Stopwatches and Something Bigger Than Love

By gwento-addict

A/N: Hello world!! My super Duper Janto Fic Is Starting Woo High 5!! Sorry Hyper!!! Let's Get Started, this fic is Dedicated to the Brilliant and Most Wonderful, Janto-Addict, Janto-Rulz, Captain-Jack95 , Oh yer Btw Janto-addict's Birthday is 6th November :P and Captain-Jack95 's Birthday is 8th November !!Happy Birthday Dudes!! (Why I said dudes I don't know lol)

Romantic, The only word that could describe the setting of our Brilliant show

Wait guys this isn't Romeo and Juliet here!! Its torchwood!! Let's start again!

The Hub, had been set out especially for Ianto and Jacks Date tonight, Jack had ordered Ianto to keep away, which Ianto found most obscure. "This has to be perfect Gwen; you know how I want it". Gwen sulked like a child when she didn't get what she wanted, "I know Jack, but as I said, women know when something is perfect, and I think you should have bought candles", Jack looked unimpressed when Gwen came out with the remark 'you should have bought candles'. He Turned his back to hide the anger while, spreading rose petals. Jack looked at his Watch, 7:30, Ianto would be back at 8, and he hadn't started on the Lasagne he was supposed to be cooking.

"Oh, look at the time!" Jack said as he looked away from his watch. Gwen looked up in an unhappy mood "What now then harkness, you didn't order the little cupids to dance round you" comedy ensued. "No, I haven't started cooking yet" Jack was looking worried as Gwen gave him relief "You start cooking and I'll get everything ready", Jack rushed into the kitchen to get everything ready when Gwen rang Ianto.

"Hya Ianto, how are you?"
"Fine, bit tired but I can't wait to come home to my beautiful boyfriend"
Gwen's eyes grew with shock when Ianto said them words, she thought 'beautiful boyfriend, well that's new'.
"Anyway Ianto where are you"
"Just Coming up Lloyd George Avenue"
"Great, see you tomorrow"
"Bye!" they both said in unison.

Gwen rushed into the kitchen to alert Jack of Ianto's arrival, "Jack, Ianto's here!"

Jack rushed out of the kitchen and looked at Gwen in a way that signalled her to say "Im going now!" Gwen rushed out of the door as Jack took a deep breath, got two neatly wrapped boxes out of his desk draw, this would be the most important night of his life, so far.

Ianto walked through the door as he saw the Hub, It looked like a paradise, rose petals and a table for two in the middle, Ianto was relieved there was no candle's, he didn't really like the smell of them. Ianto sat down at the table as Jack leaned on the frame of the door "Hello Lover" Jack announced in a sexy tone. "Erm Oh Jack!" Ianto answered. Jack went over to Ianto; his hand went through Ianto's wet hair as they passionately kissed.

"I have something to give you" Jack said nervously as he gave Ianto the Box.

Ianto opened it and in it sat a bright gold stopwatch. Ianto looked at Jack with sympathetic eyes as he said "This is Beautiful, you got it engraved as well" Ianto looked at the inscription which said, 'Rwy'n dy garu di â phob fy nghalon, am byth'.
"You like it?" Jack asked, Ianto replied immediately with "A lot, thank you cariad"
"Dinner is ready so if you want to sit down", Jack and Ianto sat down for dinner when Jack asked "Will you marry me!?", Ianto looked stunned as jack sat there looking embarased. "Oh god Yes, yes I will!!" Jack opened the box, took Ianto's hand and placed the ring on his finger. As they both stood up and passionately kissed.
"You didn't need to, do all this you know, would have been happy with a cup of coffee and a proposal" They both laughed as Jack answered "But Ianto, I love you and ill do anything for you and you love coffee so it wouldn't be different, I love you forever". "Jack?" Ianto said "yes Ianto?" Jack asked, "You're so nervous that your sentences don't really make sense". Jack laughed at Ianto; he always liked to correct people's mistakes.

They both looked at each other as they said in unison "Hothouse?"

Hope you like, the welsh translations might be wrong, if they are Plz forgive me… ahh im scared now run away!!!! Ahhhhh lol. Ill Tell you why im exited, cos I just got my tickets to see Cinderella, which has the one and only Gareth David Lloyd in it woo!!! Ahhhhh OVERLOAD EXITEMENT SOMEBODY SMACK ME!!