Chapter 1

Morgan sat at the table in the bar closest to the BAU offices and could feel the tension flowing from his body. They all, Garcia included, had just returned from a case. It was Thursday evening and when they had got back to Quantico and finished their paperwork Hotch had told them all to take a long weekend. For the first time in months the whole team had agreed to meet for a few drinks before going home to relax. Hotch and Rossi had gone home after a few drinks, but the rest of the team were partying hard. JJ had even decided to stay with Garcia for the night so that she wouldn't have to worry about being woken up by a demanding baby.

He looked around the table and smiled. Emily and Garcia were pointing at and whispering about a group of men stood at the bar who had apparently tried it on with Emily earlier in the evening. He smiled to himself – he wouldn't want to be them if the two ladies carried out their whispered plans. He could also see JJ teasing Reid who she had just thoroughly beaten at darts.

"My round" said Reid, obviously trying to distract JJ from her teasing.

They all placed their orders and Reid made his way to the bar. Morgan noticed that JJ had stuck to soft drinks all night and turned to ask her why.

"I want to be able to drive home early tomorrow" she said, pre-empting his question. "I haven't seen Henry for days. I needed to come out tonight, but I desperately need to see him tomorrow."

"I can understand that" he replied.

At this point Emily and Garcia moved towards the dance floor and began dancing together, clearly trying to tease the men at the bar.

"They are totally determined to make those guys suffer, aren't they?" laughed JJ.

"You've got that right" Morgan replied. "I really wouldn't want to be in their shoes at the moment."

JJ was about to reply when her phone rang. She rolled her eyes, apologising to Morgan as she checked her caller ID. She immediately looked shocked and worried and stood up, making her way towards the exit. Morgan followed her, hoping it wasn't anything too serious, but wanting to be there just in case. She had answered her phone and he could hear her side of the conversation.

"Polly honey, are you OK?...Polly, I need you to calm down sweetie, I can't hear what you're saying."

Morgan could tell that JJ was trying to sound calm, but she was pacing the street outside the bar and her hands were shaking.

"Polly? Where are you?......Polly?" Her voice was urgent now, the panic showing.

"I need you to listen really carefully OK?......Polly? Are you listening?......OK. I need you to step back and sit down somewhere safe......Listen to me Polly. You've come too far to do this now. Please step back from the edge. I'm going to get in my car now. I can be with you in 4 hours and we can talk......Polly, please just step back from the edge! Whatever it is, we can work it out......Just step back, please.......Polly?.......Polly? Please Polly, don't do it!.....Polly?.....Polly?......No!"

She was yelling now and as she screamed the last word she turned back towards the building and viciously punched the wall. Morgan winced; she had hit with enough force to cause herself some serious damage, but she didn't seem to be feeling any pain as she went to hit the wall again. Morgan immediately grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a hug. She struggled against him and tears were flowing down her cheeks.

"JJ? What is it?" he said, shocked by her reaction. She continued to struggle against him. He held her tighter and spoke calmly to her, stroking her hair as he spoke. "Come on JJ. I need you to calm down and tell me what has happened."

She stopped struggling and took a gasping breath. "Morgan, let me go" she said. "I'm going to be sick."

He pulled her gently over to the side of the road and loosened his grip. She fell to the floor and threw up in the gutter. He knelt down beside her, holding her hair and rubbing her back.

"Morgan?" He looked up at the sound of Emily's voice and saw the rest of their friends walking towards them with obvious concern in their eyes. Emily knelt down on the other side of JJ, who had stopped throwing up, and pulled her into a hug. She looked at Morgan questioningly. He shrugged – he was a confused as they were.