-1A Naruto Winx Club Crossover

Fairy Wings

By: Grounders10






Chapter One


The giant forest which stood on the outskirts of Konoha had a dark reputation. So dark was its reputation that it had been given the name, the Forest of Death. Even ninja had to be wary when entering its dark confines, lest they fall victim to one of the giant creatures that lived in the forest. Despite the foul reputation it had, or maybe it was because of it, Konoha held the second part of the Chunin Selection Exams inside its darkened boughs.

Activity in the forest was, at the moment, quite high as the second part of the Chunin Exam was winding up its first day. Deep inside the forest a member of a soon-to-be well known group of Genin was just finishing his part in a battle against an overwhelmingly powerful opponent.

Far above the ground on a branch of one of the giant trees a blond haired boy with red eyes struggled in the grip on his female opponent's extremely long tongue. His team-mates, a raven haired boy and a girl with naturally pink hair, watched in horror, and disgust, as the girl used her tongue to pull up the bottom of the boy's shirt and jacket, revealing a black spiral with a strange group of symbols surrounding it.

The girl smirked as best she could with her tongue sticking so far out of her mouth. As the boy struggled against her tongue she held her hand out to her side like each finger was a claw she was going to use on the boy in front of her. Small purple flames appeared on the end of each finger. She drove her hand towards the symbol on the boys stomach with a cry of, "FIVE ELEMENTS SEAL!" At that moment the boy managed to look down and he tried to dodge, twisting away as best he could.

Unfortunately, for fortunately as the boy would come to consider it, he wasn't able to escape all off the strike. The thumb and index flames managed to strike the outermost edge of the symbols on the boys stomach. A tortured scream of pain erupted from the boy a moment before a large blast of white energy exploded between them, sending the blond haired boy flying across the gap between the freaky girl and his team-mates. He bounced off the side of the branch they were standing on, and it was only due to the split second action of the pink haired girl that he didn't go falling to his death.

She pulled him up onto the branch, noting how much lighter he seemed at that moment, before looking across at the enemy Kunoichi who was screaming in pain. The flesh on her hands seemed to be boiling and she was screaming about the pain. She seemed to overcome the pain for a moment and looked at them.

"This is unfortunate, but I will be back for you Sasuke." She hissed through clenched teeth. She didn't know what that bright light had been, but whatever it was she couldn't risk doing anything in the state it had left her in. She stepped backwards into the trunk of the tree, seeming to merge with it. "I'll be back Sasuke… I'll be back."

Before she disappeared the pink haired girl shouted, "Who are you!"

"My name, is Orochimaru, and I want you, Sasuke." She said just before vanishing entirely.

The pink haired girl shivered at the tone the freaky girl had used. Orochimaru? She'd heard the name somewhere, but that didn't matter that the moment, the idiot blond in her unconscious with his head in her lap needed her- their help. She looked over that her raven haired crush. "Sasuke." She said. She frowned when she received no response. "Sasuke!" She tried again more forcefully. Nothing. She gently set the blond haired boy onto his back before standing up and walking the few step across to him and raising her right fist. "SASUKE!" She shouted, slamming her fist into the side of his head.

The raven haired boy flew down the branch and slammed sideways into the trunk of the tree. Shaking his head to clear it he placed a hand on the stop where she'd punched him. He looked up at her slowly. "Sa-Sakura?" He said shakily.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" She shouted, "THAT FREAKY NINJA IS GONE!" When he continued to look at her blankly she snapped. "DAMN IT SASUKE! AT LEAST NARUTO STOOD UP TO HER! AT LEAST HE ISN'T A COWARD!"

Sasuke recoiled as if struck. 'Coward? Am I… but I need to kill him! I can't die until then… Is that… Is that really cowardice?' He thought, truly confused for the first time in a long time.

Sakura sighed. "I'm sorry Sasuke." She whispered, "But right now we need to leave. We need to find somewhere safe for the night so I can take care of Naruto."

"Naruto?" Sasuke questioned, still partly stunned from the force behind Sakura's punch, and the terror he had felt emanating from that grass ninja.

Sakura felt like screaming in frustration. Sasuke was acting like Naruto. No worse then Naruto, at least Naruto put together coherent sentences. She also felt like crying as the picture she had built in her mind about Sasuke began to crumble. She had pictured him as someone who wouldn't so much as flinch in the face of danger, especially after the events of their mission to Wave. Yet it was Naruto who had acted, fending off not only the freaky Grass Ninja, but several giant snakes, all while Sasuke stood like a statue frozen in terror. "YES! NARUTO'S INJURED!" She screamed at him. She turned her back on Sasuke and walked back to Naruto.

Sasuke stared off into space, dazed by the events of the past few minutes. A shocked gasp from Sakura caused him to look over in curiosity. 'What now?' He thought until he saw what she saw.

"S-Sasuke, Naruto is- is…"


'Argh. Oh my head.' Thought Naruto as he returned to consciousness. 'What the hell happened?' He wondered. 'Oh right that freaky Kunoichi. What did she do to me?' He shifted and noticed something strange. 'What the- It's wet.' A moment later the sound of dripping water greeted his ears.

'Huh? Dripping?' He thought forcing his eyes open. What greeted him was a dark, dank sewer. He was sitting up against a wall, chest deep in water. He pushed himself up the wall until he was standing on his own. Looking around he noted the pipes on the wall, as well as the dim lights.

"Where am I?" He asked no one, "I think I'll look around. Try and find a way out." He muttered. He hated damp dark places. They reminded him a little too much of the orphanage he lived in for the first four years of his life. 'Maybe I should follow the pipes, that direction does seem brighter.' He thought before starting down the hall. After the first step he grabbed a pipe on the fall to stop himself as he nearly tripped. 'What the- My balance is all messed up. What did she do to me?' He thought before starting down the hallway, one hand on the pipe.

As he walked he noticed that it did seem to be getting brighter, and that the area behind him was getting darker, much darker. The lights along the ceiling were brighter and the water level seemed slightly lower, though that might just be his imagination.

Finally he walked out into a large room. It was bisected in half by a steel gate with a small piece of paper with the Kanji for Seal on it. The area behind the gate the area was pitch black.

'Why is there a gate that I can walk right through in the middle of a sewer?' Naruto thought.

He got his answer a moment later in the form of a pair of glowing eyes and a dark evil laugh. "I am that reason. Welcome to your mind, girl!" The voice was deep and sounded similar to an earthquake, or at least what Naruto imagined an earthquake would sound like.

"I'M NOT A GIRL!" Naruto shouted angrily.

"Not a girl? Then what are those lumps of flesh on your chest hm..? I maybe a Giant Demon Fox, but I am no FOOL!" The voice said, "Though I pay little attention to your annoying race, other then as victims when I feel the need to kill, I do know the signs of the females of your race."

"Wha-" Naruto said. 'Fox? Mind? Wait… then this is…' "YOU'RE THE KYUUBI!" Naruto shouted stumbling back and overbalancing, falling backwards onto his rear.

It started slow before building in intensity. A low rumbling laugh like the one before it. The room shook with the sound. "I am that who you mortals call, the Kyuubi no Kitsune. I am the King of all earthbound Demons. My power is unmatched in this pathetic realm you humans call 'Earth'. And you, girl, are my jailer." It said once the sound dissipated.

"I'M NO GIRL!" Naruto shouted again, in his anger he completely forgot who he was talking to.

"Aren't you? Why don't you… Look in a mirror." The Kyuubi said as its red chakra slipped out from under the gate and across the floor to just in front of Naruto.

The blond haired boy pulled back instinctively. 'I don't want that to touch me.' He thought as he pulled himself to his feet and stumbled back. The chakra stopped just shy of touching him before gathering vertically and forming a large full length mirror. Naruto blinked at what he saw in the mirror before rubbing his eyes and looking again. Still he saw what he had before.

Staring back at him was a blond haired girl wearing his trademark jumpsuit. Her hair hung to about mid-back, a waterfall of gold. She lacked his whisker marks and had pointed ears, though she still had blue eyes. Naruto slowly reached out and touched the glass. The girl's movements matched his own and he pulled back when his hand touched the mirror at the same time as the girl's. "I-I-is that me?" He stuttered, taking a step back in surprise. He looked over his shoulder and spotted the same golden hair as the girl in the mirror.

Naruto sank to his -- her -- knees with a splash. She held a lock of hair in her hand and stared at it in horror. "I-I'm… I'm a girl? But how?" She whispered. This didn't make sense. She was a girl before she got dragged into this place… Into the seal if that really was the Kyuubi. Did this mean she was really a girl inside? That she was a weak little Kunoichi just like those simpering fan girls that were always after Sasuke?

"HAHAHAHAHA!" The Kyuubi's rumbling laughter rolled through the chamber once more, bringing Naruto out of her downward spiralling thoughts. "You turn into a girl, and you instantly become a hopeless wreck. Pathetic. I am ashamed to have been defeated by such a pathetic child. Ashamed."

Hopeless? Naruto looked up at him, or at least she assumed it was a him. "I'M NOT HOPELESS! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF I'M A GIRL OR A BOY! I'LL STILL BE HOKAGE!" She shouted, jumping to her feet, and nearly over balancing. It was then the Naruto noted that the lumps on her chest were rather large, or at least larger then was normal if what she remembered seeing on girls her age was right.

"HAHAHA. Hokage. A human title with little meaning to one such as me. Power. That has meaning to me. And only that blond midget. That, man who rode that annoying Toad, Gamabunta, into battle against me, has earned my respect in that manner. He sealed me, when no one in my entire existence has managed to do so. Achieve his power and I might be impressed. But alas you won't have time to show me if you can even manage it." The Kyuubi said, "You foolishly allowed some fool to mess with the seal, and now I am dying. This seal is tearing me apart, piece by piece, and it is all I can do not to scream. So I give you, and that annoying blond human, the honour of my death. Become someone whose power I could respect. That I ask of you. Now leave me in peace, so I may die with dignity."

'Dying… The Kyuubi's dying? Then that means.!' Naruto starting cheering loudly. 'If it dies then people won't hate me anymore!'

"SILENCE!" Shouted the Kyuubi, scaring Naruto enough that she fell onto her rear once more. "LEAVE THROUGH THE WAY YOU CAME IN! IF YOU TRAVEL FAR ENOUGH YOU'LL FIND THE EXIT! NOW LEAVE ME IN PEACE!"

"Yes sir." Naruto squeaked as the Kyuubi's Killer Intent spiked for several seconds.


Sakura dipped the cloth in her hands in a bowl of cold water. After quickly wringing it she placed it on the forehead of the blond haired girl who was lying on the ground next to her. 'I can't believe this happened to Naruto.' She thought, sitting back and leaning against the side of the hollow tree they were in. She glanced out the door to where Sasuke was setting up traps around the camp. 'He might have proven to be a coward, but there's a reason he was the Rookie of the Year.' Sakura thought grudgingly. Where as a few hours earlier that thought wouldn't have been the least bit grudging, and quite a bit more adoring. But both his and Naruto's actions had opened her eyes a bit. Sasuke was good, but he wasn't the best.

Sasuke stepped into the hollow. "I've set the traps." He said before leaning against the side of the hollow as well.

"I've got Naruto as comfortable as he-" Sakura paused, what pronoun should she use? Naruto was male but… was now female. "As comfortable as I could get him." She finished, "But we need to get him to the tower soon. He needs someone more skilled then I am."

Sasuke frowned. Naruto was that badly injured? He pushed himself off the wall and stepped outside the hollow. "I'm going to find the scroll we need." He said leaping away before Sakura could say anything.

Sakura frowned for a moment before sighing. 'At least he's doing something other then brooding.' She thought looking down at Naruto. 'There's nothing else I can do now but wait. I hope Sasuke returns soon. We really do need to get Naruto to the tower. I'm not even sure what's wrong with him, other then the obvious.'


Hours passed and darkness settled over the forest while Sakura watched Naruto and waited for Sasuke to return. She spent the time between looking outside of the hollow and thinking about the object of her affection for the past several years. Her thoughts focused mainly on her experiences since she had become a member of Team Seven.

'He's always pushed us aside, as useless.' She thought with a deep sigh, 'But he's no better. When things get too rough he freezes up, just like me and- no just like Naruto used to.' It was true. During their first encounter with enemy ninja Naruto froze. But in the next one with a Jounin instead of a pair of Chunin, Sasuke nearly killed himself, while Naruto was hardly effected. Every time they encountered a strong enemy it was always Naruto who managed to get them out of trouble.

'Now look at him.' Sakura thought looking down at the girl with pointed ears, 'I haven't been very fair to him.' She pursed her lips in thought. 'He'll… She'll need someone to help hi-her through this if they can't undo this. And if they can I'll still be nicer to him.'

A crack outside drew her from her thoughts. She quietly drew a kunai from the holster on her right leg and hid herself next to the door, ready to throw the throwing knife at whoever was outside. Through the darkness she saw figure in the entrance. With a flick she threw the blade at shadow.

The shadow ducked out of her line of sight before the kunai had fully left her hand. Less then a second later she was tackled to the ground and found herself staring into a red eyes with two black tomoes each. "Sasuke!" Sakura exclaimed in surprise before glaring. "What were you doing sneaking around!" She hissed, "And get off me!"

"I wasn't sneaking around." He replied quietly, "I was-" A groan came from the blond haired girl.

They both went to the girls' side. "Naruto?" Sakura whispered as the her eyes flickered open.

The blue eyes of the girl turned to Sakura and Sasuke. "Sakura?" She whispered, "Where are we? Why's it so dark?"

"We're in a hollow tree dope." Sasuke said, "And it's night you idiot. That's why it's so dark."

"Shut up Sasuke/teme." Said Sakura and Naruto in unison, causing Naruto to look at Sakura in shock.

"You? I thought you liked him." Naruto said, confusion at her team mates behaviour.

"Well… When you were… That ninja just left, saying she'd be back. She looked rather badly burned." Sakura said, "What ever she did to you, I think it backfired. But… Even though she'd left Sasuke here was still frozen in terror. Even I managed to move! So… Well…" She trailed off and looked back and forth between her two team mates, one of whom was glaring at her angrily, the other was glaring at the first with slightly glowing blue eyes. "Um… Naruto there was one thing that she did do to you… You're a-"

"Girl now." Naruto finished, surprising both of them with her surprising knowledge. "I had a weird dream alright. I just had a feeling it was real." She tried to push herself up but stopped as pain shot through her body. "Gah. I don't think I'm getting up for a while." She said with gritted teeth.

"Whatever she did I think it rewrote your DNA." Sakura said. Both her team mates stared at her blankly, not understanding a single word. She sighed and said, "Simply put she rewrote the instructions for what your body is supposed to look like and your body altered to match them. Painfully."

"Oh." Naruto said.

"We need to get you to the tower. Somebody there will actually be able to do something to help you." Sakura said, "But we don't have an earth scroll."

"We do actually." Sasuke said, reaching into his pouch and pulling out the required scroll, "I managed to find a team that thought they could use their scroll as bait. They weren't fast enough to stop me from taking it."

"Then we're leaving." Sakura said, "Your carrying Naruto." She told Sasuke, who nodded and lifted Naruto onto his back.

"Damn it teme." Naruto growled as her body protested to being manhandled. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her. "Don't drop me."

Sasuke scoffed as he settled her on his back. "Just don't let go dope." He said as Sakura picked up the few things she'd spread out.

"Will you two shut up. If we hurry we'll be able to get there before the night's over. We'll have a few days to rest until the end of the exam." Sakura snapped. She was exhausted from being in the forest for nearly sixteen hours, and for being up for nearly four hours before that, for a grand total of twenty hours without sleep.

"I'll go first." Sasuke said, quietly slipping out of the tree hollow with his heavy load.

--Four hours later, 4:00 am--

Sasuke and Sakura landed lightly in front of the tower in the center of the Forest of death. Sasuke shifted the sleeping form of Naruto on his back. She'd fallen asleep a half hour into the run. Sasuke looked at the doors on the tower, each one had a different number on it.

"We might as well go in." Sakura said, pushing open the door in front of them. They both winced at the light that poured out. They stepped in through the door and looked around. "An empty room?" She said in surprise, her gaze slowly travelled around the room. A pair of balconies, one on either side, lead to two doors, but that appeared to be the only other way out then the way they had come.

"No. Look." Sasuke said pointing to the wall. A worn message was attached to the wall. Sakura looked it over. As she read it to herself Sasuke caught the mumbled words 'Earth' and 'Heaven'.

"I think we're supposed to open the scrolls now." Sakura said pulling up the heaven scroll. Sasuke placed Naruto up against the wall and pulled out the Earth scroll. "Together?" Sakura said hesitantly.

"Together." Sasuke agreed. As one they lifted the seals of the scrolls and pulled them open. Strange symbols and markings greeted them. In the middle of the strange symbols the kanji for summoning rested. "What--" Sasuke cut off when the kanji started to bulge. "DROP THE SCROLLS!" He shouted throwing his away.

Sakura threw hers away immediately. They landed one on top of the other, forming an X with the summoning symbols on top of each other. She drew a kunai from its holster and got into a defensive stance. She absently noted Sasuke doing the same. The scrolls burst and smoke filled the room. A human form appeared in the smoke and both of the Genin prepared for a fight. As the smoke cleared Sakura slowly lowered her blade as she recognized the person. "IRUKA-SENSEI!" She shouted, before imitating Naruto and glomping the academy teacher.

"Oof." Iruka gasped as Sakura hit him. He looked down at the girl's pink hair. "Hello to you to Sakura." He said before looking around. He frowned. "Where's Naruto?" He asked.

Sakura pulled back and pointed to the sleeping girl. "That's Naruto." She said, "Something happened. He-She- Naruto's just sleeping at the moment."

Iruka walked over and knelt next to the girl. The scarred Chunin frowned as he looked at her. 'She's… Naruto? What happened to them out there?' He thought before tapping his hand against her face. "Hey. Wake up." He said softly as she stirred.

Her eyes slowly opened, showing the familiar blue eyes of his favourite student. "Iruka-sensei?" She said quietly.

"Naruto? Is that you?" Iruka asked slowly.

An offended look crossed the girl's face. "OF COURSE IT'S ME!" She shouted, and tried to get up, but collapsed back against the wall when the pain overwhelmed her. "Ow." She whimpered.

"Yeah that's you Naruto." Iruka said with a small laugh as Sakura rushed over to Naruto.

"How are you feeling?" Sakura asked, putting one hand to the new girl's forehead.

"Like I got attacked by a couple giant snakes." Naruto quipped with a smile. She grimaced as pain shot through her again.

"We should get you to the Infirmary here." Iruka said, gathering up the blond haired girl, despite her protests. "Follow me." He said, leaping to the upper balcony. Sakura and Sasuke followed immediately, not want to get lost it what was a very large building.

--Six Hours later, 10:00 am--

Naruto stared at the back of the doctor. Why was he insisting she stay in the infirmary when she felt great now! Better then she had before whatever that freaky ninja had done. "Why can't I leave?" She asked, for what the doctor thought was most likely the thousandth time in the last hour.

"Because we have to wait until the Hokage talks to you." He said without turning around. "I'm sorry but I've been instructed to keep you here until he okays your release."

Before Naruto could offer more protest an aged and familiar voice interrupted her. "I hope I am able to do so quickly." Said the aged Hokage as he walked into the room.

"Hey Old man." Naruto said quietly, fidgeting with the blanket of the bed she was on.

The Hokage shook his head slowly. "Of all the things… This could only happen to you Naruto." He said in exasperation, "Your team mates have informed me of everything they know. Do you have anything else to tell me? Anything they wouldn't know?" He asked.

Naruto hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. Um.." She glanced at the doctor.

Following the glance the Hokage understood what she was worried about. "Don't worry. Dr. Yamato here knows about the Kyuubi." He said.

"Okay… Well… It's dying." Naruto said looking down at the sheet, "It pulled me to it. I think it wanted to mock me for what had happened to me, at least once before it died. It told me what had happened, and that it was dying. Then it kicked me out."

"This is… both good and bad news." The Hokage said, stroking his beard. "Good because the beast will finally be dead… and bad because with it will go our chance of turning you back."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

The Sandaime Hokage sighed deeply. "The seal created a one time effect that will last even if the seal is removed." He said, "When the demon dies we will no longer be able to unto the change through the seal. We'll have to create a new seal. Which could take decades." He smiled sadly, "However I think you agree with me in that this is a small price to pay for the death of the Kyuubi."

Naruto hesitated. Was it a, as the old man put it, small price? She smiled up at him a moment later. Yeah it was a small price. It couldn't be that hard to be a girl right? "Yeah. It's not too big." She said.

"Good. Now… What to do with you. Hmmm…" The Sandaime frowned, "Your physically fine now, according to Yamato here. But you don't know much about being a girl."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Naruto said.

He sighed again. "There are many differences between men and women. I'll have Kurenai talk to you, then you'll be able to leave." He said before heading for the exit.

"Where are you going?" Naruto called after him.

"I'll be right back with Kurenai."

--two hours later, 12:13 PM--

Still blushing from the conversation she'd just finished Naruto entered tower's cafeteria. 'I can't believe what girl's go through…' She thought, 'Every month? Oh if I get my hands on that freak I'll rip her in two.' She stopped at the entrance to the cafeteria and looked around for anyone she recognized. Spotting head of pink hair she walked across the mostly deserted cafeteria, the only other occupant was a Sand Kunoichi with a large fan across her back. "Sakura!" Naruto said sitting down at the same table as her team mate.

Sakura looked up from the bowl of rice she was eating. Her eyes held the half dead look of one who hadn't had nearly enough sleep. Naruto winced. "Um… Good morning?" She said cautiously.

"Who- Oh. Hey Naruto." Sakura said as her brain slowly connected the girl in front of her to her boisterous team mate. "They let you out?" She asked, she wouldn't have been surprised if Naruto had escaped, she'd done it before.

"Yep. I feel better then ever!" Naruto proclaimed.

"Do you have to be so loud?" Sakura asked with a wince.

Naruto blushed slightly. "Sorry." She said, "I would have been out earlier if the Old man hadn't thought that I needed to talk to Kurenai-Sensei first."

"Don't disrespect the Hokage." Sakura snapped, "And why did you need to talk to Kurenai-Sensei?"

Naruto's blush deepened until she looked more like a red balloon then a person. "They thought I needed to learn about… being a girl." She whispered the last part so quietly that Sakura had to strain herself to hear it.

"You mean that she gave you the…?" Sakura trailed off, a blush of her own appearing.

Naruto nodded. "Do girls really… You know…" She trailed off herself.

"Yeah…" Sakura said. 'Oh this is too ridiculous. Come on I've got to think of something, anything else to talk about.' She thought. Casting around for a less embarrassing topic she finally noticed something. "What are you wearing?" She asked, noticing that her team mate wasn't wearing her usual orange jumpsuit.

Naruto looked down. "Oh… Well Kurenai-Sensei and the Old Man thought that the jumpsuit wasn't… Um… appropriate for a girl." She said with a pout.

'This is a big improvement.' Sakura thought as she looked her new female team mate over. Black pants and a black tank top that left her midriff exposed made it quite obvious that she was a girl now. A short blue vest with multiple places for scrolls and other ninja tools was all that protected her from the chill of the tower. "You look good." Sakura said before a flash of jealousy went through her. 'Better then I do.' She thought, 'This isn't fair. Why does Naruto make a better looking girl then I do!' Finishing her bowl of rice she stood up. "Do you know where our room is?" She asked.

"Our room?" Naruto said confused.

"Yeah, they've split everyone up according to gender." Sakura said, "Which means we'll be sharing a room since we're on the same team. Come on I'll show you." She grabbed Naruto's hand and led her from the room.

'Why aren't I blushing?' Naruto thought as Sakura dragged her through the halls of the tower. Normally had Sakura taken hold of his hand he would have been blushing and probably even giggling. 'Of course. I'm a girl now… But I'm still me right?' She frowned at the turn her thoughts were taking. She was herself no matter what. It didn't matter what gender she was. 'Yeah. It doesn't matter. I'll still be Hokage!' She thought, though the proclamation sounded a little hollow in her mind, like it wasn't as important as it used to be.

"We're here!" Sakura said, interrupting her companion's unusually serious thoughts.

"Wha- Oh." Naruto mumbled as she looked around. The door in front of them didn't look any different then a normal door, other then the fact that their names were on the door. Sakura pushed open the door and Naruto followed her in. The room didn't contain much. Just two cots, a table and two chairs, a couple lights, and a door leading to a small bathroom. A backpack sat at the end of one of the cots.

"That wasn't there before." Sakura said walking over to the backpack. "Oh. It's from the Hokage. He must have had someone do some shopping for you." She said reading a little note attached to the pack.

Naruto sat down on the cot and twiddled her thumbs. "How long do we stay here?" She asked.

"Until the test ends. We've got today and three more days until the end of the test." Sakura said, sitting on her own cot. She yawned. "I think I'll take a nap." She said before slipping under the blanket on the cot.

"I'll take a look around. See if I can find Sasuke." Naruto said, standing up and heading for the door. 'Maybe I can get him to spar with me.' She thought. It made sense to her. Get Sasuke to spar, or at least help her getting some balance back.

"Hm… Good luck…" Sakura said sleepily as her team mate slipped out.

--Rooftop Courtyard--

Naruto sighed as she sat down on one of the benches that were scattered about the rooftop courtyard. A rather annoyed expression graced her face as she glared at the floor. ''Go bug someone else' he said.' Naruto fumed as she recalled what Sasuke had said when she'd asked him if he wanted to spar. 'What just because I'm a girl now he won't fight me?' She growled in anger. 'That stupid self-centered-' "TEME!" She shouted the last word in frustration.

"Angry at someone?"

"Eep!" Naruto jumped in her seat and whirled around to face the voice. "Kakashi-sensei!" She shouted when she recognized the man. "DON'T GO SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE!" The one eyed Jounin just stared down at the orange book in his hands. Naruto twitched upon seeing the book and a rather violent urge welled up inside her, compelling her to try and burn the book as punishment for spooking her. She crushed the urge immediately, well aware that she'd been lucky to get within a foot of it before he moved out of reach. "What do you want sensei?" She asked, sitting back down.

"Hmm…?" Kakashi looked up from his book, "I can't come and see how my student is doing?" He asked innocently.

Naruto rolled her eyes at her sensei's act. "What do you want?" She asked again, her annoyance slipping into her voice.

"Well I didn't get a chance to check on you in the infirmary. How are you handling everything?" He asked, putting his book away.

Naruto sighed. "Good… sorta." She grumbled, "I tried to get Sasuke to spar with me, but he told me to go bug someone else." She said annoyed.

A small chuckle came from Kakashi. Naruto shot him a glare. "Hold on." he said raising both hands to placate her. "I think I know why he doesn't want to spar with you." Naruto perked up and Kakashi took it as a sign to continue. "The only female ninja he knows personally are Sakura and Ino. Both of them hang off of him all the time and neither is really what you would call the best example of a female ninja. He probably thinks you'll start hanging off him to if he acknowledges you."

Naruto turned slightly green at the thought. "He thinks… ugh." She gave him a queasy look, "You've got to be kidding me." She said.

Kakashi chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not." He said, "Now, since you can't get Sasuke to spar with you, why don't you spar with me? After all I do need to see where you are now."

Naruto bounced out of the bench. "Well, lets start already." She said, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards an empty area of the roof.

"Hey, no need to pull me!"

--Hokage's Office--

The Hokage frowned down at the chest in front of him. The chest wasn't too large, filling only half his desk instead of the entirety like the paperwork he dealt with on a daily basis. Intricate carvings covered the chest, depicting what looked to be a series of great battles, and, for some reason, a royal ball as well. The lock appeared to be made from pure gold, yet Sarutobi knew first hand that it was much stronger then mere gold.

'Should I?' He thought to himself, 'He--She deserves to know. She needs to know before she accidentally awakens her heritage. But… Is she ready?' He traced the carving of the Royal Ball. 'Yes. She is.' He closed his hand in a fist and slammed it into the desk. "Damn it if she isn't ready." He muttered before placing a hand to his forehead. "I am getting far too old for this job. TENZO!" He shouted.

In the middle of the room a smoke cloud erupted before dispersing to reveal a masked ANBU. "Lord Hokage." He said, kneeling before the aged Hokage.

"Bring both Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi here." The Hokage said.

Tenzo looked up. "My Lord, wouldn't that cause Uzumaki to fail the exams?" He asked.

"Naruto is at the tower, she will not fail the exam because of this." The Hokage said, "Now go, I need to talk to both of them."

"Right away." Tenzo disappeared in a plume of smoke.

Sarutobi sighed. "I'm getting too old." He muttered before pulling out his pipe and lighting it.

--Tower, 44th Training Zone, The Forest of Death--

Naruto lay on her back panting from exhaustion. She glared at Kakashi, who stood nearby. She hid a smirk when she noticed that he had broken out into a light sweat. She still hadn't a hope of beating him, but now she felt a lot better knowing that she could get the famous 'Copy Ninja' to sweat.

"N-Nearly… got you… that time." She said between gasps with a grin.

Kakashi smiled behind his mask. "You've gotten a lot faster." He said. 'This kid is amazing.' He thought, 'Not even a girl for two days and she's already gotten her balance figured out, and capable of fighting at a level much higher then before.' He winced as he shifted his weight onto his right leg. 'She hits harder then before as well. Which doesn't make much sense.' The speed he could understand, most Kunoichi relied on speed, strength tending to be the domain of male ninja. But why would she hit harder to? "Naruto, do you know how to enhance your speed and strength with chakra?" He asked. It was a silly question but considering the spotty knowledge the boy--girl possessed, it was a legitimate question.

Pushing herself up she nodded. "Yeah of course I do." She said. "It's one of the first things they teach at the academy."

Kakashi nodded. "I think I know why your moving a much more quickly." He said, causing her to look up, "Are you still using the same amount of chakra as usual when you attack?" He asked.

"I think so." She said, a bit uncertain since chakra control and management was never her strong point.

"Chakra control is instinctive once you learn how to do something with it." Kakashi said, "Without the fox messing with you chakra I think you've instinctively learned to channel the chakra in a more efficient manner then before. In short, your chakra control has improved enough that there is a noticeable rise in your chakra enhanced strength and speed. Now stand up."

Naruto hesitated. "Um.. I don't think I can stand up." She said before blushing. "My legs are numb." She mumbled.

'Maybe we overdid it.' Kakashi thought before taking a look around the roof. Noticing the number of craters in the roof he sighed. 'Yeah we overdid it. Still, she's improved quite a bit in the last six months.' Walking over to her he picked her up in his arms.

"H-hey! What are you doing!" She shouted as he lifted her up.

"Taking you somewhere you can sit down for a while." He said, when an explosion of smoke enveloped the part of the roof. Kakashi raised his visible eyebrow when he recognized Tenzo.

"Kakashi-sempai." He said with a bow, "Lord Hokage requests that both you and Naruto Uzumaki come to the tower immediately."

"We'll head over in a moment." Kakashi said.

"No, we can go now." Naruto said, struggling to get out of her Sensei's grip.

"I thought you said your legs were numb?" He said.

Naruto glared at him before huffing and crossing her arms across her chest. She pouted at him angrily. "Well I'm not going to take three hours to get there!" She snapped.

"Um… Kakashi-Sempai." Tenzo interrupted, "I have the feeling that it's quite important. Otherwise he would have waited until after the second exam ended."

Kakashi nodded. "Your right. Alright we'll head over right away."

--Hokage Tower--


Sarutobi raised an eyebrow at the shout outside his door. 'Was that Naruto?' He thought as the door opened to admit a struggling Naruto, in the arms of her Sensei. "You aren't doing anything inappropriate are you Kakashi?" He asked with amusement.

Naruto paled before glaring up at her sensei's face. "Put me down. Now!" She said in a slow and extremely cold tone of voice, causing both Kakashi and Sarutobi to wince.

"Here you go." Kakashi said, letting her get her feet under her.

She adjusted her shirt and vest, never letting her glare leave her sensei. "Thank you." She said coldly before turning her back on him and fixing Sarutobi with a glare as well.

"I was just joking Naruto." He said hastily, raising both hands up in defence. 'She's been a girl for a short time and she's already acting like her mother. A little too much like her mother.'

Naruto just continued to glare, and both men continued to sweat as she unconsciously exuded massive amounts of Killing Intent. "Don't joke like that." She finally said. The killing intent evaporated as suddenly as it appeared. "So, what do you need us for?" She chirped with a smile.

'And her mood swings are just as abrupt as well.' Sarutobi thought, before wondering if it was some sort of bloodline shared by the women in her family. Mentally shaking the thought off he sighed. "I asked you to come here because I have something I need to reveal to you Naruto." He tapped the chest on his desk. "This chest belonged to your mother. It's yours as of one hour ago." He said.

Several second passed as Naruto digested what she'd just been told. "Y-You knew who my parents were?" She said, barely concealed anger in her voice, "You told me that you didn't know. Every time I asked you said you didn't know." Her voice was rising with every word, "If you knew why didn't you tell me! WHY?" She shouted at him. The glare she shot him as she shouted the last word made him shiver.

'If looked could kill I don't think there would be much left of me right now.' Sarutobi thought. Taking a deep breath he said, "Your father made many enemies in his time. I had been planning on telling you when you were capable of defending yourself against them. But circumstances have forced my hand. You see… Your mother wasn't… exactly human."

Kakashi's one eye widened in surprise while Naruto was confused. "What do you mean, 'wasn't exactly human'?" She asked, her voice holding a dangerous edge to it, one that said she was going to get her answers, even if he didn't want to give them.

"Your mother's name was--" Sarutobi began.

"Opaline Solaria." Kakashi said, cutting off the Hokage. "You told me her child was a stillborn." He said, slamming both his hands into the desk uncharacteristically, "You said Sensei's kid was DEAD!"

Sarutobi winced as the desk gave a loud creak of stress. "I had no choice." He said, "Arashi had more enemies then can possibly be counted. If I had announced her heritage, yes the people would have praised her, but she would have been dead, with an Iwa blade in her chest before the month was out." This statement caused Kakashi to recoil.

"I-Your right. Damn it, but your right." Kakashi whispered, as tear leaking from his eye.

Naruto looked back and forth in confusion. "Who was my father?" She asked.

Sarutobi paused before answering. "What I say doesn't leave this room, not until you make Chunin at least." He said, his voice more serious then Naruto had ever heard it.

"Um… okay." Naruto said slowly.

Sarutobi took a deep breath. "Your father." He said slowly, "Was the Fourth Hokage."

Her reaction was almost immediate, and, from a certain view point, hilarious. Naruto toppled over, back into Kakashi's arms, in a dead faint.

"She took that rather well." Kakashi said dryly.

"I wonder how she'll take to not being human?" Sarutobi said.

--Tower Infirmary, 44th Training Zone, Forest of Death--

Naruto winced as blinding light hit her eyes. She blinked her eyes quickly to get used to the brightness. 'Great a white ceiling.' She though bleakly. Turning her head to the side she sighed. "Why is it always a hospital." She complained.

"Maybe you should stop doing things that land you in the hospital." Said Sarutobi.

Naruto 'eeped' and nearly wrenched her neck when she looked in his direction. "Don't scare me like that!" She said angrily. The old man just smiled back at her from his chair next to the bed she was in.

"I wasn't surprised when you fainted." He said, "Though I had expected to get yelled at first."

"I still might yell at you, Old man!" She growled, unconsciously flexing her right hand like she wanted to strangle him.

"Yes well… Please do so after I tell you about your mother's heritage." Sarutobi said, raising one hand to forestall her anger.

"Fine." Naruto huffed. The day was getting way too stressful for her liking.

"Your mother wasn't from this world, Naruto." He said, causing her to look up in shock. "She was from a world known as Solaria if I recall. Now, I sure you remember those stories about fairies and the like, correct?" He said. She nodded. "You see, your mother was a fairy, a real fairy, and now, so are you."

Several seconds passed once more before, once again, Naruto fainted.

'Is there something about shocking news and fairies that causes them to constantly faint?' Sarutobi thought, remembering similar behaviour from her Naruto's mother.

--Author's Notes--

It's official. I've lost it, flipped, gone crazy, loco, filled my head with nuts.

I don't know what caused me to write this, but I do know where its going.

As usual please review, constructive criticism is welcome. All flames will be used to power my house. Ja ne!