Eeeeehr bwong bw-ong duh duh duhduh
A New chapter, for one of my most disturbed non-HTabooF stories.
Warming, due to Flippy's dreams, this will be EXTREMELY disturbing. I'm truly not kidding. I'd just skip over the italics, if I were you
Please, vomit, flame, beat, what ever you want on me, just leave some review.
Even spam or flames will do.
PS: Constant readers of my stories may notice a few 'Easter eggs', or the Chekov's gun...
Chapter Four of FFYRTP
Evil had Cub in his paws, raising him to the heavens. Pop lay dead on the ground, blood running from his mouth, soaking the ice pick driven through Pop's head in the warm crimson fluid. Flaky's body, which was dismembered under a flattened chair, had been partially eaten. Cub wailed, tears running down Flippy's arm. Evil began squeezing Cub. Blood oozed from the infant's nose, and his ribcage began snapping. His cries became much more shrill and frantic. Evil smiled, licking the combination of blood and tears running down his arms. He brings the screaming child to his mouth and rips a chunk from the side of the struggling child. Organs and giblets pour from the wound, and the cries fade into the gurgling of bodily fluid slowing to a standstill. The infant's heart flops from it's respective place between the lungs. Evil smiles and began to toussle it softly with his tongue, letting the blood dribble into his mouth. The iron taste of the blood in his mouth excited him so. The taste of blood became erotic, and his bloody hand crawled its way down into Flippy's crotch. His hand tugged in his cock. Still sucking the heart, he grabbed Flaky's still warm heart, and began rubbing that on his manhood. His body tensed up, and he began panting. Just as semen spurted out onto the soggy heart...
Flippy awoke, in a coldsweat, on his desk at work. He lays his face in his hands, panting. Cuddles walked up to Flippy's cubicle. "Hey Flippy. Are you alright? You keep falling asleep. Those people in the Tilder Springs/Watership Down conflict aren't going to manage themselves." he asked, cocking his head to the side.
Flippy groans, rubbing the sand from his eyes. "Hey, Cuddles. In truth, I don't feel well." he grunts.
Cuddles nods in agreement, "Yeah, everyone has those days. My roommate is a domestic monster, with a gay crush on a superhero."
Flippy glares daggers at Cuddles. "Not like that mpreg shit. I'm having horrible daydreams. I'm eating and raping people in it! Honestly, I think all those stupid rabbits in Watership Down can screw themselves, and the refugees from Tilder Springs can go drown in their famous mountain spring!" he explodes at the rabbit.
"Hey, Flippy, I'm from Watership Down, and Flaky, your own wife, is from Tilder Springs! You can go fuck yourself." Cuddles snaps at the bear, crying.
"Pussy." Flippy mutters under his breath. Cuddles turns around, fingers curling into a fist. Cuddles throws the first punch, hitting Flippy just left of his right temple. Evil takes over.
Flippy plunges a hand straight into Cuddles's gut, literally. Cuddles screams, as a deranged Flippy laughs at the warmth within his victim's body. Weaving his hand between the large and small intestines, he begins massaging Cuddles's prostate. Despite the overtly gory and painful situation, both perpetrator and victim had an erection. Cuddles had an odd mix of excruciating pain and erotic pleasure. Mostly excruciating pain, as Cuddles was slowly losing his sense of touch to death. Evil Flippy grinned with a satisfied look until security guards took him away from the bleeding corpse.
Flippy storms down the darkened streets, hands shoved in his pockets. His earphones blasted the Tuetonic/Yankee band, Homeotic Fry's music into his ears. The sound drowned out everything life threw at him, including his suspension, although the lyrics often made him flip.
In Der Dunkel,
Angst, Angst,
Komm die Schwarzes Funkel,
Angst, Angst,
Gift in ihren blut,
Angst, Angst,
Es ist mein wut
Schenke ich dir,
Furcht mir!
Furcht mir!
Ich stehle Leben von dir.
Kannst du ertragen
Zu hören Ihr Herz schlagen?
Flaky trembled in the darkness. Flippy could see her frightened face. A black veil of dust rained from the heavens upon her shivering body. As a cold breeze blows by, Flippy could see green poison flowing in Flaky's veins. He steps forward, to ask why she seemed to have been tormented. Appearing in wafts of smoke, Evil smirked evilly, ignoring Flippy. He unveils from his jacket a length of chain, rusted from blood. Smoke wisping off Evil shrouded the blows to Flaky, although blood could be seen. Flippy found it oddly erotic, even as the heartbeats became defeaning. Pre-cum began oozing up from the depths of his loins, until an ejaculation.
Flippy was more than distressed by this music inspired bete noir. He smacked himself across the face. Looking up, he realized that during his daydream, he had wandered to the wrong part of town. A light drizzle moistened the ground. Flippy looked up at the sky, where accumulating storm clouds signalled danger for pedestrians. He knew three people in this area; Mime, Pop, and Cro-Marmot. Cro-Marmot was a narcissist insinuating he was the best HTF because of his immortality and athletecism. Mime wasn't truly Flippy's friends, more or less a target of violence. Pop was a brother, the only one he could turn to, despite the visions.
Pop heard a knock at the door. He leaps over to the door. He looks out his window to see Flippy standing on the porch. He slipped the door open a crack, and called out to his younger brother. "Well, Flippy what brings you here?" Pop asks, heart pounding in his throat.
"I got lost, and figured while I'm in the neighborhood, I'd drop by to pay my older brother a visit." Flippy smiles warmly.
"Well, you said hello, why don't I drive you home before the storm hits." Pop offers.
"What about Cub?" Flippy asks, looking over Pop's shoulder for the infant.
"Petunia's right next door. He won't start a fire or nothing." Pop assures him. Lightning strikes a tree nearby.
"May I stay until the storm blows over?" Flippy asks.
Sweat rolls down Pop's forehead. Pop opened the door, and the green bear walked into the bear's house. As soon as he laid eyes on Cub, a distraught, unwound mind became tense.
The infant on the floor with his brother's flesh and blood wasn't a relative.
He was a target.
The Lyrics translated into the way I meant them; In the dark, fear, fear, come the black dust, Poison in your blood, it is my rage, I give to you, Fear Me! I steal life from you, can you stand to hear your heart beat?
The ending was indeed a bit rushed. Ohh, a cliffhanger.
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