A/N: Hello there! New story at last! I took the title and the idea fron one of the extra chapters of the manga Dakenai Jikan, which you can read at mangafox dot com. heheheh. I hope you like this one. It is a rather short chapter though. Tell me what you think. Flames are welcome.



Chapter 1: Humiliation?

By Kami, what have I done to deserve this?! Every night for the past ten damn years I have to suffer this evil strawberry's… ministrations.

Here I, Renji Abarai, fucking heir to the Yamamoto-gumi, am bound to his bed, while his pink pouty lips sucked on my shamefully hard cock. Yet I could not help but buck my hips helplessly as pleasure invades my senses. While I appreciate the lengths his "talent" has developed over the years, I still feel that I do not deserve this humiliation!

My eyes roll as his sinful tongue licked the underside of my cock from base to tip, while his fingers massaged the spot under my sac. Kami, why oh why does this feel like heaven when I am truly in hell?!

I nearly cum but then he just stops.

He raises his head and wipes his mouth haphazardly then what is most probably the sexiest smirk graces his features. He then crawls over me then stops just as our groins come in contact. That evil strawberry just loves torturing me!

He leans over me, bringing our faces so close together that I thought he would kiss me. But instead he licks my face from the corner of my mouth to a cheekbone. He then nips an earlobe.

"Should I let you cum, Renji?" he whispers huskily in my ear, making shivers go up and down my spine. When I don't answer, he grabs a handful of my red mane and tugs, hard. He just knows what he really gets me off. I gasp, my hips bucking unintentionally. Our cocks rub and it makes his breath hitch.

"That is a clear yes." He smiles alluringly. This evil strawberry is just truly beautiful, with his skin all flushed and his half lidded chocolate orbs clouded with lust. Fuck, wait. Where the hell did that come from? I mentally shake my head to clear my thoughts. I should really do something to stop this or else I would be paying this strawberry with my manhood for all of eternity!

The demon strawberry proceeds to take my cock into his mouth and starts doing all sorts of things with his tongue and sometimes, his teeth. I groan and moan restrainedly, hoping that I do not sound as willing and enthusiastic about this. What he does with his mouth should be considered illegal!

I finally cum with an audible sigh. I feel my cock go limp inside his warm moist mouth but he is still lapping it up greedily, cleaning all my cum as if there was none in the first place.

"Delicious, as usual." The demon strawberry says as he finished, then he kisses me chastely on the lips before he lays his head on chest and snuggles.

I stare at the ceiling unseeingly, my mind wandering to how this all began.