Yeah, I lied. Again. Honestly, this will be the last time I revive this fic. A second coming is enough for anyone.

But as to why I'm reviving this… I was accepted into the college of my choice, a college considered on par with Stanford. I think it had a lot to do with my application essay… which was about this fanfic and the hard work and effort that went into it.

I promised myself that if I got in, I'd write this as thanks…

And happy one-year anniversary! I'm only a little over a month late.


A mountain's worth of stories spring up about him, the legends built around the Keyblade warrior told and retold through the ages.

But scant few of them factor in his companion's roles, their parts in the tale neglected.

Fewer still remember the faces encountered on his journey. Their stories stagnate and decay, reduced to little more than postscripts and footnotes.

History may have forgotten them, abandoned them to the ravages of time. Still they were there, playing an important part in the story. His story.

A true hero's defined by his achievements, remembered for his triumphs. But none of that would be possible without the people met along the way.

P.S. Birth by Sleep was AWESOME!