A/N: So... I did my best to improve my English spelling and grammar, I corrected most of my grammatical errors, hopefully it's not to hard to read.
Update 4/20/15: loll, since I'm not a native English speaker, I was never sure about the quality of my English. Brings back memories.
Lyrics: Closer, by Inoue Joe.
The Plot, I own The Plot, It is allllallllllll MINE! The whole PLOT! The story lines, everything!
Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto OWNS the characters, he owns them all.
Thank you for understanding. Y_Y (bow)
Now ON with the story... :D
~It doesn't matter~
Although we're right next to each-other...
I'm Invisible to her...
I'm Invisible to him...
But in the end,
It doesn't matter...
As long as we're together
It doesn't matter
Angels, And then they are... And there they fall...
Love is a funny thing... It makes you , and undoes you...
:. Both P.O.V's.:
They complete each others' sentences.
Like they say,
"Great minds, think alike"
Reading comprehension...
Sasuke. Sakura. ~Both of them~
-Lyrics , Closer by Inoue Joe. Eng Translation
When Two Worlds Collide,
-You've gotta be extra careful with
-The things that are close and dearest to you
-You know the closer you get to something
-The tougher it is to see it
It's been 3 months since I've been sitting next to him...
She's in every one of my classes.
But he doesn't really see me.
She doesn't really notice my presence.
Being my lab partner, we have a lot of projects together he and I.
But she still doesn't talk much to me.
We see each-other more often at school...
But when I look at her, she's not paying attention to me.
As painful as it is, watching him everyday...
Knowing she'll never be part of my world,
~In the end,
It doesn't really matter.~
Since I'm seated next to him in every class,
I get to see her everyday...
~It even makes me smile.~
-Explain to me all my happiness
-That you just experienced by my side
After a certain time, I was about to give up on him.
But when I saw her smile, I realized I couldn't live without her.
He was the most handsome being ever to lay foot on earth.
She was truly an angel.
Ino got together
With one of my buds , Shikamaru
They make a cute couple.
They sorta complete each-other.
~I wish we could be the same.~
-Or maybe you're so blessed in ways that
-You can't even remember it all
Naruto-kun finally remarked Hinata-chan.
That dobe's gonna have more problem with Hyuuga.
Neji and TenTen are perfect for one another ( He's the one who confessed, I was like OMG O_O!)
The All-Star sport Master and Mistress, guess they do match eh...
The only ones really left apart are me and Sasuke.
Oh well! It's been three months now, and she still doesn't show much interest in me.
~But I'm okay with that.~
-That you are standing here with me
-That you live and breathe and see and feel
-They're all little miracles and wonders
-Just by themselves.
As long as I get to be with him everyday,
More like just seat next to her, but it's the same.
As long as I get to gaze at his stunning features.
More like just stare at her radiant green orbs, although it's still the same.
As long as I get to look at his devilishly-angel-like face.
More like just see her smile...
~I'm okay with it.~
He might not see me like I see him...
Heck! She might even think of me as a Nerd-ish boy who doesn't like girls...
~But I don't care.~
-[Since] You've gotta be extra careful with
-The things that are close and dearest to you
-[And] the closer you get to something
-The harder it is to see it
The tougher it is to see it
And I'll never take it for granted
Before I wasn't sure of my feelings for him,
I didn't realize what I felt for her.
But now that I think about it,
I'm probably...
God forbids!
I'm totally Infatuated with
-It's fine to say "Never give up"
-Say "Keep chasing your dreams on
-But the more time you spend talking big
-The less you get done with life
:. Realization has dawned upon us.:
-I'll let that handful of courage in my heart
-Help me survive another day
- Sasuke-kun I love you.
- hn.
-And I'll never take it for granted
-Let's go!
~:Slow motion embrace:~
(Both the teenagers confessed to each-other out-loud.)
All this time, they had been standing in the Hallway, facing one another, staring intensely at each-other, silently, not saying a word until then.
Has they embrace each-other, Sasuke, cradling her softly. Both teary eyed, Happy Tears.
The halls we're silent from the moment their paths had crossed.
All the noise, the talking , the gossiping had stop until they'd both confessed.
And for the students all over the section who had been observing anxiously the "Silent Two Lovers" ( they're gossip name)
To Hug one another, jump up and down crying anime tears of happiness.
Cheers! Laughter! Chatter, Applause filled the hallways, crushing the previous tension.
The High-school's #1 Favorite Perfect Couple called "The Silent Two Lovers" just got together.
Even the principal and the teachers were dancing, throwing their files in the air.
Even they were celebrating ; happy for their students.
Karin also was applauding, for it was obvious that they both deeply loved one another, and that they were both made for each-other.
The End
A/N: Thanks! ^_^everyone who has been reading so far (1,700+ people). Even if they haven't replied...
Thanks! ^_^ everybody who has read and reviewed and those who are going to review.
It's the first "multichapter" story I have officially ended on I'm soooo Proud!
I had my fun writing that story. What I really liked, is the fact that their reciprocal love was obvious to everyone, but oblivious to them. Verifying this infamous french saying one more time, "L'amour rend aveugle" .
They're so in love with one another, they can't see it's reciprocal.
The whole meaning of the story title is the fact that they are angel-like people, they fell in love with each-other so much that it brought them to madness and so the devil caught them, thus why they've been behaving weirdly being hateful towards the rest of the world. As if to say, "If I can't be happy, no one will."
A/N : edit 4/20/15 woah, what's going on in this author's note section. Regarding the symbolism in the title, lolll, even though I wrote this story, I came to think of it as meaning that two worlds collided, you know? Like, Sasuke's and Sakura's. Hehe. What's that "angel-like people/ devil schwartz I wrote on top? And lmao... so pure... what was that? "Slow motion embrace?" Man, brings back the days.
Sorry I made you read my pointless rant so thank you thank you thank you for reading, and I hope you'll be reviewing ^_^
Btw, MERRY CHRISTMAS ! ( 3 days 2 early, it's my Christmas present to you all, since I'll be very busy that day, partying with my family.)
REVIEW! Your reviews make me wanna write more stories ^_^ so keep 'em coming !
-signing out-
Just8Reader. (Mary-Lynnette Redfern)