On the Road

2 days later

Chris stared out the window as the motor home rolled down the dark highway. I'm still dizzy. How many times did we switch Vin and Ezra around anyway? Glad those three are on our side. What one doesn't think of the other ones will. Ezra is going to keep his mouth shut about treating him with proper decorum in the future. Wonder which one of them decided to move him in a hearse? Bet Buck and Nate were in on it . . .

Vin's eyes blinked open, looking around a moment he smiled warmly. Chris Larabee slept peacefully as they rolled along. 'Bout time. Cain't breathe with Chris hangin' over me that way. Gotta hang on ta mah temper, ain't tha fellas fault I'm trapped this way. Just want ta stop hurtin' fer a little while is all.

"Yah alright?" Vin asked softly when Ezra sat up carefully.

"I need to make use of the facilities. Could I bring you something on my return?" Ezra asked just as softly trying not to wake Larabee.

"A new back? Laying flat this way ain' . . . good."

Ezra sighed helplessly. I would if I could.

"Didn't think so, some water would be good," Vin sighed deeply.

"What are you gentlemen doing awake?" Adam asked in concern.

"Slept out," Vin muttered.

"Bathroom." Ezra eased past. "Who's driving this monstrosity?" Standish asked in concern.

"Connor, he is qualified I assure you," Adam soothed.

The immortal checked Vin's legs carefully. "Would you care to sit up awhile?"

"In here?" Vin looked longingly toward the front of the camper where the others were gathered.

"I was thinking about up front so you wouldn't disturb Mr. Larabee. The swelling in your legs is down. I imagine your back is a bit sore staying in one position for so long," Methos suggested.

"I'd appreciate it," Vin answered.


"You knew what you were doing." Joe Dawson nodded at the wheelchair once Vin was positioned at the table. "Takes experience to get in one of those things with the use of one arm that way."

"Been in one before. Hate the damn things," Vin admitted.

"Stop hovering would you. It only makes the helpless feelings worse," Joe ordered Nathan quietly.

Nathan grimaced and backed away.

"Know what you mean, kid. It's one of the reasons I was so determined to walk again. That and feeling like a little kid having to look up at every one," Joe slid a cup of coffee in front of Tanner. "They said you like it strong and sweet."

Vin sipped the coffee and smiled. "Damn, somebody that can make decent coffee."

"You wouldn't know a decent cup of coffee if you tasted one," Buck snorted.

"Are you two hungry?" Nathan asked when Ezra joined them at the table.

"Peckish," Vin admitted.

"Nothing for me," Ezra said.

"I saw the way you looked at the coffee pot. Would you care to join me in a cup of tea?" Adam asked.

"Yes, please."

Joe looked in disbelief at Vin's empty plate some fifteen minutes later. "I'm glad he wasn't hungry."

"That was a light snack," Ezra responded.

"High metabolism, must be something to do with their senses. All the Sentinels I met were the same," Adam said offhandedly.

"Been sitting up long enough," Nathan ordered gently.

"Reckin so, 'bout ta fall asleep in mah plate," Vin admitted.


"He's sleeping," Nathan announced. "Thanks for telling us about the muscle relaxers."

"I'm glad they're helping." Adam nodded.

"So you've met Sentinels before?" Josiah asked thoughtfully.


Joe chuckled as Adam became the center of attention. The teacher and the storyteller, he looks so . . . right.

"Could you tell us about them?" JD sat up on the bunk he had been resting on. His tousled hair and bright eyes made him look all of eight years old.

"There are different types of Sentinels. Primes seem to end up in positions to protect their tribe. Firemen, police, military. . . All five senses enhanced to the point they need the support of a guide to help them survive. Very protective of their guide's territory. Amazing abilities but so unbending, a very rigid code of honor. They see things in black and white and are pretty close minded. Ellison is a prime. A Singer like Tanner isn't a Sentinel at all. They're enhanced guides . . . empaths with all their senses enhanced. At least the Singer I got to know was. I couldn't prove it but I believe he was a soul healer as well as being one of the most dangerous men I've ever known. I met him in Palestine during the 3rd crusade . . . ," Adam began recounting the story of Vin's forefather.

"Half elf? You really believe that?" Nathan demanded.

"Certainly, of course Hollywood is as accurate there as they are about immortals," Adam snorted.

"You've really met elves?" JD demanded in awe.

"Of course," Adam responded.

"Story time is over, time to hit the sack," Joe Dawson ordered.

"Connor, let me know when you're ready for a break and I'll drive awhile," Buck ordered as he settled onto the bunk across from JD.

"I'm doing that now," Adam spoke up.

Connor pulled over to the side of the road so that Adam could take over.


"It's hot." Josiah sat a fresh cup of tea down beside Adam. "Deep thoughts?"

"Thank you, a lot of memories," Adam revealed.

"Seems like it would be a lonely life," Josiah said.

"Very much so."

"How does a new immortal learn about your society?" Josiah asked curiously settling into the passenger seat.

"Society? We don't have a society," Adam snorted.

"Sure you do. You obviously have some kind of rules to have kept out of sight all these years," Josiah pointed out.

"Yes," Adam admitted. A seeker like Sir Josiah, you'll be as hard to lead off the scent as your kinsman.

"If there are rules then there is a foundation for a society. Immortals have survived thousands of years, ergo there is a functioning society," Josiah smiled widely. "So how do the young ones learn the rules?"

"Normally an older immortal will take them under their wing. Teaching them how to fight, and the . . . rules," Adam chuckled ruefully.

"Was the movie right about the whole not fighting on holy ground?" Josiah asked.

"That is certainly one of the most important," Adam sighed.

"What happens if someone does fight on holy ground?"

"Ever hear of Pompeii?" Adam asked flatly.

"Definitely a good idea not to fight on Holy ground," Josiah muttered. "Since none of you can have children, do your students become your family?"

"In many cases," Adam admitted. Old sorrow showed in the dark eyes.

"Duncan was Connor's student?"


"So you could say Connor's his father," Josiah looked thoughtful.

"Rameriz was Connor's teacher. He was killed by the Kurgen long ago." Getting maudlin tonight. It must be seeing so many faces from the past.

"Kind of a lineage then," Josiah mused.

"I suppose you could say that," Adam admitted.

"You were Rameriz's teacher weren't you?" Josiah asked quietly. Adam's hands tightened on the steering wheel. "They don't know do they?"

Adam glanced over. His mask firmly in place. "That would make me old, even for an immortal."

"You don't have many tells as Ezra would say." Josiah looked completely relaxed. "The people that have known you were very fortunate."

"Not hardly," Adam concentrated on the road. "I have killed many."

"Thousands died by your will. How did you find your way back from the darkness?"

Damn mortals still surprise me. "A woman I wronged, a Singer and his pack baying for my blood." Adam growled.

"My mother used to say that as long as there was one person that remembered you, you'd never entirely die." Josiah patted Adam's shoulder before heading back to his bed.

Adam cursed softly under his breath in several dead languages. Worse than Plato wrapping you up in words until you're bound tight.


Larabee Ranch

"Vin was speaking for all of us, you're welcome anytime. Call us if you need us," Larabee ordered.

"We left contact information. We'll be back," Adam promised. I'll be here to pick up the pieces if nothing more. Besides I have a gift to deliver. He needs time to heal first.

Last farewells were said and Adam, Connor and Joe boarded the RV.

"Think they'll really end up going to the Grand Canyon?" Chris asked as the camper pulled down his driveway.

"Yes, they're collecting memories. They're losing a friend," Josiah sighed.

"Joe?" Chris asked sadly.

"What's ten or even fifty years to a man who lives forever?" Josiah reminded.

"How do they stand it," Chris asked.

"By living life to the fullest. The old ones have learned to appreciate now. Something most of us never learn."

"Let's get back inside and make some memories," Larabee ordered.

"Some things are best forgotten," Josiah laughed looking at the camper.

Chris blinked in disbelief. "Did he just . . . he did!"

"Congratulations Chris, you may have just been mooned by the oldest butt in the world."