This is in first POV and I will tell you who's POV it is from. Set in the 1600's. I do not own Twilight! Wish I did though because that would be AWESOME! R&R!


She came in a box, with only a blanket to save her from the harsh winter night. A tag said her name was Isabella, and I couldn't just leave her there, lying on our door-step.

I bring her inside, box and all, and show her to me wife, Esme, who is about to have our second child. If it is a boy, what we have hoped for, I will call him Edward.

She isn't in labor yet, so she is still coherent. She says it was right to take the child in, and what is another child? We can cope.

We decide to not tell the other children that she was an orphan, for the oldest is only three and they would not understand. We shall say they were twins.

We won't tell Isabella about her heritage either, for who would want to know that their parents didn't want them?

Now that I think of it, who is her mother and Father? Are they alive? Are they healthy? It's not everyday a baby gets dropped off at the palace.

I take the baby to the fire to warm up and tell one f the servants to get some warm milk. Then I here moaning from behind me. It's time.

I yell for the doctor, for he has been here for three weeks just in case the baby came early.

He comes running into the room and immediately starts telling the servants what to do. Get fifteen rags, a gallon of water, a pitcher, two blankets, a knife for the umbilical cord.

I leave the baby with one of my most trusted servants and go stand by my wife. I dislike births, for they are way to gorey, but I need to be strong for my wife. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold her hand.

I open them when the doctor tells me that it's a girl. A girl! Who will inherit the throne?

Then the doctor says it's not done yet, that we will have twins. Oh, dear.

The second one comes out much quicker than the first, and the doctor proclaims it is a boy. Good.

When the doctor says they are both healthy he hands them to my wife. She cuddles them as I watch over them. They babies are darling.

I kneel down to coddle the babies too. The boy is Edward, and the girl is Alice. Then I remember Isabella.

I call over the servant and he hands the baby to me. I tell the two servants in this room and the doctor to pretend that Isabella was born with the other two. They all nod, for no one disobeys the king's orders.

Ta da! This is a prologue, so it's kinda short. Tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is welcome! Review!