DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto, I never will.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Sasuke has a sexual obsession with the schools nerd, Sakura. Sakura whose Neji's secret fiancé. Neji, the one who has a possesive obession with Sakura.
"Why do keep staring at that freak? She'll loserfye you if you look at her any longer."
I stared at one of my best friends. Hyuga Neji, a feared name at Konoha High and a great ally. His cool with everyone. The only person he has a problem with is Haruno Sakura. I don't now why, but all he does is pick on her, and now that's our routine. Before school starts, bully the pink haired freak. Make her cry, and then after Neji is satisfied with his work, we give her our homework and leave.
"What the hell are you taking about? I wasn't looking at her. Your just paranoid."
He blushed, and that's fucking disturbing because Neji never blushes.
"I was just saying, lately you've been going soft on her."
"Neji, just because I don't scream at her every time I see her doesn't mean I'm going soft on her."
He glared at me. It's really pissing me off now, even if I did stare at her its not his god-damned business.
"What the fuck are you implying? Are you saying I'm taking this overboard. If so, don't fucking sugar coat anything and tell me what you the hell you mean."
His voice was acidic. If I was another person I would be intimidated.
"Shit, I'm not sugar coating anything. Bastard you fucking grab her shoulders until they bruise and tell her shes a worthless nobody. You won't leave her until shes in fucking tears, and then you throw your homework at her. Can you get any more degrading? Really much better then yelling at he-"
Before I could finish, he shoved me.
"I swear to whatever is up there, if you don't shove you fucking mouth close. I'll personally kill you."
I never saw him like this before. It surprised me, and damned well pissed the hell out of me. Before I could kick his ass, he left. Just vanished, and I have a fucking good idea where he went.
She spun as fast as she could, and saw him. He never bothered her in the middle of school. The glint in his eye had defiantly told her not to dare try to run away. Strength and confidence is her only friend right now.
"Yes, Hyuga-San."
He came closer to Sakura, and she walked back. He was so intimidating and she was so scared. Sakura soon felt a wall hit her back, and he was so very close to her. He moved his head behind her shoulder and chewed on Sakura's ear.
"Sakura, you know I fucking love you. Right?"
He whispered in my ear though his clenched teeth in his raspy voice. He had always told me, in the middle of my bullying. When his partner in crime wasn't looking, of course. That made her all the more terrified of him.
He didn't let her talk to any guys, he kept tabs on her. Spies, he knew absolutely everything about her. Where she lived, who she had a project with. Her schedule. Everything.
He was frighteningly possessive. He beat this one guy up, that wanted to be my friend. Instead of using me as a excuse, he told everybody the kid looked at Neji funny. It made him infamous. Soon though I found out that it was a warning to me. He fucking told me, no body-especially the opposite sex, can come close to me.
He walks and talks to me like he owns me. He said when he makes me cry, it made him feel better, because my eyes were prettier. Whatever made him feel better, she was obligated to fulfill them. He had a set of rules she had to follow. How she dressed, how she acts. Everything, and it killed her to follow them. But she knew the consequences of not following them.
He hit her. He never hit my face, but everything else was acceptable. These were no morning-before-school-starts beatings. These were, full on cigar-burning shoe-hitting beatings. He would came over my house. Nobody has ever known, and even if they did they wouldn't help me. I tried numerous times to get myself out this nightmare. Never once did it succeed. In fact it made my life more caged. He found out, and he took away my ability to have a key.
Now, you ask me, who and how did Neji get this ability to control my life? Well the matter of the fact is, my parents. My parents who I thought loved me and cared for me, gave him this power. They engaged me to him when I was twelve and he was fourteen. In the beginning it was never abusive. He could care less of my glasses wearing, long skirted dressed and freckled face-pink headed self. Soon, though he slowly tried to control my life.
It started with "I don't like the blue skirt, wear the pink one." I thought he was trying to start a conversation, or in some way make a connection with me. But I soon found out, that it was his first attempt to control moi. From then on, my life has revolved around his. Funny though, only his family and mine, know that we're engaged. He tells me, people will hurt me if they find out we're engaged. Fact is, the only person that hurts me is him. Despite all that he has done, the saddest fact of this all, is that I love him. I love him so fucking much, It hurts.
She broke down, I didn't even hit her. She just broke out a cry, and covered her face with her hands. I panicked. Maybe Ami was bothering her again?! Or Ino called her forehead. I wasn't sure, and that frightened me the most.
"Sakura whats wrong?"
I whispered once again. She sniffed and looked up at me, even though her glasses I saw her beautiful green innocent emerald eyes. She shook her head horizontally to claim nothing was wrong. That furthermore frightened me. I panicked.
So I acted like I always do, when scared. I shook her. Hard.
"Tell me now!"
There, their was the voice she would listen to. The voice that gave authority, and the voice that made her stand tall through the storm. My voice, and I fucking loved it.
"I'm sorry Hyuga-san. Its just my stomach hurts."
Lie. She fucking lied to me. To my face. Who the hell did she think I am? An idiot? I was so frustrated, I grabbed her hair. I pulled it, and she cried harder. It annoyed me, I loved her eyes when she cried. I hated her voice. It made me feel guilty, and I hated giving her that power.
"Shut up, now. Stop crying, swallow your tears and tell me what the hell is wrong."
I forced her to look at me. I still had my hands through her hair.
"Noth-nothing. I'm just tired of school and homework. I'm just ti-tired."
There it was, the guilt. It turned my stomach. Watching her like this, she looked dead. She was tired, and I was just adding to the stress. I picked her up, and held her very close. She put her arms around me, and my heart fluttered. Her chest bumped my stomach. I bent down to kiss her on the lips. But that fucker interrupted me.
I grabbed Sakura, before Neji could molest her. I never knew that Neji had this disgusting obsession with her. I would have never helped him make her life hell. Man, was I a dumb fucker. I saw the signs, but I ignored them. Now that dumb-ass Hyuga was venting out his sexual frustration on the one person he could control.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?"
I almost yelled. He glared at me, with hatred I had never seen in his white eyes. Sakura was cowering behind me, where I held her place. I could tell she was panicking. I couldn't understand this at all. Neji with Sakura? How? When? And for the love of God, did he have to try to corrupt her innocence?
"Give me her. Now."
Nothing in his voice gave the space to question. Though I knew him, and that was the voice he used to claim control. I would never let him have the satisfaction that I gave in to his fake authorial voice.
"I give her to you, so then you can rape her? I always wondered why you gave her the time of day Neji. Now I understand, you have this obsession with the weak. Your lucky I don't have the police all over this place."
He smirked at me, the white-eyed bitch smirked at me!
"Go ahead. Call the fucking cops, so I can tell them your keeping my fiance hostage."
I've never been so surprised in my whole life. My mouth literally hang open. Sakura was trying to loosen my hold on her hand. I tightened my hold on her. The surprise caught me off, and now I was going through the denial stage.
"Your disgusting Hyuga, I figured you weren't this low, but now you just lowered my expectations. Your obsession has now made you delusion and you can't even see the realization that your living a fantasy world."
"No Sasuke, the only one living in a fantasy world is you. You can believe what you want, but fact is that shes mine. Let go of my fiance's hand, or I will not refrain myself from beating you to a bloody pulp."
I glared, I glared so hard the muscles around my eyes hurt. He glared back, but not at me at Sakura. I turned to look at her, and her gloved hand was clasped around mine. Like we were lovers. I couldn't help my heart flutter at the thought.
I saw her pleading eyes. Begging me to leave her alone, like when Neji was sick and I went bullying her by myself. The only time I actually touched her. I remember I had my face in her pink locks that smelled like sweet cherries.
Flashback, three months ago.
6:00 A.M. I just woke up from a night out partying with Neji. I drank so much, I can't remember anything.
"Sasuke-kun, come cuddle next to me baby."
Oh, well I guess I know what I did now. Ami wahname caught me up when I was drunk. Oh well, I fucked her before, no surprise I did now.
"Get out, bitch."
That's how I act with all the girls I sleep with. They're nothing to me but reputation gaining bitches.
When she left, my phone was vibrating. It was Neji, which surprised me cause Neji never calls me. Ever.
"Uchiha, listen I got a headache. I'm not going to school today."
"I got a head-ache too. Suck it up."
"Its bad, I have a cold also. No matter, just tell Sakura I won't be here today."
"Ha! You actually care if shes waiting up for you? Fuck her, don't worry. I'll do your job for today."
Click. I closed the phone right after. I didn't want him to deny me the right to bully her because he wasn't here. My head-ache was the last thing in my mind. I was thinking of Sakura. No matter how hard I tried, Neji never let me touch her. He said words were enough from me. Only he was allowed to touch her. Though he wasn't the leader of our two-man team, he was the leader considering Sakura. He has a possessive attitude dealing with her.
I came to school as fast as I could. This opportunity would never come again. So I would get as much skin on skin contact as I can. She was sitting there, by her locker. Reading some stupid mystery book. I slowly walked up to her. She didn't even notice I was there. Thats what killed me about this girl, she was so fucking clueless.
"Get up."
Finally she looked up, with frightened eyes. I narrowed my eyes, to show her I wasn't kidding. She got up immediately. Good.
I walked closer to her, I could smell her hair. A deep rush of adrenaline hit my veins. She was looking curiously up at me. Not expecting me to hit her without Neji with me. Ha, she thinks shes safe? I'll show her whose boss.
I grabbed the nape of her neck, and drew her face close to mine.
"Did you finish my essay."
She nodded, she was so scared. I loved it. Her eyes, her fucking eyes killed me. It looked deep through me, and it was like she was reading my fucking dead soul.
I smirked, and slowly leaned further down to her face. My lips were but a millimeter to hers. She was panicking, I could tell. I couldn't let her escape. So I grabbed her and locked my body on hers. I slowly grinned my body on hers, just for the feel. It was like heaven. She was so fucking soft, like nobody ever touched her. She was mine.
"Please, don't."
I felt a rush of adrenaline hit my lower body. It turned me on. How she plead. Oh, gosh I felt caging her and doing what the hell I wanted. Before I could my sexual fantasy go on, I felt water on my face. It was her tears, and it disturbed me. So I glared at her and said...
"Stop being such a baby."
She was crying again, and it down right annoyed me. So what if the Uchiha was crushing her hand? So damn what? did she have to act like a child? Could she give me some pride? No she couldn't, she was weak little Sakura and I was strong Hyuga, Neji. Does she not know my name? Does she not know what my image is?!
Without my fucking image, Ino would be still making fun of her!
And still be Sakura's friend.
Without my damn image she would never have been sought after!
The only thing people want from her is power. Shes weak, and you made her that. Your hellish image.
"I'm not cry-crying."
She choked out, and untied Sasuke's grip off her hand. She covered her face with her small petite hands.
I heard that fucker grinding his teeth together. Who that fuck does he think he is? I walked closer to him, I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact that he thought he was better then me. That he was better for Sakura. Maybe its because he looked at Sakura as if she was his.
With that thought I punched his hard on the Jaw. From then, all hell broke loose.
Authors Note: Yea, well I'm back. lol, like you wanted me back! ha! Yea, well I felt sadistic this time so I wrote my mood. HA! HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! EVIL CLOWNS KILL!
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