Disclaimer: All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. I'm just trying out a story with them.

Author's note at the end.

She always orders the same thing. Coffee with cream and sugar with a blueberry scone. She always comes in between 8:30 and 9 in the morning. She's always got her messenger bag and her camera bag. Around the time she shows up everyday, it's always relatively empty, so she always sits wherever there's a window.

I like watching people who come in here. Most people are in such a hurry that by the time they walk out the door, I feel tired from just watching them. Others are so mellow that I get bored watching them, sometimes sleepy even.

And then there's her. Her coffee cup always has a letter B on it. I've gone through names in my head that start with B and none of them seem to fit. Of course, I could always be wrong, seeing as how I've never worked up the courage to talk to her, let alone ask her what her name is.

Today is no different. I heard her place her order and the cashier, my twin brother Jasper, called out her coffee order. I fix it up and, again, resist the urge to walk around the counter and deliver it to her personally. Which, if I really think about it, it's not really suggestive because, at the moment, there are only two other occupants in the coffee shop and both are working on their laptops.

But, like always, I chickened out and instead called out "I have a coffee for B." I saw her get up and walk towards the counter to get her drink.

She smiles and says "Thanks. You guys have the best coffee, I swear it's like a drug to me." This is the most she's ever said when she's here. I'm a little shocked, so I just raise an eyebrow slightly, hoping my face doesn't give away what I'm thinking.

Unfortunately, she misinterprets my silence and starts to backtrack by rambling, "Uh, I mean, that's not to say that I know what it's like to be on drugs. I mean, um, of course drugs are bad, it's what we're taught as kids, you know? 'Say no to drugs' and all that? Uh, thanks for the coffee."

I can't get a word in and by the time I process the fact that she stopped rambling, she had already gone back to her table.

Ugh, way to go, Edward. Now she thinks you think she does drugs. Smooth, real smooth.

Before I can continue to scold myself mentally, I hear Jasper call my name. "Edward?"

I turn to look at my twin. I swear, had it not been for the fact that there is evidence on film of our birth, I never would have believed that Jasper was my twin brother. Where I have a mop of bronze-colored hair that sticks out every way possible, Jasper has gold, wavy locks that hang just above his eyebrows. Where I have jade-green colored eyes, he has ocean-blue colored eyes. Basically, we each inherited one side of our family. Jasper looks more like our dad, Carlisle, and I look more like our mom, Esme. Our only similarity is that fact that we both stand at 6'3", which is hilarious when it comes to Jasper's girlfriend, Alice.

Alice Hale is Jasper's long-term girlfriend and like a little sister to me. She has black, spiky hair that she styles to go every which way, soft, violet eyes that almost look like they could be contacts but aren't, and she stands at 4'11".

I was brought out of my inner monologue by Jasper calling my name again. "Edward! Dude, what's wrong with you? That poor girl looked like she was trying not to piss her pants when she was talking to you. What did you do?"

I blinked and replied, "I didn't do anything to her. She said our coffee was like a drug to her and I was just shocked that she was talking to me. She misunderstood my silence and before I could correct her, she sat back down."

He looked me in the eye to see if I was lying, but quickly figured out that I was telling the truth. "Alright, but maybe you should go apologize and explain to her what your silence did mean. Cool?"

I nodded, "Yeah, of course. I feel bad but she wouldn't let me get a word in. Can I take my break now and go talk to her?"

Jasper nodded and replied with a quick, "Sure, sure. Go for it." So I did. But, damn, was I nervous.

When I got to her table, I cleared my throat softly so I wouldn't startle her, and asked "Do you mind if I sit with you?" She stiffened slightly and turned around to face me. She nodded and replied with a soft "Sure."

I took the seat in front of her and stared down at my hands for a few seconds, trying to work up the nerve to look at her while I spoke. When I finally took in a small breath to speak, she broke the silence first by speaking softly, "Did you want to talk to me or just stare at your hands your whole break?" When I looked up, she had a small smile on her face, which in turn made me smile at her.

"Actually, I was trying to figure out how to properly apologize for earlier. I'm sorry if you thought I was judging you or anything when I didn't reply to your comment about the coffee. You just surprised me because that was the most I'd ever heard you speak here. You're always so quiet."

Those last two sentences were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Oh, crap. I can't believe I just said that out loud. Where's the rewind button for life?

She looked a little stunned at my words. But then she quickly composed herself and a small smirk appeared on her face, "So, do you watch me or something when I'm here?"

Here's your chance, Edward. Man up and say it without sounding like a creepy stalker.

So I took another breath and let it out slowly before speaking, "The truth?" I looked at her to see her response. I was given a small nod.

I nodded, "The truth is that you're the only person who has ever caught my attention out of all the people that come here on a regular basis. You just seem different, in a good way," I assured her quickly, "And I can't help but notice you. The only problem is that I only know that your name starts with a B and that might not even be true."

I looked down at my hands after my confession so I wouldn't have to see the freaked out look on her face. She surprised me by placing one of her small hands over mine. I looked up in surprise and saw that she had a bigger smile on her face.

"That's not all that creepy, you know. I would have been more worried if you didn't work here and noticed me and watched me. Thanks for being honest with me," she said. I smiled at her and replied with a soft, "You're welcome."

With newfound courage, I held out my other hand for her to shake and said, "I'm Edward."

She gave a small laugh with her smile and took my hand, replying, "I'm Bella. It's nice to finally meet you, Edward."

My smile widened and I said, "It's nice to finally meet you, too, Bella."

Author's note: This is my first attempt at a story, so please let me know what you think. I've had this saved for about 3 months on my laptop and decided to go with it. This might just be a short story, about 5 or 6 chapters, but please review and let me know what you think. It is even worth continuing or is it so bad that I should remove it and not even try?

Thank you! =]