The Dragon Riders

Chapter One

We Don't Wanna Go To War Today...

Draco's POV


It's the one thing I've done my best to avoid. War would have been a great thing to avoid. But lately, everyone seems to be shoving war down my throat.

Currently I was at about the same level as Ginny.

"What do you mean, the Dragon Riders? They're real?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I'm afraid so."

"So who are they?"

Dumbledore just stared at her. Ginny flushed red. "Oh...oh."

"Excuse me, sir," Gr- Hermione chirped. "But do you mean to tell me you know who took Blaise?"

I sat up a little straighter at that. I had my own theories but supporting them was another thing entirely.

Dumbledore sighed. "Unfortunately Mr. Pettigrew seems to know how to get into the castle undetected. We can offer you help with this particular man however. Sirius Black, your uncle and godfather, Mr. Malfoy, has offered to lend a hand if necessary."

I tried to remember Sirius but all I could come up with was the wanted pictures of him from several years ago.

"Don't you mean Harry's god father?" Ginny asked.

I looked at Dumbledore sharply, willing him to deny it. Dumbledore just smiled. I really could see why my father hated that man.

Hermione made a noise and I looked over at her in time to see her hiding a snicker. I narrowed my eyes at her and was considering leaving the room. Then Ginny turned on my lap and kissed me lingeringly.

Robbed of speech, I stared at her for a moment. She smiled and deposited another kiss on my nose. How was it she knew exactly how to bring me back?

Weasley was looking a little flustered and Hermione hastily brought the conversation back to something a little more relavant.

"So, you mean to tell us that we're the Dragon Riders?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I am aware that you four do not have the proper training but I am afraid time is rather limited for us. Sirius and Charlie Weasley will be coming in later today. Your training must start tomorrow."

Ginny looked delighted to hear her brother was coming but apprehension flowed readily through the room. Dumbledore gave us our assignments and wrote a note for access to the restricted section of the library.

Ginny held my hand as we made our way up to the library.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I replied.

She stopped, taking my face in her hands and looking into my eyes. "Draco, I know you don't want to go to war. None of us do. But we're Riders."

"And Riders never back down," I finished for her. I kissed her.

"Just promise me, Ginny. Promise me we'll always be together."

"Only if you promise to always be mine."

As Ginny spoke I recognized the area of the castle we were in. This little niche had a way of binding promises. I didn't tell Ginny that but swore. After all, I knew I always would be hers. And she mine.

Hand in hand, we made our way up to the library.

(A/N: Short little chapter, I know. The next few should be longer, but I don't know yet. We'll see. Still, hope you liked it. PS, who liked the fact that Draco and Harry are now god brothers? Oh, and just so you know, I am doing NaNoWriMo again this year. I should be far enough ahead on my updates so I can still update this month but I will try to give some warning if I can't.