Thank you all so much for reading this! I hope that you all have enjoyed the story! Thank you Sam for brainstorming with me!
Adam looked down at the boy in his arms and was touched at how panicked he had become once the arms changed. He gently touched Harry's lips and murmured "I am the Beast no more". He watched as Harry became still in his arms and couldn't resist gently brushing his fingers against Harry's cheek. He felt his heart clench when his fingers touched the leather blindfold and he felt his heart burn with the desire for Harry to see him. He remembered that he had been selfishly grateful for Harry's blindness when he was in his Beast form. Now he leaned down and gently laid his head on Harry's, breathing in Harry's scent as he adjusted to his new form.
Harry's trembles had slowly died down when he heard the words. He was still as unfamiliar fingers stroked over his cheeks, touched his lips and then knew with absolute certainty that it was his Beast when the form leaned down and took his scent. Harry pulled away and slowly let his fingers wander over his Beast's face. He caressed the brows, down to the cheeks over his lips, and onto the nose. Harry felt his lip tremble and knew that if he was able to cry he would. He had done it, the spell was broken. He wished with all his heart that he could see the Beast; to see who he was before the spell had changed him. He leaned into the Beast's chest and trembled silently. He had never regretted losing his sight more.
Adam understood and wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's body sheltering him from the looks of the villagers and the servants. Adam could hear Mrs. Potts sniffling. The spell was broken and all they wanted was for Harry to be able to see the changes for himself.
Gaston and the villagers all watched the changes with looks of shocked amazement. Gaston's eyes narrowed when he watched the interactions between Harry and the Beast. It didn't matter to him that the Beast was now in a human form. As far as Gaston was concerned was still holding Harry against his will. He could see Harry trembling in fear from this far away!
Gaston wondered if Harry even knew that he was a prisoner in the castle. Trapped in his room hidden out of sight, not allowed to go to the village or even leave the castle grounds. Harry was an unwary prisoner and Gaston was determined to save him. He drew his hidden hunting knife and prepared to attack again, certain that this time he would be successful he charged.
Harry sat up in Adam's arms when he heard feet moving quickly, almost silently, in their direction. He heard the footsteps, the 'chink' of a knife being pulled out, it was when he heard Gaston give a small cry as he raised his arms to strike Adam that Harry realized fully what was going on. He ripped himself out of Adam's arms and pushed Adam aside as he opened his arms protectively in front of the Beast and stopped Gaston in his tracks.
When Gaston's feet stopped moving a light flashed through the castle. There was a cry and when everyone regained their senses the first thing that was registered to them was a roar from Adam as he shouted "Harry!"
The young boy was laid out on the floor, his stick broken into pieces and his leather blindfold blown away by the force of the light. Gingerly Adam knelt and took Harry into his arms, shaking as he looked the young boy over for injuries. When he saw that Harry was safe, he curled him up in his arms and glared at Gaston, his eyes dark with rage as he visibly snarled.
Gaston's knife clattered to the ground which shocked the silence. He took a hesitant step towards Harry and Adam as he said, "Is…is he alright?" There was no answer, as all attention was taken away by the sound of the small form shifting as he woke.
Harry nuzzled against Adam's chest and could instantly sense the tension. He looked up at Adam worriedly, his concern growing when he saw the look on Adam's face. "W-what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry's own eyes widened with the realization of what he had said. "Your face…" He said softly smiling brightly as he reached up to touch Adam's cheek.
Adam stared down entranced at Harry's eyes; they were a beautiful emerald green. When he had been the Beast he would sometimes spend hours thinking of what color eyes Harry had. Sometimes he despaired more over the certainty of knowing he would never see them then he did over the possibility of forever being the Beast. Now he knew and he felt as if he was complete. He smiled gently at Harry and s aid "They're beautiful."
Gaston stepped forward when those green eyes turned towards him. He shook with the thought that he could have ended those brilliant eyes. That he had raised a knife to Harry, even if he hadn't meant to, filled him with guilt. The silence that had fallen over them ended with a delicate clearing of the throat.
Mrs. Potts was dabbing her eyes with her apron as she looked at Harry. Or more importantly Harry and her Master and the looks they were giving each other. She gave a pleased little sigh before looking around and glancing at the clock "Oh my." She cleared her throat, thinking that all business was done at least for the night. "I think its best time to turn in for the night."
The men still remaining in the castle entrance coughed and nodded sheepishly, casting glances to Gaston as they made their apologies and began to leave. Le Fou went to Gaston's side and gently tugged on his sleeve "Come on Gaston…we'll come back tomorrow." For the first time the handsome hunter said nothing in response as he was led away.
Harry watched them go, actually he was watching everything. Looking at everything. Amazement and joy on his face as he looked at the world that had been hidden from him for so long. He gasped when he saw his friends "Lumiere! Mrs. Potts! Cogsworth!" he shouted, he looked at Adam and blushed softly. He didn't want to stop looking at Adam, but he wanted to go see his friends as well.
Adam understood the look that Harry was giving him and smiled gently "Go Harry, then off to bed with you." He smiled when he saw the despairing look on Harry's face and watched as the boy ran joyously to the friends he had made in the castle.
That night as Adam tucked Harry into bed he smiled when the young boy couldn't stop looking around. Adam reached forward and gently took hold of Harry's cheek "It's been a long night, you should rest those eyes." He smiled at the beaming grin that Harry gave him before a frightened and haunted look came into his eyes.
Harry smiled and looked around again, amazed at how similar and different things appeared than how he imagined. When he heard Adam's words he smiled before an idea came to him. He turned wide eyes to Adam who gave him a look of concern. He took Adam's hands in his own and said softly "I don't want to close my eyes…I don't…I don't want to go back to the darkness."
At these words Adam acted instinctively and pulled Harry into his arms "Shh, don't…" Adam wanted to give Harry words of reassurance but knew that he could not. He knew that the Beast would haunt him as the darkness would haunt Harry.
He didn't understand why Harry had gotten his sight back, and he didn't know if Harry would be able to keep it. Still, it made no sense for a young boy to stay awake and exaughst himself on something that only might happen. He gently caressed Harry's cheek and kissed his forehead.
Harry felt himself gain peace he knew that he could always count on Adam to tell him what he really thought. Adam wasn't going to give him empty words; he was just going to give him love. That's all that Harry really needed. He snuggled down into bed and closed his eyes. He was no longer afraid of the dark.
Thank you all so much for your support! I hope that this story made you smile!