Sorry for the delay… I had some things to take care of so I couldn't update the last chapter until today. So, I hope you like it and thank you all for your reviews. They really encouraged me; you should've seen me hop up and down of happiness every time I read one. Really, again, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat or any of the characters.
Skip Beat
Just a dream (IV)
Kyoko stared at the window of Ren's car. She wasn't able to look at Ren in the eyes, it was so… difficult.
"I remembered EVERYTHING, Kyoko dear. We have to talk."
His words resonated in her mind. Kyoko tried hard to see what was beyond those words, but their meaning was out of her reach. She was REALLY nervous.
Is he going to despise me? Send me away for letting myself carried away? Oh, no! What if he demands to finish things off! Oh, CRAAAAAAP!!
Ren looked how Kyoko freaked out next to him. He didn't say anything, but he was really nervous too.
Now I understand why she didn't tell me anything… How could she, after what I did to her. How could I call her 'sweetheart' and 'honey' and 'dear'? Curse my parents for that. What the hell was going through my mind?! I know the answer…! I was dreaming of a married life with her. We were married, so in my mind it was only natural to want to do that sort of thing with her. Why I didn't wake up?!
Ren sighed and then looked at Kyoko again, but she was too busy looking through the car's window. In attempt to release both Kyoko's and his own mind, Ren turned the radio on.
*… by the request of Reiko Minazawa, you will listen 'I touch myself' by The Divinyls. Enjoy!*
Kyoko looked the radio shocked.
What?! Is that song harassing me?!
*I love myself, I want you to love me, when I feel down, I want you ab…*
Kyoko turned the radio off quickly. Panting, she looked at Ren, who was looking at her, and blushed. Then, she continued to look out the window.
Why is that filthy song everywhere?! It wants to drive me mad?!
Ren looked at the road.
I never thought that she, being all naive and innocent, would know that song. I somehow understand why she turned off the radio, but why like that? She just could turn it calmly… But suddenly, he understood. And he blushed like a school girl.
"Ok, Mogami-san. We're here." said Ren, as composed as he could.
"Y-y-y-your apartment?" said Kyoko, scared.
I don't want to go in there! In that apartment, strange things happen!
"Well, we have to talk in a place where no one is going to disturb us. Or would you like to go to a restaurant or maybe a hotel?"
Kyoko weighed the options. And agreed with Ren.
"What would you like to eat?" asked Ren to Kyoko.
"Anything is fine with me, I'm not really hungry…" said Kyoko, looking for a place to seat.
The couch: no. That thing starts weird things in me.
"Then, I'm not going to eat either."
"No! You have to eat!"
"Then choose something, Mogami-san."
"Ahm… Italian food would be great."
"Italian it is, then."
Kyoko felt like the apartment was filling her with all this weird and lustful energies. She was putting on a fight, but the energies were really strong.
"Mogami-san, shall we start?" said Ren, indicating her to seat in front of him in the coffee table.
Kyoko looked at the table, trying to find a way to start the conversation.
"Mogami-san." Kyoko flinched and then looked at him shyly. "Why would you tell Fuwa-san what happened between you and me?" Kyoko stared at him in disbelief.
"I didn't tell him…"
"Then why would he go at my work to discuss what I did to you?"
"He WHAT?!" Kyoko couldn't believe that asshole of Sho. I'm going to kill him! Her demons appeared like a wave, threatening to crush everything.
"Well, to be fair, if he didn't have faced me about that, who knows when I would've remembered" said Ren, making Kyoko's demons disappear.
"I just told him…" whispered Kyoko.
"You told him that I loved you, which he understood pretty well, if you ask me."
"What do you mean?" Ren sighed.
She can't tell, can she?
"What I'm trying to say here, Mogami-san, is that you should've told me something BEFORE saying anything to Fuwa. That would've worked perfectly, because I would've remembered everything in the moment."
"I couldn't do that, Tsuruga-san."
"Because… I vowed to myself that I would never tell you."
"Why, Mogami-san?" said Ren, surprised.
"Because…" 'Because I was afraid that you would… depise me…for letting myself carried away, and also I enjoyed all the things you did to me, and they keep jumping in my mind, making me all horny, and then, oh, then it came that infamous song! That was a low blow from the music, making me wonder if I could… actually do… what it said… The lyrics were so… right… and I'm ashamed of myself because of this feeling and thoughts!' Sorry, I cannot tell you that, Tsuruga-san. "I thought that… would be better if you didn't remember what happened" said Kyoko blushing and looking sideways.
Ren looked at her. He was really sorry for all that she had to been through, on one hand. But, on the other, he wondered if Kyoko enjoyed some of the things. If he remembered correctly, on one point she actually let herself to the mercy of 'Ren Tsuruga- husband'; otherwise she wouldn't have kissed him passionately and treated him as 'sweetheart'. What was more, she asked to be tasted and then, made Ren promise to continue later.
Ren's face light up with a mischievous and lustful smile.
I'm going to make you call me 'sweetheart' again.
"Could you please wait a moment, Mogami-san?" said Ren, his voice composed.
"Of course, Tsuruga-san."
What am I going to do?! Tsuruga-san must be so angry because Shotaro went to face him… I shouldn't have said anything to him…
"Ok, let's continue." Ren sit on the floor.
"Was someone at the door?"
"I thought I heard something, but it was nobody." said Ren smiling. "Now, Mogami-san, do you… have something to say about what happened this morning?"
"I mean… you did try to wake me up, but your efforts… diminished while things were getting further…" Kyoko blushed. "So, that's why I want to know what was in your mind at the moment."
Kyoko was freaking out again.
"Well, at first the only thing I was thinking about was waking you up, Tsuruga-san…" said Kyoko shy. Don't ask me any further!
"And then?"
"Well…" said Kyoko, her voice shaking "it's a little fuzzy right now…" That's right, deny everything, Kyoko!
"Why is it fuzzy now? In the morning you remembered it well enough?" Ren was enjoying himself.
"Ah! No! It's not like that!" Kyoko frenzied. "Ahm… it's just… I felt a little… intoxicated…" she said, in a shy whisper.
"Intoxicated, ah?"
Kyoko looked Ren out of the corner of his eye. And she saw the Emperor of the Night smiling at her. She closed her eyes, but the feeling of his look on her skin was undisputable. She could feel the hot and burning feeling inside of her grow to unexpected limits.
Control yourself, Kyoko! You can't be swept away again!
"Well, I think is understandable. I mean, it was your first time feeling the touch of a man…" said Ren, implying that she would've felt the same if it was other man.
"I… I don't think it's really like that…" whispered Kyoko really low, but Ren heard her perfectly.
"And why do you think that?" Kyoko jumped at the question and looked at him shyly.
"Because… I-I know that if it was another man I would've screamed and fought and…" Ren interrupted her.
"And why do you think you didn't?"
Kyoko took her time to answer.
"Because… it was Tsuruga-san… somehow it felt…" It felt so right… I WANTED in the bottom of my heart to let me be with him…
Kyoko opened her eyes astonished with her own revelation. No, no, no, no, no, no! That can't be right! But… that was how I felt at the moment…
Kyoko suddenly stood up and went to the door.
"Mogami-san, what are you doing?!" asked Ren following her.
"I can't stay any longer, Tsuruga-san!"
"But, why?!" said Ren, grabbing her arm.
"Because… because I cannot let me swept away by someone who doesn't love me! Even if… even if I desire him!"
Ren didn't expect that. He never thought that Kyoko would ever tell him those words. Maybe something like 'I can't be here because I'm ashamed', where he could convince her and enrapture her, but NOT something like she said.
Kyoko closed her mouth and put her hands on it. I've said too much! I wasn't going to say the truth! It escaped from my mouth! Now what do I do?!
"Mogami-san." Kyoko looked at him. "Do you… desire me but don't love me, or you desire me because you love me?" Kyoko kept staring at him.
"I… don't… know…" she said, really low, still her hands on her mouth.
"Let's find out, shall we?" said Ren, inviting her again to her apartment.
She sat on the couch, hands over her legs, without looking at Ren.
"You know, Mogami-san, someone told me once that when you love someone you feel happy with the little things, like looking into his or her eyes, or that only looking at his or her face pick you up from a bad day…" Kyoko looked at him in disbelief.
Is he using my own words?! The things I said to him?!
"At first I… didn't believe him…" It was a chicken after all, how could he know more than I did? "But, then, he made me realize that I was falling in love with someone… and when I found out what it was in my heart, that incredible feeling grew amazingly fast and… made me want her, lover her with all my being…"
Who could be the person he is talking about?
"So, I'm asking you, Mogami-san… when you look into my eyes, when you hear my voice, when you know I'm around, do that things make you happy and warm from the bottom of yourself?"
Kyoko blushed as she found her answer. When I'm with Tsuruga-san I feel protected, safe, I want to take care of him, caress his hair… I just want to be with him… It's so different from what I felt towards Shotaro…
Kyoko looked at Ren with huge brilliant eyes, and softly, she smiled. Ren understood her answer and leaned to her to kiss her gently.
"Then, it's ok to do whatever you want to do, because, Kyoko dear… I love you." whispered Ren softly to her mouth. Kyoko shed a happiness tear and she kissed him.
Ren laid her down on the couch and started kissing her neck softly until he base, and then got up and kissed her cheek with little and moist kisses. Kyoko didn't know what to do, hell; she never had been in this situation before.
"Kyoko, do whatever you feel like to do now." whispered Ren, reading her mind.
So, Kyoko caressed a little Ren's hair, staring at his eyes, and then she kissed her neck, gently trying to have little pieces of him. Kyoko felt how Ren had goosebumps and giggled a little.
"What are you giggling at, dear?" said Ren to her ear.
"That I give you goosebumps, sweetheart. Who would've thought that the great Ren Tsuruga could have goosebumps because of an amateur like me." answered her.
Ren blushed embarrassed. Kyoko giggled some more.
Ren smiled and licked her neck, every time starting nearer her breasts. Kyoko moaned a little, offering Ren her neck. He nibbled it softly and licked a little her left earlobe. Kyoko felt how all these new sensations were filling her with a hot feeling that spread all inside of her.
Ren pushed up her sweater and shirt but without uncovering her breasts, leaving her abdomen in plain view. He kissed and licked it, enjoying the warmth of her skin. Kyoko looked like Ren was caressing her with tenderness, like she was so precious that he feared hurt her.
Kyoko took off her sweater and shirt, and smiled to Ren, who was looking at her bewildered.
"You told me that I could do whatever I felt like it."
Ren smiled back at Kyoko, and draw a line of kisses from her belly to her mouth, which was eaten with passion. Ren placed his hands in her tiny waist and hugged her, resting his head on her shoulder.
"I've waited for so long, Kyoko… It felt like an eternity…"
"Well, it wasn't THAT long, you know? It's just that… I didn't realize…"
"I know…"
Ren kissed lightly the part of Kyoko's breasts that came out of her bra. He didn't want to rush things, he wanted to enjoy as long as possible, because if this was another of his dreams, then he decided to make the most of it.
Kyoko liked to look at Ren while kissing her. How he closed his eyes, just absorbing her in every kiss. Then, she slipped her hands to her back and undo her bra. She had curiosity to see how Ren would look at her breasts, how would he treat them. If she remembered correctly, Ren was going to savor them as much as he liked.
Ren surprised again. He just pushed lightly her loose bra, and there they were; those beautiful and sweet breasts of hers, inviting him to taste and play with them. He couldn't refuse such a delightful experience.
First, he cuped them with both hands and squeezed them a little, which made Kyoko moan. Then, he licked one nipple while playing with the other. Kyoko moaned some more, biting her lip. Ren was so ecstatic, so happy and so horny. He sucked the breast he had been playing with, and then the other, and after that licked them as much as he could. At the side of one, he sucked and nibbled a little, leaving a hickey without her knowledge.
Kyoko was really aroused. Her skin begged to feel him, so she pushed him a little from the shoulders and unbuttoned his shirt, just to feel the sensation of their skins together. Ren got out of his shirt as fast as he could, and then kissed her rather desperate, hugging in desire. They were kissing and touching so hard, that they fell to the floor, Kyoko over Ren. They looked for a moment and smiled. Kyoko started to kiss him all over his broad chest and torso, caressing his silhouette. He was exquisite to her mouth, a taste she would not imagine existing in the world. Ren was enjoying. Not even in his best dreams felt what he was feeling now, in fact, in his dreams he was doing the entire job. He never imagined that Kyoko actually would kiss him like she was doing now.
Kyoko kneeled on top of him, looking a little embarrassed.
"R-Ren… could you please… take off my clothes?"
"It would be my pleasure."
He sat on the floor and kissing her belly, unbuttoned her pants and slid them down. He saw a cute pale pink panty and caressed Kyoko's thighs gently. Kyoko repressed a moan, feeling him so close of her feminine folds.
"Kyoko, you're almost dripping down here… I can smell your excitement… it's so appealing…" said Ren, feeling like his own manly part was throbbing desperate.
"Don't say that kind of things…"
"Oh, I wonder what will happen if I slide mi fingers in here" said Ren, sliding his fingers and looking at her every moment. He didn't want to miss her face, moaning loud.
"It… feels… so good!" moaned Kyoko.
"I know how make you feel even better."
Ren laid her on the coffee table and gently pulled off her panties, leaving her naked. He stared for a moment the image: Kyoko, beautiful as she was, sweating and excited on his coffee table, ready for him to taste her. He knew he never would be able to forget the image.
He introduced his middle finger in her, without missing her moans, and moved in and out, slowly. She was really tight and wet; her folds were almost swallowing his finger. He introduced one more and moved them a little faster, making Kyoko scream with pleasure. Then he licked her clit with the tip of his tongue, slowly without stopping his fingers. She tasted so godly, a mixture of so many things that made him so excited, that had to control himself to hold his orgasm. He took off his fingers and licked her womanhood entirely, savoring her fluids. Kyoko moaned and screamed, feeling how her body was about to explode from the pleasure.
"Ren… take me…" whispered softly.
Ren got on top of her.
"Are you sure? Are you ready?"
"Yes." said Kyoko smiling. Ren smiled back.
She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down together with his underwear. Ren felt how he ached to be inside of her.
"If it hurts too much, we can switch to a position where you feel more comfortable, Kyoko." said Ren before going into her. Kyoko nodded and he pushed his manhood slowly inside of her.
Kyoko hugged Ren. It felt good, but at the same time, it hurt too much. Ren pushed a little more, but noticed how Kyoko was trying to endure the pain.
"You don't have to endure the pain, Kyoko dear, you have to enjoy it. Come on, let's change the position." said Ren standing back and holding out his hand.
"But, ahm, Ren… isn't it supposed to hurt?" asked Kyoko innocently.
"No, it doesn't. The point is that you enjoy what you're feeling, not waiting for it to be over." said Ren, sitting on the couch.
Kyoko looked at him puzzled, and then her eyes wandered for all his body, specially that part she hadn't seen. He was so handsome and manly, like a modern Adonis.
"Ahm… Ren… are you sure that your… your… your manhood… is going to fit in me? I don't see that's like it…" Ren smiled.
"Yes, I'm sure it will fit you." he said, giggling.
"Because… now I understand why it hurts so much…"
"Come, dear, I'm waiting for you…" said the Emperor of the Night.
Like a lamb, Kyoko walked to Ren, and then straddled him. The tight sensation was new to Kyoko, but it didn't hurt anymore. In fact, it felt great. Oh, so great.
She started moving up and down and Ren placed his hands on her hips, making the penetration go as deep as he could. Kyoko screamed with pleasure, saying Ren's name over and over again. Ren was so excited and so aroused by everything, specially the tightness of Kyoko's folds that he too moaned and screamed her name. When both of them felt the explosion of pleasure at the same time, they screamed their names at the top of their lungs, to then melt together, panting.
"You heart is racing, Ren."
"Yours too, Kyoko." he caressed her hair.
"I love you, Kyoko dear."
"I love you, Ren dear."
"I'm a little late, I hope the client doesn't get angry at me." said to himself the delivery boy.
When he arrived to the direction he got, saw an envelope on the door addressed to him. He opened it and inside was a note that said:
Here is the money for the food. The change is yours. Please, leave the food at the door. And DON'T RING THE BELL OR KNOCK AT THE DOOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Thank you.
Ren Tsuruga.
Ok, here is the last chapter… It was the most difficult to write, but as the same as the previous ones, I had soooooooo much fun. It's a little lovey-dovey but I felt that Kyoko would never do anything just for lust, especially with Ren. So, I hope you like it and this is the final chapter for this story. But worry not, I'm thinking about a 2° story, that would be the sequel of this one.
Oh, by the way, I hate the cliché that your first time always hurts; that's not true, as Ren said. And please, do not imitate Ren and Kyoko's reckless behavior regarding sex, please protect yourselves, use condom or any other contraception devises. Bye-bye!
Ren: *looking at Kyoko* you have to go clean yourself now.
Kyoko: ah?
Me: go to the bathroom and clean yourself. You're dripping the carpet.
Kyoko: *freaking* NOOOOO!! REN'S EXPENSIVE CARPETS! *runs to the bathroom*
Me: *looking at Ren* you should clean yourself too…
Ren: I'm waiting for Kyoko to clean me up *smiling*
Me: I don't think she's going to do that now…