There was a brief knock on the door before it opened and a male in his early thirties stepped in, glancing around. "I'm looking for Olivia," his voice echoed in the lab glancing around. Everyone seemed to be busy and no one paid any attention to him.

"What do you want with Olivia?" Peter's voice questioned raising an eye. He knew her colleagues with the FBI. This guy was not familiar.

"We're old friends," he smiled. "I'm Lucas. I was just in town, I thought I'd drop by, pay Olivia a visit."

Walter spoke up, an eager smile on his face. "She went for coffee! Isn't that grand!"

"Yes, Walter. Thank you for that." Peter answered rather annoyed that his father told this man anything about her whereabouts. "If you want to leave your number, I can give her a message and have her call you when she gets back." Peter felt Astrid's eyes on him, though she didn't say a word, she didn't have to.

"Oh sure." He handed Peter his card after scribbling his hotel information on the back. "I'm here until Friday." Lucas smiled, "it was nice meeting all of you---"

"Yeah, can't say the same." He muttered walking him out of the lab, shutting the door and tossing the card into the trash.

"Peter!" Astrid couldn't believe he just did that.

"It's for her own good," Peter breathed shaking his head. "That guy, is trouble." He wagged his finger towards the door.

"What guy?" Olivia asked stepping in, carrying several coffees in her arms, doing her best to juggle them as she handed them out finally taking a sip of her own. She had apparently just missed him.

Astrid smiled, "the one that stopped by for you. Lucas." Astrid could feel Peter's glare but didn't care! If Peter wasn't going to date Olivia then why couldn't she go out, have a good time?

"Lucas?" She nearly choked on her coffee. "Lucas was here?" He lived in Germany now. What was he doing in Boston?

"Yeah," Astrid nodded seeing the steam rise off Peter's head. "He left you his card with his hotel information but Peter threw it out."

Olivia couldn't help but turn on her heels, staring at him. "Why would you do that?"

Was she that oblivious to his feelings? Peter stared at her, trying to calm himself down. He didn't want to make a scene, not in front of Astrid and his father. "He's not your type."

Olivia laughed, "and you know what that is?" Sure she'd dated John, that hadn't been a secret but she didn't exactly write a book about her love interests. She hadn't taken out a personals ad. How did Peter know her type? Better yet, why had he thrown out Lucas' information?

"I'd like to think I know you, yes." Peter stared at her, refusing to back down. Though his eyes were on Olivia he could see Astrid pulling the card from the trash. He was going to kill her later.

"Well apparently you don't because I fully intend on giving Lucas a call." She felt Astrid drop the card into her hands. "Thank you. I'm glad I can count on someone in here."

"Ouch." Peter shot back, "just because I'm trying to look out for you—"

She abruptly cut him off. "I never asked you to look out for me, Peter. Never." She took her cup of coffee and stormed out, business card in hand.

"Damnit!" Peter hit his fist on the metal lab table out of frustration. Walter immediately jumped from the noise. "I'll be back." Peter announced needing some space and fresh air. He felt about ready to explode.

Walking outside he saw Olivia sitting on a bench with Lucas. Had he been waiting here the whole time for her to come back? It wouldn't surprise him! He knew the guy was a creep. Why didn't she see it too?

He stood by the front doors watching her, wanting to interrupt them but he knew it would just further frustrate her. He opted the path she wouldn't see, as her back was to him. Digging into his pocket he knew he was being childish but he couldn't help himself. He considered dialing her phone but he doubted she'd answer his call. She couldn't reject a text message. She'd read it. He knew that much about her. I'm sorry. He sent it, waiting for a response. A minute passed and then another. He continued walking, needing to get further away.

Finally he felt his phone vibrate and his heart skipped a beat. We'll talk later. He wasn't sure how he felt about her response. It wasn't a shock, he knew they'd be talking, he just wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. He couldn't very well watch her date some guy that was in town for a week.

Peter sighed finding a shaded seat beneath a tree. When had he become the guy head over heels for a girl? It wasn't like him. It wasn't who he was. Though who he was had changed since meeting her. Maybe he should have been grateful, Lucas would be gone in a week. Peter would have Olivia to himself. That is, until the next guy showed up. He couldn't take it. She had to find out the truth. He just wasn't sure how to do it.