Blaze surveyed her appearance in the long mirror. Her nose crinkled in disapproval. She was wearing the same dull violet dress that she almost always wore and her hair was up in a messy bun. She looked and felt so awkward. Amy would be here soon...
She sighed and walked over to the radio and turned it off. She wasn't in the mood to hear the love song it was blaring. A wry smile came over Blaze's lips. Those songs were so stupid and shallow. They were all about mindless sex. They couldn't come close to describing real describing what she felt for Amy.
Blaze had held these feelings for a long time, but she'd never ever dared to say a word about them. She already had long been considered a freak because of her powers. The last thing she needed was for the fact that she was gay to get out and add fuel to that fire. She'd managed to convince people that she'd had a crush on Sonic, and before that, on Silver. But both of them were unavailable to her now, and her feelings were getting too strong to ignore.
Like when that bastard had violated her Amy.
When she'd heard about that, Blaze thought she might go insane from rage. It only got worse when she found out that so-called friends were trying to convince Amy that it had been her fault. Blaze's eyes flicked over to the table that had gotten scorched when she first heard the news. She heaved a sigh. Now wasn't the time for those thoughts. She had to be positive.
Then there was a knock at the door.