


Chapter one

Social Networking

Azula dropped her school-bag on the marble floor of her father's mansion. Quickly, a woman dressed in an apron rushed over to pick it up.

"Glad to see you home from school," The maid said.

Azula walked by, with her brother Zuko close on her heels. "Of course you are." She said. Zuko acted as if he didn't even notice anything.

As she walked across the parlor, her Dolce & Gabbana metallic boots clicked on the floor. The maid rushed after her, joined by two others.

"Would you like some water?"

"A hot bath?"

"Your lunch is ready, ma'am,"

See, Azula didn't eat lunch at school. There was always a gourmet meal waiting for her at the mansion, so who would want to eat the usual cafeteria food?

She didn't even pretend to be interested. "I'm not hungry." She took the spiraled staircase up to her room, and her brother kept walking on, obviously heading to the theatre in their home.

Down the hall to the left was her room, with red walls and a black-and-white checkered floor. Her huge bed sat in the middle of the room with red satin blankets and a black canopy draping down over it. She walked to her black marble vanity and sat.

Impassively, Azula took her jet black hair out of its tight bun. She looked in the mirror as her hair cascaded down her shoulders. She pulled her blood red lips into a frown and looked to her nails, painted to match.

Suddenly, Linkin Park's 'numb' blasted from her cellphone. She looked at the caller Id.


She tried to keep the smile from playing across her lips, but she failed, and she pressed the receive button to answer her boyfriend.

"What?" She asked spitefully, opposite of her expression.

"Hey babe," Jet said on the other end of the line.

"What is it?" She answered.

There was a pause. "I think we've got a case on our hands."

Azula's smile turned to a smirk. She was a part-time high-school student and a part-time detective. Her, Zuko, Mai, Tylee, and her boyfriend Jet, that is. They called themselves Azula and the Clue, because she was the head of everything.

"What kind of case?"

"Katara. You know her right?"

She nodded solemnly, but then realized he could see her nodding.

"Yeah, sure, whatever… what about her?"

"Well, she's been on Facebook for a while. And now all of a sudden, she's being bullied online."

"Cyber bullying." She observed.

"Yes," He answered. "But now things have gotten out of hand. She's being bullied at school."

"Katara's always been picked on."

"I know, but, worse." Jet sounded impatient.

There was a beep sound coming from Azula's phone.

"Hold on, I have another call." She said, pressing a few buttons to activate her three-way.

"Hey, Azula!"

"Hello, Tylee," Azula said. Jet chorused with her.

"Oh, hi, Jet. Did you already tell Azula about Katara?"

"Yes," Azula answered. "But I don't understand. Everyone on Facebook has an Id so people they know can identify them."

"Yeah, but, this person's identifies themselves as 'the missing link'…" Jet complied. "So no one could recognize the person."

"Alright," Azula sighed. "Jet, don't you have Katara on speed-dial?" The reason she knew this was because Katara was Jet's old girlfriend.

"Yeah, I'll call her. Are we rounding up The Clue?" He asked. The Clue, was the name of their group, only because they couldn't think of anything else, and had little faith that there was another name they would agree on.

"Yes," Tylee and Azula said.

"Okay. Meet at my place? In about thirty minutes?" Jet inquired.

"Deal," The two girls chorused again.

Jet's car was parked in front of Katara's house.

"Are we gonna go inside or what?" Mai finally asked.

Jet paused. "I say 'or what'…" He was still a little rough around the patch with Katara. Or say, she hated him for breaking up with her.

"Why did you bring it up if you didn't want to go into her house?" Zuko asked.

"Because when your sister is the last person to know about something, she always turns to me and says, 'Why didn't you tell me about this?' or 'Why am I the last person to know?' or…"

Ding, dong.

Four heads turned. Azula was already on the porch ringing the door-bell. They all hurried to catch up to her.

Sokka answered the door. "Hello?" He overlooked the four, dark-looking teenagers plus Tylee without enthusiasm. "Oh, it's you guys."

He's not too great-looking, either. Mai observed the tall, lanky, boy with wild hair. She received a look from Zuko that said, He looks like he just rolled out of bed at five pm…

"We're here to see Katara." Azula said after silence.

Sokka looked to Azula, then to Jet, but gave in. "She's in her room. Up the stairs, last room on the left, but I can't say she'll be too glad to see you."

That didn't stop the gang. They went right past him and followed his direction, up the stairs, last room on the left, and knocked on her door.

The door opened to a smiling Katara, but her smile quickly faded at the sight of Jet. "Oh, it's you," She repeated her brother. She stepped aside so they could enter the blue room.

"Expecting someone else?" Jet asked.

He watched her sigh. "No. Not many people still like me, but there's always the occasional visit from Toph or Suki."

Katara sat at the computer chair, Tylee, Mai, and Jet sat on the bed, Zuko sat in a bean-bag chair, and Azula stood, looking disgusted at everything in the room.

"We're here because of the bullying…" Mai tried to get to the reason of the gang's visit.

"Of course," Katara turned to the computer and typed '' into the search browser. "Why else would you come? We're not exactly friends…" She retreated to bring up several occasions where Azula had bullied her as she logged onto the website.

Tylee's eyes widened when she saw Katara's wall. Comments like the following:

KYLA NEWTON: Ur such a waste of space.

"Who is Kyla Newton?" She asked.

Katara looked as if she were about to cry. "I don't know. It's like everyone on Facebook is out to get me!"

Out of the tons of messages like Kyla's, Azula saw one that stood out from the rest.

LINK'S CHAIN: Katara, u r such a bitch. Why were u even born?

"Ouch," Mai murmured.

"Is that the person who started the harassment?" Azula asked.

"No, just one of his workers," Katara answered. "I probably know them, so they disguise themselves as Link's chain one, two, three, and so on. The actual Missing Link never writes on my wall, just sends me messages." So she displayed her inbox, full of hateful messages she never opened. She clicked on one from The Missing Link.

THE MISSING LINK: God has turned his bck on the ppl u no, and cursed thm w/ ur existence. It's a wondr u havn't been murdrd yet. They say tht miracls come slw, but who has the time to sit around and w8 4 u 2 die?

"Again," Mai said monotonously. "Ouch."

"When did this start?" Jet inquired.

Katara turned to him. "Only about a week ago,"

"It's amazing what you can do in a week!" Tylee said, gazing at all the posts Katara had received.

"Yeah," The victim agreed. "And it's like The Missing Link watches my every move, almost as if he were stalking me. Sometimes it makes me think that it was someone that was very close to me, but then I wonder who would do something like this!" She scrolled up and down her profile page, where all the mean and rude comments her sprawled across the screen like ants.

Suddenly, a red dialogue bubble popped into the lower left corner of the screen. Katara clicked on it, and there it said, 'The Missing Link has sent you a message'. "Here goes," She said, maneuvering back to her inbox.

THE MISSING LINK: I see where u r. U thnk ur little frenz can track me down? I thnk ur wsting ur time. U desrve 2 die, no 1 wnts u here. Ur horribl, and u wll die alone. Azula, Zuko, Mai, Jet, and Tylee wont b able 2 hlp u! U NEED 2 LRN THT NOBODY LIKES U! Go jmp in a lake.

Tylee shuddered. "That's creepy,"

"I know," Now Katara was sobbing. "And I can't stop it! You have to help me!"

Azula rolled her eyes. "That's what we came here for."

"Azula and the clue to the rescue," Zuko said monotonously.

A/N: New story. Suckish, but I couldn't get the idea of Azula solving mysteries out of my head. This will be the first in a series of fifteen-chapter stories of Azula and The Clue