Paige lifted herself up to her feet. "God how many times am I going to fall today?" she complained.
As she massaged her head she noticed something that made her shriek. It was her hair! She looked down and saw that she was in her body again! "But how?"
She heard a groan and ran to it, noticing on the way that she wasn't in heaven anymore. The source of the groan was a young woman who was lying on her face and struggling to get up. Paige took her hand and helped her to her feet. When she saw who the woman was she almost lost her balance herself.
It was Prue!
"Prue…" she whispered.
Prue looked at her for the first time and had the exact same expression on her face.
"Paige, we meet at last." She said jokingly.
Paige grinned and embraced her half-sister that she had longed to meet.
Prue hugged her back and chuckled. "After this whole switch-up I feel like I'm hugging myself!"
Paige laughed with her and they both turned when they heard their mother's voice. She was grinning mischievously as she looked at both of them. "You are yourselves right?"
They all chuckled and hugged each other.
"Hem, Hem." Interrupted a voice from behind. They all turned to see a confused-looking Piper.
"Where the hell am I?" Patricia Halliwell smiled at her daughter and embraced her as well.
"You are all in limbo."
None of them said a word.
"Why?" Paige spoke up.
"Because the Elder's purpose isn't complete. They wanted Paige to see how much her sisters missed her and they wanted Piper and Phoebe to notice how much they missed Paige. Now Phoebe missed Paige which is why she's not here but Piper… you still have some unresolved issues with Paige that you need to work out. All of you. And until you resolve them, you won't be able to return to where you belong. Now I'll be going now, Prue I'll see you up there, I hope and Piper and Paige I'll always be watching over you." She blew them a kiss and orbed away.
"Mom can orb?" Piper questioned, surprised.
Paige and Prue looked at each other and laughed.
"It's a long story." Prue said.
Piper twirled a strand of her hair and didn't speak while Paige and Prue stared at the floor.
"Look we're not going to get anywhere if we don't talk. Piper why don't you start?" Prue suggested.
"I don't have any unresolved issues with anyone." Piper fibbed.
Paige scoffed.
Piper shot her a stern look. "What, Paige?"
"Nothing it's just that…. That is possibly the biggest lie I've ever heard. You hate me Piper and I want know why." Paige demanded.
Piper was taken aback. "I don't hate you Paige I just…"
"Strongly dislike me." Paige finished for her.
"Why Piper? What has Paige ever done to you?" Prue asked gently.
"Nothing! It's just… She's replacing you Prue! You die and she just shows up after 20 years right after you died, expecting us to welcome her in with open arms as if nothing happened!" Piper burst out.
Prue was horrified but Paige was furious. "I'm not replacing Prue, Piper! No one could ever replace her! And you make it sound as if I killed her so that I could worm my way into the family and that's not fair!" she retorted.
Prue placed a hand on both of them. "Piper, Paige didn't ask for this to happen. She didn't wish for me to die or anything. It just happened. Everything happens for a reason. And one of the reasons for me dying was so that you and Phoebe could find Paige. She's your sister Piper, and she's not here to replace me. She's here to be a part of the family and to be your sister and to protect you like I did."
She then turned to Paige. "And Paige, Piper doesn't hate you. She's just angry that I died and that she has move on so quickly in order to bond with you. And who cares if you make a lot of mistakes. If I had a dollar for every mistake we made when we became witches, I could buy Heaven!"
They all laughed meekly. There was a chiming noise and Prue sighed. "That's my cue to beat it. Piper, promise me that you will accept Paige as a sister?"
Piper nodded slowly.
"Paige, promise me that you won't beat yourself up over mistakes, and think that Piper hates you."
Paige smiled. "No problem, Mom." She giggled.
Prue smiled. "Thanks for bringing me back, kiddo. It was fun being you, even if it was only for a day."
Paige waved her hand carelessly. "Anytime sis, anytime."
Prue hugged her and planted a kiss on her head. She then gave Piper a sad smile. "I'll miss you. Take care of yourself." T
hey hugged each other for a brief moment and Prue wiped away a tear. "Well I have to go. And remember- I'll be watching over!" She waved and orbed away.
Piper and Paige stood there wondering what to do now. "So uh how are we going to get out of here?"
Paige shrugged but then got an idea. She held her hand out for Piper. Piper looked reluctant. "Trust me." Paige told her. Piper took a deep breath and took her baby sister's hand. They orbed away.
Paige came into the kitchen, holding a photo of Prue.
Piper was baking a cake and the aroma of candy filled the air. "What's up Candy man?"
Piper smirked. "Well, I'm baking a cake for the picnic and I decided to make the topping none other than candy!" she explained.
"Sounds delicious. Mind if I try some?"
"Help yourself. But don't eat it all, we still want some for the picnic today."
Paige dipped her finger on the icing and tasted it. "Tastes awesome but I can't help but feel that it's missing something…"
"Cinnamon!" they cried simultaneously.
They laughed and Piper searched the cabinet for some cinnamon. "So watcha got there?"
"Oh it's a picture of Prue, ever since I met her I can't stop thinking about what life might've been with her." Paige remarked.
Piper agreed. "She was a great sister."
Phoebe came in with a bottle of sparkling cider and she flashed them a huge smile. "Look what I got for the picnic!" she announced.
Paige giggled. "And I got the matching paper cups to go with it!" she took three paper cups from the chair besides her and she handed one to Piper and Phoebe. They each filled their cups and Paige raised hers.
"To Prue who's up there watching us!"
Before they could take a sip of their drinks, Piper raised her cup. "And to Paige, who's turning out to be an amazing sister!"
Paige gave her a heartfelt smile. "And lastly to the Power of Three!" Phoebe continued.
"I think you mean the Power of Four!" Paige corrected.
They all chuckled and raised their cups once more as they stared up. "The Power of Four Forevermore!"
Author's note: I hope you guys liked the story and thanks for the reviews! I'd like to thank my friend Rebecca for inspiring me to write this story. You rock Becca! Oh and sorry that there's a few inconsistencies in my story like the setting and the whole Grimlock thing. Anyways, I don't own Charmed and thanks again for reading!