"Megatron, I have the item you wanted from that human female." Skybyte said holding out his palm that contained Sara's necklace.
"It's about time, Skybyte." Megatron said. He took the necklace and was about to study it when Scourge's voice said "What Skybyte failed to notice is that it is a fake with a tracking device within it." "WHAT!" Megatron bellowed.
"Scourge is lying! I got the item straight from the girl, there is no way it could be fake." Skybyte said trying to explain and save himself.
"The battle we had was just a trick so it wouldn't look too easy when we got the item. I'm afraid the Autobots now have it and from Movar and Ro-Tor's surveillance of them I'd say there was nothing special about it. If there was the Autobots would have already found it. It was all a clever trick to discover the location of our base." Scourge explained.
"SKYBYTE, YOU IDIOTIC FOOL!" Megaton bellowed as he crushed the necklace in his hand.
Skybyte ran out of the throne room before Megatron could finish all the while thinking You'll pay for this, Scourge.