"Kaiden!" Jack cried as I made my entrance into The Maine's bus. "Merry Christmas!" He said pulling me into a tight embrace. "Look at you! You're so beautiful!"
"Merry Christmas Jackie." I said as I hugged him back. After he let go, and my lungs filled once again, I proceeded to hug the rest of the bands. There was the rest of All Time Low, Boys Like Girls and The Maine.
After a few minutes of mindless chatter I looked around and could not locate Paul. "Um, Jackie, where's Paul?"
His face flushed a bit and he looked down, "Paul had to...get something Kaiden."
"Jack, I know that look; you're lying."
"Well, not really. He told me not to tell you exactly where he was. But he's not doing anything wrong. I promise. See, I can say that with a straight face. Look," he said pointing to his face. "Nothing. See?"
I laughed, "Jack you're rambling." He blushed again. "So what is he getting Jack?" I said with a smirk.
"Kaiden Hope that's not fair, you know he can't lie to you." Martin said slamming back another shot as he walked over. "He just went out to get you a last minute Christmas present. I don't know why though; you have the most presents under that pitiful looking tree." We both laughed.
"Martin, you are such a butt. If you're so jealous, you can have some of mine." I said giggling.
"No thanks Princess." I slapped him playfully for the nuisance of a nickname. He laughed and then pulled me in for a hug. "Kaidy, want a drink?" He asked getting up, headed to the table full of random bottles of alcohol.
"Nah, I'll have one later."
"You've said that for almost a month now." He said pouting, "What happened to my party girl?" He asked chuckling.
"Just not in the mood right now Martin." I said as I got up. "Pat!" I called as I noticed him, Alex and Rian talking in the corner.
"Kaidence!" He said pulling me into a tight hug. "You look gorgeous."
"Thanks Pat." I said quietly.
"Kaidy, you really need to take compliments better." Alex said pulling me away from Pat to himself. "You're fucking hot."
"Such a gentleman, Gaskarth." Rian said making me laugh.
"Hey Rian," I said as I shuffled closer to him.
"Hello Kaiden, and Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." I said giving him a tight hug, before returning to a spot to sit and put my feet up.
After a while of resting I got up to see if I could help the only one attempting to get dinner finished. She was a short girl, maybe five foot three at most. She was thin and pale, with huge blue eyes. Her thin brown hair made her one of the prettiest girls I'd seen in a long time. She was grateful and started handing me the ingredients for apple pie and instructing me, giving me a list of all the baked stuff i would be needing to help finish if we ever wanted to get dinner ready. I chuckled a bit, "Relax..."
"Oh, Nina. I'm John O's girlfriend. Nice to meet you. You're..."
"Kaiden. Paul's girlfriend, and Zack's sister." I said smiling.
"Oh, wow. Really? John...?" She called.
"Yeah babe?" He asked a bit confused.
"Uh, you sorta understated this, Kaiden, she's gorgeous." She laughed a bit at my discomfort. I was never good with compliments. "I'm sorry, that was quite rude but wow, Paul is sure lucky. Well anyways, thanks for the help."
"Anytime." I said grabbing some of the stuff from the counter. "Hey Jackie, Martin, will you please help me bring this stuff over? And maybe keep me company...?" I said putting on my most Innocent face as I looked towards them.
"Sure Kaidy." Jackie called.
"Can I bring alcohol?" Martin asked.
"I guess." I said laughing.
"Then I'm in."
We walked over to the BLG's bus and started getting stuff all settled. Jack helped me clear off the counters and for once actually wash the dishes so I could cook.
"Oh. My. God. Why?"
"Sorry, we forgot to clean up." Martin said, I scoffed as I helped clean the counters off .
Finally the mess was straightened out and we were back at making the dessert for tonight's festivities.
An hour later the first two pies were done, and the last was in the oven, almost done. I sent the boys over and said I'd be there in a few. I scrambled to the bathroom and retched over the toilet.
Fuck. This cannot be good.
"Kaiden?" Nina called walking onto the bus. Shit.
"Coming." I said as a viciously brushed my teeth.
"Sorry if I'm interrupting anything..." She said tentatively as she walked towards the bathroom.
"It's no big deal I just had...a shot too many, weak stomach these days." I said forcing myself to chuckle. "What's up?"
"Well, I was just wondering how the pies were going? Everyone's a bit ancy for the start of dinner."
"All done." I said smiling as i turned off the oven.
"Ok, sounds good, I'll just grab these and you can grab the one after it's cooled down a bit."
"Alright, I shall be over in a few minutes." I said gaining a small laugh from her as she exited.
I went back to the bathroom to retouch the light make up I wore. I grabbed the few presents I had kept secret.
"Kaidy?" A voice whispered out of the darkness as I was just in front of the other bus.
"Paulie?" I called out to the dark.
"Yeah babe," He said coming into the squares of light coming off the bus, his voice much louder now. "I have something kind of important to tell you..."
"I do too." I mentioned as my mind started racing with possibilities. "But you first."
"Ok, we've been together for..."
"Three years." I finished for him quietly.
"Right," He said, flashing a quick smile "And you've been through everything with me. You're my best friend, and I know I can't bare to be without you in my life. So will you, Kaiden Hope Merrick," He said as he lowered one knee to the ground pulling out a small box and opening it, "marry me?"
"Yes." I said smiling and holding back tears as he slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up and pulled me against him, my head fitting just below his shoulder.
"I love you Kaidy." He said quietly, looking right at me.
"I love you too Paul" I said, the tears now flowing. Behind us we heard clapping, we turned towards the bus to see Johnny [blg], Jackie, Nina and Pat watching from the windows. We both chuckled and waved at them.
"Lets get inside babe." He said kissing the top of my head.