So hey everyone. This is Yami and my try at an X-men fanfiction. I'm not sure how it will turn out but I feel pretty proud about this first chapter. Their is some Evan bashing so sorry about that if you like him. Pietro hates him, what else am I supposed to do? Just kidding. So I hope you like it and will continue reading future chapters. Please review (positive) if you don't mind. Next is the fuller summary. I wish they gave us more room to write them. By the way, this isn't a story about Pyro and Quicksilver together or anything, just picked those to characters for reasons you will find out if you read ; )
Full Summary- Madilyn Allerdyce just a normal girl, at first. But with some time she finds out about her best friend being a mutant and her brother who is the same. After she discovers her own powers, what will happen? Love, betrayal, friendship, action, family issues. But one question is above all others. 'Where do you're Loyalties lie?' Pietro/QuicksilverxOC Rated T for some teenager moments/terms and some fluff.
And so I can get this sad part over with, I do not own any characters, terms, places, etc from X-men evolution unfortunately. All I own is my character, and this story, so yeah....
It was just an ordinary day. Nothing interesting was happening at PS 104, a high school somewhere around New York City. Classes went on, students ate lunch, monotone teachers filled the rooms. Just like any other school day.
At this time, young Pietro Maximoff was sitting at his lunched table with what were supposedly his friends. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in, arms folded across his chest, with his feet propped up on the lunch table. He was bored out of his skull and just had more classes to attend, and after that he would only go home to find more boredom.
All of the other guys at Pietro's table were made up of the basketball team. To him, they were a bunch of air headed losers who all thought they were great players. He thought, no he knew, they wouldn't be even fairly good at the game if he himself wasn't on the team. The worst of all them though was Evan Daniels.
Always running around the court, saying how great he was. Pietro couldn't stand it. He had moves Daniels couldn't dream, but no. The coach was always having everyone "pass to Daniels!" And the girls, they were obsessed. "Oh, Evan's so fast." "Evan's so great." "Evan's the best." "Did you see that move Evan did last night?" They went on and on, sickening. While Pietro was the one who was the fastest, smartest, he was just plain better.
The bad thing about all of those thoughts, only Pietro and one other person believed it to be true. Who is this other person you might ask? None other than Madilyn Allerdyce. The one person who would back him up with anything, and his best friend.
And at the moment Pietro's thoughts wandered to his friend, she came running over to sit beside him. Her dirty blond hair, that went to a little past her shoulders blew behind her as she joined her friend. Pietro lit up, he finally had someone intelligent to talk to, but was annoyed when some of the other boys at the table wolf-whistled at her. She just rolled her green eyes in response.
"Hey," Madilyn greeted, messing up her friend's hair and setting her food try on the table. Pietro smiled, until his hair was messed up. In the blink of an eye, he pulled a comb out of his back pocket and it was back into place. Still standing, Megan took the chair that her friend had his feet propped up on and sat down, with his shoes clunking on the tile floor.
"You know I was sitting there right?" Pietro asked with a smirk.
"You were?" Madilyn replied with a smile, "Didn't notice." She smiled again and took a bite of her apple.
"Hey," To Madilyn and Pietro's dismay Evan Daniels was speaking to them, along with his basketball buddies. He had a mischievous grin on his face when he continued, "Are you two going to admit you love for each other already? Or are we going to have to wait for next year?" A few of his friends were making faces imitate kissing while others were laughing.
But this comment caused Madilyn to slightly blush. She was a girl after all, it couldn't be helped. Through their friendship, which started when the two were about six, she had developed what she called 'a very ity-bitty tiny, little' crush on him. Before she knew it, Pietro, who was now sitting up right in his seat, through his arm over her shoulder. What was he up? the girl wondered.
"You know Daniels, I'll admit it as soon as you admit that I'm better then you. We have a deal?" Pietro told Evan, again letting his signature smirk creep across his face. Evan let his mouth open, as to say a come back, back closed it and didn't say a thing. "That's what I thought." Evan turned back to a conversation with one of his friends, Pietro put his arm down and did the same.
"So why are you so quiet?" he asked Madilyn, who was still munching on her apple, ignoring the nachos on her tray that were getting cold. She didn't feel that hungry for some reason. The girl noticed her friend eyeballing them so she shoved the tray in front of him. He scarfed them down while she answered.
"Wondering why you're always talking, and now eating, so fast these days," Madilyn replied, watching in awe as all of the food was gone by the time she was done talking. She chuckled, "If you get sick it's not my fault."
"Tell ya' why after the game tonight," Pietro said, the bell blaring loudly as he did. He stood up along with Madilyn, who noticed her tray that she was going throw away was gone. Pietro continued, "But you've got promise you won't freak out or anything."
"Alright." she agreed, "But this better not be another one of your weird stunts to-"
"It's not. And that was a joke by the way!" he called behind her as she walked out of the cafeteria to her next class.
"Get the ball down there Pietro!" Madilyn found herself shouting later on the same day. It was a basketball game for her school so she had to be there. She was decked out in dark blue and white, the team's colors.
Boys in gym clothes ran everywhere. It was quiet a sight. They would run to one end of the gym dribble the ball, shoot, then end up running the other direction. Occasionally, the ball would go in the basket and the crowd would burst into cheers. People clapped or booed, depending on what team they were rooting for.
And then, Evan passed the ball to Pietro, a sight Madilyn thought she would never see. But he did none the less. Pietro dribbled the ball, weaving in and out through the players on the other team. He was fast. He jumped and tried to shoot. In the end he missed causing Madilyn to groan.
The ball was back down to the other side of the gym in the blink of an eye. Another bot from the opposing team tried to shoot, but the ball bounced of the rim and onto the floor. This boy picked it up again, in attempt to throw it to his team, only to have Pietro run in and steal it from him.
"Pietro, Daniels is open! Throw it now!" Madilyn could hear the coach roaring. After Pietro got close enough down the court he, hesitantly, through the ball. With five seconds left on the timer Evan caught the ball. He raced down the court, shot the ball, and was almost tackled by one of the other teams players.
The crowd roared into even more applause than before as the buzzer blared through the gym. They had won the game. Everyone watched the team pick Evan up and parade him off to the locker room. That sight made Madilyn roll her eyes, and toned down on the cheering. They just give him all the credit, she thought, It's a team effort. Geez
Pietro was down on the court still, his arms folded across his chest. He glared at his team, thinking about how he did all the work, he had to get the ball down the court, pass it, intercept it. He did almost everything while Daniels got all the credit. Instead of standing on the court any longer he decided to go to the locker room and give Evan a piece of his mind.
The stands began to clear out, while Madilyn still sat their waiting for Pietro to come out of the locker rooms to congratulate him for his team's victory. After a while she grew inpatient and started to make her way down the steps. A simple task that she completed simply. Minus bumping into a women and all most falling down. But the girl did regain her balance and apologize.
"Oh sorry, clumsy me," she said.
"It's alright. No harm done," the women said. She had very long, pure white hair with bright blue eyes. Her skin was dark with a bit to much makeup on her cheekbones. "Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for my nephew, Evan Daniels. Do you know where he is?"
Madilyn couldn't help but think about how out of all the people she had to run into, why did it have to be Evan's family. But she replied, "Yeah, he's probably down in the locker room. This way." she made a movement with her hand for the women to follow and she did.
The two made their way across the gym floor and to the desired location. The was a bit of bickering coming from in side the room as Madilyn and the women waited in awkward silence.
"Everyone knows that if it weren't for me you wouldn't of had that last shot! I knew I should have taken it myself" Madilyn knew that the voice was that of Pietro's.
"Hey that was a great pass man, but there's no way your could made it down the court in time for a shot." The other belonged to none other then Evan Daniels.
"Hey, dude, I got moves you can't even imagine. And I'm through holding back just to make guys like you look good."
Pietro was out of the locker room and right next to Madilyn in the blink of an eye. He had an annoyed look on his face from the conversation he just had but ran his fingers through his silver hair and smiled at his friend.
"So we going or what?" he was back to his normal, outgoing attitude as always in a matter of seconds. Madilyn nodded, and saw that the women had gone into the locker room.
Pietro said that he would show her his "new talent" behind the school. Madilyn was a bit disturbed in the way he said it, but went with him anyway. (A/N- If the teens in this show are anything like the ones at my school, these kinds of thoughts are the first things in their minds.) They were just friends, nothing gross happens between friends. Right?
Behind the school was a place that Madilyn had never been, and maybe for good reason. It was dark, creepy, and full of scrap metal. It reeked to, like someone or something might have died back their. Pietro was pacing back and forth. Then, he looked up with a cocky smile.
"You know, if you try anything weird I have pepper spray in my pocket," Madilyn joked and lied. Before she could say anything else, a huge gust of wind went past her face. It was so, well the best word for it was unnatural. She closed her eyes in attempt to not get any dust in them. Then, snapped back open when she felt something, or maybe someone, touch her and spun around only to have Pietro right in front of her face.
"You're such a lair, you know that?" He had a satisfied smirk on his face as he stood their waiting for a reaction. Madilyn's face was very irritated at first from what he did. After she got over that, her expression was puzzled about something. But finally, she looked very happy when a thought hit her.
"You're not just fast like some normal guy are you?" Madilyn asked Pietro. He stood in the same place and folded his arms across his chest, waiting for her to continue. She did, "Are you like one of those mutants they talk about on the news?"
For the past few weeks the news had been full of new reports on mutants, people with powers like superheros from comic books. They were apparently appearing all over New York, some throughout the United States, and others the world. Madilyn could only say that because it seemed like the only explanation. How else could someone be behind her in literally a second and have that strong of a wind follow them? Pietro still smirked.
"Well I'm not on TV yet, but yeah," he said. Madilyn mouthed the word 'Wow.' Pietro thought she might freak out and run away, but she did almost the opposite.
"That's amazing!" Madilyn exclaimed. A smile grew on her face. She was just told that her best friend had these wonderful powers that some could only dream of. One of those people who dreamed of them was herself.
"Now, I have a plan for little Daniels tomorrow," Pietro told her mischievously, sharing her smile, "You in?"
So how do you like it? I think Madilyn seems kind of Sue-ish. I hope to fix that in the next few chapters. And speaking of chapters, this is starting from episode 5 if you couldn't tell and I was planning to do about a chapter for each episode. With a few exceptions such as this chap. I was wondering if you think I should do that, but will result in about 50 chapters (yikes but I don't mind writing it) or stopping with a good ending somewhere in the middle. Yeah, so tell me what you think I should do if you don't mind.
Until next time,