Hello my dear lovely readers and reviewers. First off, if you're reading this you still have my Xanatos Chronicle stories on your alerts and still care about it for which I thank you very, very much. That being said I realize it's been almost three whole years since I've updated "Savin Me" the third of the series but recently I've been inspired to start up with it again. The thing is though, three years later my writing is much different than it was when I first started the Xan Chron and to be honest it's a bit embarrassing looking back and seeing what it used to be. My writing's developed significantly and so I've started rewriting the series starting from "If Everyone Cared" which is now called "Fifteen, There's Still Time."

I will be rewriting all three and I'd intended on making a prequel three to the ones I'd already posted about all of the events that led up to IEC as well so chances are I'll actually get that done this time to. So once again if you've stuck around this far or plan on sticking around for my rewrites then I thank you very very much and here's to hoping I can tell the tale of our boy Xanatos just a bit better this time. Thanks again :)
