Ok, ok, so this idea is the marriage of two very different ideas I had for two very different Star Wars AU fics. So here's the deal, an attempt by me to bring together a Han Solo linage fic with one about a force-sensitive Solo bloodline and a Han Solo illegitimate child fic. I'm not sure how much has been written fan fic or otherwise about Han's parents so I apologise if I am messing with established canon. Please, please bear with me; I really want this to work. (P.S. I have used the names that are widely accepted by canon to be Han's parents' names).

I don't own the rights to Star Wars or George Lucas' characters or any other the related works that I make reference to.

We begin many years before the events of Episode 4 with a young man in a bar...

Blood ties

Chapter 1- Solo's luck

Jonash Solo ran a hand across his tired face. It had been a long day. Too long. He sat in a bar that lay within the mid-stories of one of Coruscant's sprawling mega blocks. His feet ached from pounding the permacrete all day, his head throbbed from the acrid, headache inducing, fumes of the lower stories and one too many ales. The bar was dingy, with many of the corners inhabited by low lives that didn't have the self-preservation instincts to stay in the lower levels where they were less likely to be hunted and found by those who had placed bounties on their heads.

Every so often Jonash would see a faint spark of blue, the igniting of a dose of Glitterstim. No one batted an eye lid. Jonash looked down into his mug of Alderaanian ale and gave a long sigh as he looked at the face reflecting back at him. He hadn't shaved for days, his brown hair was beginning to become unruly and under his piercing green eyes were heavy dark circles. Picking up the mug, he downed the sour ale in one then gestured to the bar tender to bring him another pint.

Jonash though briefly about why he was ordering his fifth pint of ale then shook his head. No, he thought, I don't wanna be thinking about that. It was a number of things, in fact, that Jonash did want to think about, the first was the recent capture of his father, Den Solo, at the hands of a bounty hunter sent by Hutts. He didn't know if Den was alive or dead right now. Either way it didn't matter and Jonash, in truth, wanted to put that part of his past well and truly behind him now. The second was the recent loss of his job as gunner on a smuggling vessel. Frankly, Jonash thought bitterly to himself, I can do better than that bunch of Vrelts. Jonash was still young, granted, not yet twenty but his hot temper and smart mouth didn't help him make friends or keep hold of jobs.

"Credit for your thoughts sir." A voice said into Jonash's ear that made him turn. As if out of nowhere a young girl, about Jonash's age, had appeared on the bar stool next to him. She gave a playful smile before ordering two drinks. Jonash, despite his foul mood couldn't help but smile back at the girl. Her hair was a dark red that was tied back all except a single braid that she had tucked behind her ear. Her eyes were a glittering hazel, her smile just as sparkling. She wore a rugged tunic that was tan in colour, a similar colour to her trousers. She wore high calf work boots and a thick black belt but the one thing that caught the young space farer's eye was the lightsabre she wore on her belt half concealed by the folds of her tunic.

"Ain't you meant to be T-total or summin'?" Jonash slurred and the girl gave a shrug.

"Tell that to my Master then." The girl nodded to the man, in similar garb to herself, who came up behind her and, after thanking her for the drink headed over to a table near to one of the Glit-biters.

The girl took a sip of her pint, and Jonash could tell she was stifling a grimace. Clearly she wasn't used to drinking at all.

"Here, this'll be more to your taste." Jonash said offering the girl a sip of his ale. She drank down a mouthful and gave a nod.

"Yeah, better." She agreed and Jonash took her pint in exchange. He wasn't much of a fan of Corellian spiced ale but it would do.

"Jaina Zohar." The girl said offering a hand to Jonash.

"Jonash Solo." Jonash said in reply taking the girl's hand and flashing her his best, most disarming smile. He was sure she blushed a little, but that might have been because of the ale. She was beautiful, granted, but also serenity seemed to radiate from her, and that was, Jonash thought, the most beautiful thing about her of all.

Suddenly behind them was the sound of a commotion and the activation of a lightsabre. Jaina leapt off her stood and in a flash had her lightsabre, deactivated, in her hand.

"Jaina! Take the back!" Jaina's Jedi master said to her as he sprinted for the front entrance. Jaina turned to head off but on impulse Jonash caught her tunic sleeve.

"Will I see you again?" He asked breathlessly, taken aback by his forwardness. She seemed to contemplate the thought for a moment then answered with surprising certainty.

"Yes." Before dashing off into the darkness of the back of the bar and out of sight. Jonash sat for a moment before tossing several credits to the barman and walking out to get directions to the Jedi temple.

The short walk to the nearest information point gave Jonash a few brief moments to collect his thoughts. He wanted to see her again, despite her being a Jedi Padawan, if only to see her smile and listen to the enchanted sounds of her voice. Jonash realised this was probably the most impulsive thing he'd ever done. He reached the information point, which in this instance was an old Rodian male in battered overalls under a shop awning. Jonash got out a decicred and held it level with the Rodian's eyes.

"Directions to the Jedi Temple via the upper levels." Jonash said. The Rodian looked thoughtful for a second, then scribbled down some directions on a piece of flimsy after checking a small data pad.

"You after job there?" The Rodian asked in broken Basic.

"Jobs?" Jonash asked, trying to hide his excitement, trust the ol' Solo luck to strike again! He thought.

"For pilots and mechanics mostly. Always jobs at temple, bad pay, always jobs going." Jonash gave a brief smile at the news.

"You've earned it." Jonash said after taking the flimsy from the man and tossing him the decicred.

Just as the old Rodian had said, there were many jobs advertised at the temple for non-force users. The department was run out of an upper-level office that looked out onto the temple. It was run by a surly looking Jedi administrator who clearly believed that the force could be served through all works, even that of office admin. Although Jonash's references were bad, the pay and hours the temple was expecting were worse and so due to low applications, Jonash found himself hired as co-pilot on a diplomatic star ship, the Stellar Envoy. The Corellian YT-1300 stock light freighter had recently been acquired and refitted by the temple. The ship itself was unassuming and rusting round the edges despite a new paint job of blue markings and Jedi-senate insignias.

"What a piece of junk!" Jonash found himself saying the first time he clapped eyes on it.

"Don't knock her kid, she's more than she appears." Said the captain of the Envoy, a heavy set man called Mick Boon.

"I'll believe it when I see it.,," Jonash muttered before Mick lead him into the ship for the full, if short, guided tour.

The crews of the temple owned star ships and diplomatic vessels all lived in the underground quarters of the temple near to the vast power generators and water treatment reservoirs. The quarters were cramped, hot and sticky with low ceilings and rooms that quickly over heated when the generators where running at maximum. Jonash didn't mind really. He'd been living out of low rent flophouses for several months now and too hot was better than too cold and damp in his books. Even better than having a permeate roof over his head and steady work, during his time off he was able to visit Jaina in the upper reaches of the temple. When he had first managed to track her down the first thing she had said to him, with a coy smile was,

"I told you so!"

Although he was confined to certain areas, many of those where private enough for the pair to talk and get to know each other better over the following months. Sometimes though, the pair would go for weeks without seeing each other, and one day, when Jonash had been waiting several hours to meet up with Jaina she never showed. Feeling bitter, he'd gone out that night and drowned his strangely new found sorrow in several pints of ale. Days later Jonash caught Jaina outside one of the vast temple libraries.

"Jaina!" He called and she turned looking sheepish.

"Jonash... About the other day..." She said, suddenly sensing they were attracting attention to themselves Jaina dragged Jonash into the library then into one of the reading rooms connected to the main space. Closing the door, Jonash began to speak only to be hushed by Jaina with a raised finger.

"Jonash, I can't see you anymore." Jaina said looking down at the floor. Jonash took her by the arms and gave her a gentle shake.

"Why not?!" He exclaimed, feeling angry and hurt and rejected all in one.

"My vows, as a Jedi. I can't break them. I can feel your love Jonash, inside me I know I love you too and that's why... that's why... that's..." She broke off as Jonash hushed her works with a kiss.

In chapter two things get complicated with secrets that can't be hidden and surprising revelations. I know I'm messing which the cannon pretty thoroughly here but I am trying my best to stick to established continuity where I can, and only adapting it for the sake of this fic's continuity. Later on I'm going to be tying in some plot points from The Han Solo Trilogy (well worth a read by the way) but not to any great extend and I'll try to minimise plot spoilers.

Thanks for reading, please review all comments and critiques welcomed equally.

For those who are interested, The Stellar Envoy, is in fact The Millennium Falcon (check it out on the Star Wars Wiki, you can actually see her in Episode III), I stuck that bit in for a bit of fun. Also, Jaina's surname, Zohar means 'light' in Hebrew. I picked it 'cos, again, according to the Star Wars Wiki, Han Solo had a ship called Jaina's light.