I sat down in the dirt, rubbing my wings on the siding of the little shed in the sand. The quiet was soothing, calming as were the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the beach.

In the hotel room it was chaotic again. Nudge was chatting up a storm about some new fashion footwear that she just had to have. Heels? Are those practical in any way? Nope. But she still wanted them and wouldn't take no for an answer.

I had caught Iggy and Gazzy in the act. Of making bombs. Again. After I specifically told them not to. Again.

Angel was going psycho, mind controlling Total in a corner no matter how many times I told her not to.

Fang was being Fang. He'd been sitting in a corner drinking a bottle of root beer for about two hours now. Doing absolutely nothing and saying absolutely nothing.

Wow did I need a break.

I'd decided to fly down to the beach and take a break there. It was much easier to deal with everything without people interrupting me constantly.

"Yo," a voice said to my right. I looked up and sure enough, Fang was there.

"Why'd you follow me?" I asked in an even voice. But I could feel my stress rolling off of me in waves.

"Cause you're prettyyyy," he said.

I stood up, my breath caught in my throat; what the h e double hockey sticks is he on?

He swaggered up to me, not even an inch away from me.

"I looooveee youuu," he slurred. He pulled his hand up to my face, caressing it. I shivered and tried to step back but hit the wall instead.

"Fang what the heck are you doing?" My voice was barely a whisper, so low I could barely hear it, myself.

"I love you thissss much," he said, spreading his arms wide and swaying on the spot.

Realization hit me. It hadn't been root beer he was drinking.

"What the hell, Fang? Are you actually drunk?!" I was furious. Didn't he know how stupid that was?

He didn't answer but instead leaned into me, one arm on either side of me against the shed, I was stuck in between him.

"Don't you want me?" he asked, his dark brooding eyes staring into my wide, frightened ones.

"Get away from me, Fang, you're scaring me," I said, trying to push him off.

"No," he whispered, I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

One of his hands lowered as he put the other on my hip, slowly and gently moving up and up.

"Fang, stop it," I pleaded.

He ignored me. his other hand held my arms down and his knee was digging into my leg, holding me in place.

I couldn't move.

"Fang, don't!"

He disregarded me.

Fang's lips crashed down on mine and I struggled with all my might, turning my head to each side and begrudging him any response.

He kept his lips there and forced his tongue into my mouth. It tasted awful, like beer. His hands were burning me. I could feel them all over me. It hurt, any touch was pain.

Fang didn't look at my face. Not once.

I struggled harder, but it did not do any good. All it did was shove me harder into the wall or closer to Fang. Nothing helped.

Fang started to get closer and closer to my abdomen. His lips broke away from me. I tried to cry out, tried to scream. No sound escaped my lips. I was frozen in fear.

I almost cried out with the pain when he finally did what he'd intended to do the whole time.

It hurt more than anything else I'd ever experienced; with my record that is saying something.

A whimper escaped my lips; a sound of true, unbearable pain, especially coming from me.

I felt blood trickle down my legs as I collapsed in the sand.

He left. He ran away and took a running start up into the air, snapping his wings open, black as night.

My only conscious thought was that Fang had done this to me. Fang, my best friend, had made my worst nightmare come true.

With that I sank into the darkness.