What are your initials: EMC
What is your favourite thing to wear? I would rather just go around naked, but Alice won't let me!
Last thing you ate? A deer
I say Shotgun, you say? Would you just realize that we all love to drive and just stop asking?
Last person you hugged? Rose...eventually it turned into more than a hug (wink wink)
How many US states have you been to? All of them...my favorite is Navada, cause it has Vegas in it!
Does anyone you know wanna date you? Duh, practiculary every girl I meet.
Name something you like physically about yourself? It's a tie between my amazing abs and my awesome brain!
Who is your best friend? Don't have one, cause Edward and Jasper are never up for a good prank!
Why are you still up? I'm always up, I haven't slept for a pretty large number of decades.
Who/what made you angry today? No one, I had an awesome day!
Favorite type of food? Actually, there's this really good type of tigers...
Favorite holidays? New years Eve. I just love watching that giant ball going down.
Do you download music? No, I can sing for myself!
Do you care if your socks are dirty? Am I supposed to?
Would you date the person who posted this? Alice? No thanks, I don't like it short...please don't show that to Jasper, he'll kill me.
Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? I'd sat down and listened to Edward play the piano on many occasions.
Do you love anyone? Rose, duh!
Do you like George Bush? Who?
Have you ever bungee jumped? Several times, and it was legendary!
Have you ever gone white-water rafting: Look above.
Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? Unless Esme or that freaky volturi vamp Jane hit on me, I don't see how that would be possible.
How much money do you have in your pocket? I'm kind of not wearing pants right now...
How is the weather right now? Rainy, obviously, that's why we moved here.
What are you listening to right now? Jasper and Edward fighting downstairs. I'm jumping in as soon as I'm done writing!
What is your current favorite song? "Sexy Back"
What was the last movie you watched? A really good porn, actually, I think I have the name here somewhere...
Where was the last place you went besides your house? The woods, hunting.
What are you afraid of? Nothing, I'm a freakin' vampire!
How many piercings have you had? Again, I'm a freakin' vampire!
How many pets do you have? None, and I think you know who's responsible for that...
What's one thing you've learned? Never piss off the Volturi. Man, those guys are tough.
What do you usually order from Starbucks? For the last time, I'm a freakin' vampire!
Have you ever fired a gun? More than you'd like to know.
Are you missing someone? Not really.
Favorite tv shows: I don't watch a lot of TV, whenever I'm bored I just look for Rose.
Do you have an iPod?: Nope.
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb? Nope
Who's one person that makes you smile? Bella, such an innocent, clumsy, fragile human being.
Who would you like to see right now? Rose, but she's out shopping...
Favorite movie of all time? Don't have one, new porn movies just keep coming out.
Do you find yourself loved? Obviously, I'm hot!
Ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Favourite flower(s)? I don't have a favourite flower, I'm a man for god sake!
Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? None
What magazines are you reading? Playboy, obviously.
Have you ever ridden in a limo? Plenty of times, that's a long car man.
Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently? All of my none-vampire relatives and friends died a few decades ago.
Is there anyone you wish you were still friends with? Nope
What's something that really bugs you? Carlisle, he won't let me pull a prank on Bella!
Do you like Madonna? No, she's too old for me.
Do you like Michael Jackson? Yeah, he has some good moves.
What's your favourite smell? The smell of fresh, neat emberassment...
Favourite baseball team? I watch football, and thank you very much!
Favourite cereal? Ok dude, for the last time, VAMPIRES DON{T EAT CEREAL!
What's the longest time you've gone without sleep? A few decades, i've really lost count.
Last time you went bowling? A few years ago, had some fun sliding on that bowling 'runway'.
Where is the weirdest place you have slept? How can I possibly remember?
Who was your last phone call? A prank call to Edward, I just ove pretending to be Bella...
Where do you work? I don't need to work, and besides, if I ever will work, I'll get fired after 10 seconds.
What's the closest orange object to you? My boxers XD