Here is another update, yes i am trying to become a good writer! I just wanted to thank you all for the amazing response from last chapter :) You guys really are too kind. So here we go and bit more, hopefully you guys will begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel!

DISCLAIMER: Meyer's owns all i'm just stuffing her characters in a time machine and twisting the plot a little!



Everything is dark, too dark. It's very confusing; I'm not really sure if I'm awake or asleep and this darkness feels unreal-as though I am stuck in the air. All of a sudden, an awful smell moves me and I begin to hurtle downwards until finally I fall back into myself. Now the dark is no longer darkness, merely my eyelids covering my eyes. So I try and open them. It is difficult at first, especially when loud noises start assaulting my ears. I want to cover my ears, but I'm sure that I am lying on my arms. I should just focus on opening my eyes. Finally, the world comes back into focus.

Now I am confused. What is going on? Where am I? I slowly begin to rise up to get a better bearing on what is going on around me and I hear loud voices, some I recognise. It is then that I see him. Edward.

Why are Jasper and Emmett holding him back? His eyes look so hurt, like he is dying inside, like he is burning at the stake. I need to understand what is going on so I can stop him hurting- what if I have done something to hurt him? As unbearable as it is, I break his gaze and try to understand where I am, so I slowly move my head. It is then that I feel it, cold and sharp up against my throat. The fear and adrenalin begin to pump through my blood. It can't be. Is that a blade? The fear stops me from catching my breath; it is too much.

I then regain Edward's eye contact and plead with him to save me. But then I realise that in saving me, he will risk his own life. What if he got hurt or worse? That can't happen! I make a decision. I must save him, because he is so much more important than me.

I can't begin to comprehend how much time has passed between the darkness and when I realised I needed to start listening to what was being said.

"Michael, we don't want war with Germany. We have been friends for many years. Why have you committed this act of treason, this felony?" Carlisle questioned, worry etched between his eyebrows.

Michael gave a small smirk. "Surely you can understand, your Majesty. I just want what is mine and I want Isabella. Ever since I saw her in that hallway, I knew for certain that I wanted her. Then, I found she was to be Edward's bride, so I didn't return to Germany. I gathered my men and waited, biding my time until I could have her for myself. He can't have her, because SHE IS MINE and as soon as we all realise that, then things will be for the better." His voice grew with passion throughout and was shouting towards the end.

I was terrified. He wasn't trying to hurt Edward; he was trying to take me away from Edward. I couldn't bear the pain. The agony would be worse than death. I had grown so reliant upon Edward and I let out a whimper. "No, please no."

"Ah, my darling, you are awake. I'm so sorry we had to meet again like this. Let me just deal with these brutes and we can be gone," he crooned. I felt like I was going to be sick, so very nauseated. I had to do something to save us. And then, I remembered playing with my brothers back in Spain.

We were running in the courtyard, Felix, Demetri, Alistair and me. We were playing tag. Felix was it, and I was the youngest sibling, so he decided it was best to chase me. He also knew how clumsy I was, so I was likely to fall over. He was getting close to me and I tried to dart away, so he leapt and tackled me to the ground. None of my brothers did that, because I always was too scared to join in the games where they tackled each other; they were so much bigger than me. So when Felix jumped on me, it really hurt. Quickly, he rolled off me and Demetri came and helped me up. I surveyed the damage to my skirt, it was not too bad, but I had cut my knee and it was all Felix's fault. Now, even I would agree that it was very unladylike to attack my brother. But I was furious, so I went to kick his shin. However, I missed and went a lot higher, kicking his groin. Immediately, Felix rolled over and curled up in a ball crying. I was shocked; I didn't think I had kicked him that hard. I was broken out of my pondering by my brother's laughing. They were laughing at Felix, who was crying!

I wondered if that would work on Sir Michael. He didn't seem to be wearing too much armour, so quite possibly. This was my chance to escape, but how could I get him over here and get this knife away from my throat? I would have to seduce him.

Thank you very much for reading

Please review!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and yes there is more to come, i plan on finishing this story as soon as possible as i have just dragged it out too long. A big thanks once again to my super Beta! And my lovely readers! Until next time

