saved his life. He was so gentle and warm when Lee held him; and his heart that he heard. That ....

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Takato never felt or heard anything like it. Okay, maybe when he was a baby lying on his mother stomach, he felt then but this something different, this made him feel more special. Takato closed his eyes not even realizing that he was smiling softly. His parents looked down at their son to see that he looked happy.

To Be Continued …