A/N: This fic is the sequel to Summer of Secrets. If you have not already read Summer of Secrets I suggest you do so, as this fic will not make sense.

Disclaimer: I own a really soft pair of fuzzy socks, but I do not own Harry Potter.

A New Life


"Wake up, boy!" Petunia Dursley screeched through Harry Potter's closed bedroom door.

Harry rolled over in bed, groaning. He pulled the covers high over his head, trying to block out the sound.

"Are you awake?" Aunt Petunia rapped on the door.

"Almost." Harry groggily reached for his glasses on the bedside table.

"Well, get up! Dudders is up and wants his breakfast. You have work to do!" Aunt Petunia stormed off down the hall.

Not wanting to push his luck, Harry swung his legs over the side of the bed and slowly got to his feet. He stretched his sleepy muscles, yawning widely. He pulled on some clothes before he went into the bathroom down the hall. He sighed happily as he splashed cold water on his face. He quickly brushed his teeth and bounded down the stairs.

"It's about time," Dudley remarked, not looking up from the television when Harry entered the room.

"Nice to see you too, Big D." Harry smirked. Dudley looked up to glare at Harry, but quickly lost interest and turned his attention back to the telly.

Harry set about making sausage, fried eggs, and toast. When he was done, Harry set the food on the table and waited until the Dursleys had served themselves before he took the small amount that was left for him. His stomach rumbled as he swallowed the last bit of sausage, but he ignored it. After cleaning up the kitchen, Harry turned to the refrigerator door. As always, a to-do list was waiting for him.

Sighing unhappily, Harry stalked out of the house. He went to the garden shed, pulling out a pair of pruning shears. Harry yearned to be at the Burrow, the only place he would call home after Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He thought of Ginny Weasley, his beautiful and loving fiancée. Harry longed to hold her in his arms. It had been a month since he had seen her. Even though they wrote to each other several times a week, it was still harder to be away from her with each passing day.

To make things worse, today was Harry's birthday. He was finally seventeen. In the Wizarding world, Harry was legally an adult, meaning he could perform magic outside of school. But, of course, he lived in Little Whinging, surrounded by Muggles. Any act of magic would be against Wizarding law, as long as a Muggle was present. The only time he would be able to use magic was alone in his bedroom. Harry remembered the spell Professor Sprout, the Herbology professor at Hogwarts, had taught him in his first year at the school. It was a simple spell, but would prune any shrub instantly with just a wave of your wand. The end results were amazing.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Harry set about doing his work. The list was long. Of course, the Dursleys wouldn't give him any slack because it was his birthday. They didn't even acknowledge the day anymore. The fact didn't bother Harry, what bothered Harry was being away from Ginny, for any amount of time.


Harry was sitting at his desk working on a Potions essay when he saw movement down on the street below. He watched the figure intently, taking in the shabby robes and the graying brown hair. Suddenly he realized it was Remus Lupin, the last Marauder.

Thankful that the Dursleys were asleep, Harry stealthily made his way down the stairs. He opened the door right when Remus had raised his hand to ring the doorbell.

"Remus!" Harry exclaimed happily. Remus smiled widely, pulling the younger boy into his arms.

"Harry." Remus looked him up and down, searching to see if anything was off. "How are you?"

"Great, now that you're here." Harry paused. "Why exactly are you here?"

"Dumbledore sent me to take you to the Burrow. Unless you'd rather stay here. . . ." Remus trailed off, smiling slyly.

Harry beamed. "Give me a minute."

Taking the stairs two at a time, Harry hurriedly threw all of his belongings in his trunk. He knew he wouldn't be coming back here. Once he was satisfied he had everything he would ever want, Harry shrunk his trunk and cast a feather-light charm. He grabbed Hedwig's cage, thankful she was out hunting already, and bounded down the stairs.

"I'm ready."