LoopyFists here!! This is my first story in and I hope it gets noticed….If your reading this, please review it after your finished…it would mean a lot. If that's done, ON WITH THE SHOW!!
Oh yeah….I don't own The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy….cause if I did, I'd rule the world…
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
War's Story
Chapter 1: 15, Introductions and Explanations
August, 201X
It was all my fault….
When I look back…to all of the fighting, the deaths and the…pure NONSENSE… I had started the Armageddon.
Oh, sorry…your probably wondering who I am or what I'm talking about. I am WAR, horseman of the apocalypse, carnage incarnate, the ultimate weapon specialist, yadda yadda, Ect. Ect. I have sworn my eternal allegiance to Mandy, who rules the earth, and the underworld, with an iron fist.
How it all started though, is a lot more complicated. Let me take you back...about 5 years ago, back before the rule of Mandy, before the horseman's beginning, before I abandoned my real name….
I'll keep this short and simple…
It begins when Mandy and I did something truly extraordinary…we tricked the Grim Reaper into being our Best Friend Forever... Yeah, unbelievable I know but more to the point, Mandy and I used "Grim" to go on many, many strange adventures together throughout the years. Although Grim usually complained about being our slave/maid, abusing him and his power and using him to do various embarrassing things, Mandy usually forcing him (and sometimes me) to do these things, being no less of a tyrant than she is now, and I, usually being the cause of the supernatural mischief because of my stupidity, we could still strangely call each other "friends".
Sometimes I wondered why Mandy, having Death as her pawn, hasn't taken over the world (or had killed me)back then, when instead she watched TV with us, got me out of supernatural trouble, or sit at home and plan the world's doom….until HE came.
On my 15th birthday I invited three people (as if I had any other friends, which I didn't), Mandy, of course, Irwin, my nerdy best friend, and Nergal Junior, my cousin who's half monster. Grim baked a pretty big cake for me.
After I blew out the candles, Irwin asked me what I wished for. Mandy had hit him saying that it wouldn't come true if I said it. (It wasn't a good enough reason to hit him, but Mandy didn't care.)
What I said had surprised everyone in the room, and it still surprises me at times.
"My wish … is to become strong!!" I said with my usual smile "Strong enough so that Mandy can stop protecting me and I can protect her!!"(That was probably the smartest thing I ever said while I was stupid)
Honestly, I don't even know why I said that back then. I would usually wish for dumb things like… the sky raining fried chicken, or for a year supply of exploding golf balls…or something like that. This was different though…. I must have been thinking about all the times that Mandy had saved me and I was trapped or too scared to do anything… I think…
The room fell silent…Grim's jaw dropped off (literally), Irwin almost fainted in shock, Junior looked at me with a very confused face, and Mandy… picked up a piece of cake and threw it at me yelling "I can protect myself, you idiot!!"
I replied by throwing a piece back at her and screaming "CAKE FIGHT" when it splattered in her face.
Mandy tried to kill me while I ran around the room laughing my face off (I wasn't too smart back then) until the doorbell rang. Mandy stopped suddenly, and then told Grim to answer the door while she punched my face in. Grim grumbled something as he opened the door, but then suddenly stopped when he saw the person who was standing there.
He talked to this man for a while until Mandy stopped punching me to ask "Who is it Grim?" Grim had said "Oh, Nobody…just an old collage friend!" quite nervously, as if he was scared. "Come on Grim, you can't let a friend in to see some new people" a calm, masculine voice had said.
The owner of the voice stepped in, a man with long, flowing blond hair, very bright blue eyes, a small but square chin wearing a pure white suit and dress shirt, only to be offset by a jet-black tie. We all stood in awe of this man, even Mandy. "Well let's take a look at your 'tormentors', shall we?" the man said jokingly.
He turned to Junior first "A Nergal demon/human hybrid…interesting…", then Irwin,"…Half human, part mummy and…vampire? Strange…you're strong…", then Mandy, "Well, aren't you cute" to which Mandy growled at. " I tink she might be yours mon" Grim said, that made the man look at Mandy more closely this time, then step back saying "Meh…maybe…I don't know".
He finally looked at me, and then smiled "This boy…" he said "He will be a great warrior". Mandy replied to the comment "He not even smart enough to be a shield…" which was probably true back then. " Anyway," she continued "Grim, who is this man?"
The man stood straight up and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am…The Prince of Darkness…" he ended in a dark tone… but then he smiled again,"…But you can call me Lou!"
"Yeah and I'm the Queen of Darkness…" Mandy had said back. "No, Mandy" Grim sighed "Dat IS the Prince of Darkness, The Light Bringer, The Beast…" Mandy then looked at the man in a funny way, as if the title didn't fit the appearance.
"I know..." he said with a small laugh "I usually don't look like this, but there's some business I need to take care of…in speaking of witch…" He turned to Grim, "Grim, old buddy, I came here to tell you… We're going to starting Armageddon early!!" he ended with a cheerful smile.
Grim suddenly shrieked "ARMAGEDDON?!! Are ya CRAZY mon?!?" "No Grim, I'm serious..." the Prince sighed "…and were going to Win… and rule this pathetic world!!" "Now I know ya gone mad, you know what happens in 'revelations'; you KNOW what's going to become your fate!" Grim continued.
"But I don't WANT that to be my fate!!" The Prince whined like a child "I want the end of the world, and if you don't help, you KNOW that you'll go down with me". Mandy interrupted them, "How are you going to start the apocalypse anyway?"
" Well…" the prince started, "I was going to ask Grim to summon up a bunch of demons while I transform into a seven headed dragon and destroy everything in my path… then make it up from there." He said scratching his head while Mandy raised an eyebrow, "…but I thought up something a little more interesting…"
Then he pointed at us four "Grim told me that you kids were 'Little monsters that would one day destroy the Earth'…" We looked at Grim, who rolled his nonexistent eyes "… I want to see if he's right, so I want to see you four in action!
"I'll give you four by the end of tomorrow to 'mess thing up' around this Godforsaken town, and if you do a good job…. you may have a part in helping me start the apocalypse…" His smile looked more malicious than before, it had started to scare me.
As the man started to exit the house he said "I believe you kids will do just fine, so goodbye for now… and I'll be watching you from the sidelines..." "Oh and no using Grim's scythe…that would be unfair!" he added before he left. Everyone stood quietly for what seemed like forever, until I had asked Mandy if we were gonna go through with it.
"I don't know…" she finally said "…although I'd like to start the apocalypse, there's just something…off…about this whole thing…" she continued. I looked at her and said "Mandy, is that really YOU??" She had responded with a fist to my nose. "Does that answer your question stupid?"
"Yeah but…" I went on "…the Mandy I knew wouldn't of thought twice on something like this. She would've even started already too!!" I finished. Mandy had looked at me, as if I might have had a shred of intelligence in my empty head. "...you're absolutely right, Billy…" Mandy said, with my now former name, "Maybe there's a brain in that coconut of a head of yours…maybe…" to which I nodded my head happily to, glad to see that nothing had changed. To this day, I still have NO IDEA how I was able to say those 'smart things'…
She then looked at Irwin and Junior, who were pretty quiet during the whole time. "So, are you two idiots in?" she said in her usual dark tone. "I'll do whatever you say, my love!!" he responded, while Mandy narrowed her eyes (this would probably be a good time to tell you that Irwin use to have a very…'unhealthy obsession' with Mandy since we were kids.).
Junior had replied with "Well…if you're going to take over the world, I might as well be on your side… I'm in." "Then it's settled..." Mandy declared "We will meet at the front entrance of Endsville High school tomorrow; it will be the first of many places that will be decimated. Be ready to fight, because we're going to take over this town!"
Grim sighed while listening to us, "I'll make sure to ready me scythe for whatever deaths you'll cause…"
That was the day we decided to choose our destiny of becoming the starters of the apocalypse. We knew that after that day, things would only get crazier over time…crazier than usual at least…
…And it did…
Well, that's it for chapter 1… not too exciting, but it was an intro so wait for the next chapter. It will be crazy…and it will only get crazier from there….
Next time on GAoBaM: WE…. The end of Endsville and the Beginning of the Horseman!!
See ya next time!!
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