
"Is he going to be okay?"

"I don't know, his pupils are dilated... do you think he's even conscious?"

"Can you blame him if he isn't? If I watched my big brother kill my entire family in a single night I'd be traumatized. I wouldn't be surprised if he never speaks again."

The whispers were starting to annoy Sasuke. He was sick of hearing cop after cop whisper about him as they walked by as though he couldn't hear them. He understood perfectly well that his brother is now a wanted murderer and he knew where he was. The only reason he was keeping up the traumatized act was so that they wouldn't question him.

"Hey Sasuke...?" He focused on the old man in front of him. "According to a letter from your mother, your real father is a man named Namikaze Minato. Do you know how we can contact him?" Sasuke's eyes grew wide. He slowly shook his head. "Have you ever met this man?" Another shake and the old man sighed. "I see. We'll have to search him out."

Sasuke was in real shock now. Fugaku wasn't his father? Does that mean Itachi wasn't really his brother? "Don't be stupid. Nii-san is Nii-san. Even if he's only half related." He whispered to himself under his breath. Who was this Minato and why hadn't he ever met him? "Obviously, if he's your real father then that means Kaa-san cheated on Otou-san and what man honestly wants to know his wife cheated on him? She'd want to keep it secret until everyone was old enough to handle it."

"Sir, please! You can't go in there!" someone yelled.

"Shut up and get out of my way! My son's in there dammit!" Sasuke looked at the door as it was crashed open and three men came stumbling in, two trying to hold a third back. Sasuke stared at the third man and a single thought crossed his mind.

"Gorgeous..." he whispered staring at the blond man. He looked to be just a little over six feet tall with deep navy blue eyes and a bush of golden hair. He wore a long white coat with red flames at the bottom and "Konoha's Yellow Flash" written on the back. His eyes frantically scanned the room and stopped on Sasuke. His face lit up as he forced his way over. Sasuke's heart started racing, his mind rushing. "Love at first sight..." he whispered with near excitement.

"Hi there! You must be Sasuke!" The man shoved off his pursuers and shook Sasuke's hand eagerly. "My name's Minato, I'm your father!" he said in a rush. Sasuke felt his heart crumble instantly.

"Well damn." He grumbled. "Sasuke..." he replied before looking down at his feet.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Minato crouched in front of him.

"He's been in and out all night. Probably stressed out and traumatized." That old man said. Minato looked at him then back at Sasuke. He sighed sadly then hugged Sasuke as tightly as he could.

"I'm sorry little buddy. I wish I could have been there the entire time for you. I wish Mikoto would have let me see you at least once... you look just like her..." he hugged tighter and chocked back a small sob on the small boy's shoulder.

"Don't cry Minato-san... men shouldn't cry." Sasuke whispered. Minato pulled back and frowned. 'Should've known better than to expect him to call me dad on the first meeting.... god I'm such a ditz.' He chided himself in his head then stood up slowly.

"I'm taking him home now." Minato said stiffly. He took a box from the old cop and held Sasuke's hand – more like Minato's hand completely swallowed Sasuke's – as he led the way outside to his car. He put Sasuke in the passenger seat and his stuff in the back before climbing in and driving. "You hungry kiddo?"

"No." Sasuke said moodily. He stared out the window for a long time. "I... I'm fine Minato-san." He whispered.

"If you change your mind I'll stop at McDonalds or something." Minato said quietly. "It's a long drive to my house. I live in the next town over with Kushina." Sasuke stared at him waiting. "Oh! Right, Kushina's my wife. We just got married two months ago." Minato smiled brightly as he drove.

Sasuke fell asleep in the car halfway there and Minato smiled as he watched him sleep. He played with his hair for a moment when something caught his eye. There was a dark bruise like mark on Sasuke's neck, hidden by his shirt. Minato's eyes narrowed and he turned back to the road, his fists clenching tightly on the steering wheel. If only he'd talked Mikoto into leaving her husband... maybe things could have been better.

He sighed when he saw his quaint little house and Kushina inside reading, waiting for him. He pulled Sasuke out carefully and trodden up towards his house. Pushing the door open, he was met with Kushina's look of disdain.

"Minato, what is this? I'm getting calls about you having a son and now you come home two hours late with a child in hand?" She asked softly. Easily jealous and very possessive love.

"Shh honey, he's sleeping. He's had a very long day." Minato said with a nervous smile. "This is my son Sasuke. I uh, had a little tryst with an old friend from school about six years ago and she got pregnant. Trust me, today is the first I've heard of it." He said to calm the woman. She sighed in slight annoyance and came over to see the child.

"He looks nothing like you." She said simply, scrunching up her face just slightly.

"He's an Uchiha. They have a... somewhat dominate genetic heritage. He's still beautiful, regardless." Minato smiled. "Looks just like his mother, that's for sure. A nice woman who was full of love." Kushina narrowed her eyes slightly on the child before shaking her head.

"Whatever. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." She denied as she turned him to kiss her. He moaned quietly and pulled away with a devilish smirk.

"Meet me in the bedroom in five minutes love. I just gotta get him settled." He said with a husky tone. His red headed wife giggled and ran to bed. Minato rushed to put Sasuke in a guest room and tuck him in. "Good night kiddo. Be ready for a world full of love when you wake up."

Halfway through the night Minato was roused by pained screaming. He jolted awake with Kushina, jerked on a pair of boxers and ran for his son's room. Sasuke was thrashing on his bed screaming and crying.

"Sasuke!" Minato shouted. He fell to his knees and pulled the boy into his arms to calm him. Sasuke wailed and cried on his shoulder, mumbling about his nii-san and saying he was just being a good brother. Kushina stood in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her body and watched with confusion. "It's okay Sasuke, I've got you know. To-... Minato-san's got you."

"I asked nii-san to kill them... I told him... I wished they were dead because I hated them... I'm a murderer." He sobbed.

"No Sasuke. Itachi killed them because he found out what they were doing to you. I would've killed them too. It was horrible what they did to you." Minato assured the small child. Sasuke sobbed and sniffled and clung to his new father.

"Daddy..." he whispered. Minato became shock still. Then, with watery eyes, he held the boy even tighter and whispered his name repeatedly.

Sasuke sat at the kitchen table doing his homework when the front door opened. Minato and Kushina came in giggling and flirting like newlyweds all over again and Sasuke rolled his eyes. They came into the room and Minato started waiving a piece of paper in Sasuke's hand while he and Kushina became lip locked very passionately. He focused on the paper in front of him. Something about positive and pregnancy and... a boy. Sasuke felt like he just got smacked in the face with a ton of bricks. She was pregnant. She was going to have a son in about four months. He thought she was starting to look fat.

When Minato brought in that little bundle of blue blankets, Sasuke stared at it like it was the most repulsive thing on the planet. It smelled funny and it was making weird noises. He still went obediently to Minato to see it when he was called though. And sparkling blue eyes stared up at him; he was given a toothless grin and a happy giggle. His heart skipped a beat and he held the child gently, just to stare at him.

"Naruto Uchiha Uzumaki. Cuz we promised Kushina's dad our first born boy would carry on the Uzumaki name." Minato said with a big grin.

"That makes sense. My middle name is Namikaze after all." Sasuke whispered absentmindedly. He was too lost in the happy child in his arms. It was a beautiful thing he would cherish. He would always have time for him and he would never poke him on the head or make him cry.