A/N: I don't own the character or the places. Just the idea of the story.
Happy Halloween to everyone! Hope you'll have fun with my story!
Halloween 2011
Halloween. Time for monsters, trick and treating, candy, horror movies and pranks. The only time when the Nobodies of the Organization XIII could walk around the normal people without being hunted. It was also few of those times when Xemnas let his members decorate the whole castle.
Halloween was also one of the times that got Demyx freaked out. He liked to spent time with his friends but like April Fool's Day, this was one of the days he was mostly the victim instead of the trickster. The said young musician sighed while laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling. He knew that the castle was already decorated since he had returned from a mission at last night and got the first shock of the place.
This time around the white walls were only a good thing. Dimming the lights as much as possible made the white walls glow. The fake spider webs were hanging from everywhere as well as the spiders. There were pumpkin lanterns around and each had creepy carvings in them. There were several skeletons on some walls and some of those were decorated like zombies. Then there were everything else creepy that worked perfectly with the decoration.
Demyx had come late in the night back to the castle and screamed in top of his lungs when he saw the first zombie like skeleton that was real soon after the front doors. And it didn't help at all that the others who had come to check what was going on, had only laughed at him. On his way to his room, Demyx shrieked once in a while when one thing or another came to his way.
The Nocturne hadn't slept much at that night since he knew what was going to come at next day. Plus his mission had been at Halloween Town like at every other year at this same time, so he knew to be having nightmares about it. And he couldn't just leave the castle since he'd get reprimanded for not being at the castle when he should be. And the punishment was something the musician was not willing to go through again. So, he waited patiently in his room until the call to the party came.
Demyx sighed when someone came to knock on his door. No-one ever said a thing but that was the only clue he got to leave his room. The Nocturne once checked into his closet and saw his costume that he had worked with so hard. He wasn't going to put it on since it wouldn't matter a thing. Zexion wouldn't let him show it truly.
The young musician walked down the creepy hallways slightly shaking. Once he came into the living room, he got the first shock of the day. Someone sneaked right behind him and hold him tight. Demyx gasped but he started to shake badly only when he felt the fangs on his neck. "Should I bite you?" The attacker questioned smirking.
Demyx gulped once. "Do what you want. I don't really care." He replied quietly. The attacker, whom Demyx had recognized to be Axel, was slightly startled. That hadn't been the answer he had been waiting for.
Smirking, Axel let go of his prey."Not worth it." He mumbled while walking off. Demyx took his time to recover from the attack.
"Is my blood too bad for you or are you just picky on your victims?" Demyx questioned while slightly glaring at the redhead. Axel looked at the musician slightly surprised.
Xigbar chuckled from the couch where Axel had sat down. "He got you there, firefly." He sneakily stated. Axel rolled his eyes and glared at the man.
"You give it a try then." The Flurry replied with a grin. Xigbar chuckled but nodded and started to walk towards his prey. Demyx had already walked through the room and sat to a corner out of sight. He was trying to calm down and stay out of notice.
Suddenly Xigbar was right in front of him. "Heya there, buddy." He stated and was actually happy to notice Demyx jump in surprise. Grinning the Freeshooter was waiting for more reaction but there didn't come anything better.
"You really gotta get better costume, Xigbar. You're a pirate each and every time." The musician stated as calmly as he could. The real truth was that he was scared about the pirate in front of him since it was a zombie but he wasn't willing to show it.
"Damn. I thought to put something better on with it." Xigbar stated defeated and walked off. "Next year will be better." He promised to himself.
Demyx sighed in relief. "Hope next year's pirate will be only a skeleton and not a freaking zombie…" He thought eyes closed. Suddenly someone else came into the room.
"You're really not freaky looking, Naminé." Larxene stated to the white witch. The young girl giggled.
"I don't want to be scary looking, Larx. Besides, I am a witch." She replied calmly and walked to Demyx. "Hey. You wanna come to the sofa with me?" Naminé asked softly. Demyx smiled at her and nodded before following her out of the dark corner.
They sat to the long sofa for a while before Naminé went to fetch her sketching pad and pens. Demyx tried to calm down again by closing his eyes but real soon Zexion came over. "Hello Demyx." The Schemer stated grinning
The young book lover hadn't put on any costumes but he didn't need one. Demyx stared at Zexion scared to death. The Schemer had his element of illusions on his side and by that he got the young musician to see the worst possible thing. The Nocturne gulped and closed his eyes tightly while shaking violently.
Smirking, Zexion sat right next to Demyx. Slowly he let his left arm around the shaking blonde's shoulders. Demyx gasped and started to cry silently. The smirk never left Zexion's face while he tormented the musician. Others were only chuckling at the scene.
"Zexion! Leave him alone!" Naminé shouted when she came back. Zexion laughed but pulled away from Demyx.
"Why are you so mad at me, Naminé? I didn't do a thing. I'm not even dressed into a costume!" The Schemer replied little offended. Demyx gulped but opened his eyes. And when looked at Zexion, he noticed him to be having his normal clothes.
The musician sighed defeated. It always happened like this. The schemer always freaked him out by his illusions. "Come on, Dem." Naminé said and the Nocturne followed the white witch further from the other members.
The duo chatted for a short while and Demyx started to calm down a bit. Suddenly Naminé was surprised. "No, don't!" She shouted but didn't have time to avoid the next thing.
"Boo!" Roxas shouted when he jumped right in front of Demyx. The musician screamed and backed off a bit. The Keyblader laughed and shook his head. "I always get you." He stated smirking. Demyx glared at him while trying to calm down.
Roxas left while still chuckling. "That was really mean." Naminé muttered while trying to calm her friend. Demyx shook his head.
"Not really. It's just what happens each and every Halloween." He muttered sadly and leaned against the wall behind him before sliding down to sit on the floor.
"I'd like to see your costume, Dem." Naminé whispered while crouching down next to him. Demyx sighed.
"Can't show it since Xemnas would bark me down for leaving the 'party'." He replied and closed his eyes again to try and calm down. Naminé nodded but went to talk with the leader. Xemnas did let her rights to take Demyx out of the room for a while but they were not allowed to come back unless Demyx had his costume on.
Demyx accepted and led Naminé to his room. He showed the costume to the girl. "Wow, that's really amazing. Could you put it on, please?" She replied awed. The Nocturne sighed but did go to change the clothes. "Now, how about we'd go back and freak the others?" Naminé said with a grin.
Demyx sighed. "Fine, but I really don't think they'd get freaked out. Zexion will do the one and same thing as each year. Fool off others to see something way too stupid and they'll laugh at me." He replied sadly while walking to the door.
Naminé grinned. "They won't. Put your coat on and we'll go through a portal." She replied. Demyx frowned a little but nodded and did as she said. "I'll go first." The girl said and walked through the portal.
Zexion hadn't seen Demyx's costume before but he was ready to create a clown's suite on Demyx once the Nocturne would come out. He read Naminé's mind but only got idea of Demyx having his normal coat on. And once the musician did come out, he had his Organization coat on so Zexion didn't see any reason to put others to see something else.
Xemnas sighed and he was just going to say something about disobeying his command when Naminé stated one word. "Now." Demyx dropped the coat off and spread the blackish leather wings.
Each and every member of the Organization gasped in pure shock. They stared at the Nocturne in pure awe. Demyx had closed his eyes when he let the coat drop off. He had had the coat only on his shoulders and not fully on. When he heard the gasps, he looked around in surprise. "I told you this'll work." Naminé said grinning. "So, what exactly are you?" She continued with slightly puzzled look on her face.
Demyx chuckled. "Chaos." He replied grinning. For first time he had freaked others out. For first time Zexion hadn't been able to get others laugh at him. Grinning even wider, he flapped the wings few times and got another row of gasps.
Out of all of the members of the Organization, Axel walked to him little varying. "Uh, Dem…. How do you do that?" He questioned awed. Demyx smirked.
"It's a secret." The musician replied. Axel only nodded and returned to his seat. The truth was that Demyx used his element to control the wings.
"So, how about we'll take a nice place and go to play something?" Naminé asked while leading Demyx to a calmer area of the room. The Nocturne nodded happily. This had been a change for better.
"What do we play?" The musician asked happily. Naminé pulled out pack of domino. Demyx nodded and the duo started to play.
Several hours and one dinner later everyone was let off. Demyx sighed relieved and was willing to leave the room, get to his own room and probably hide under his own bed until the whole day was over but things change. "Demyx, can we go trick-and-treating?" Naminé asked quietly.
Demyx blinked few times in surprise. "Why don't you go with Axel and Roxas? You've always been with them." The musician questioned.
Naminé sighed. "They're more into freaking each other and others out. And they always go to Halloween Town. I don't like that." She replied sadly. Demyx sighed but nodded.
"Sure, we can go. How about Destiny Islands?" The musician offered. Naminé nodded happily and the Nocturne created the dark portal to the small town.
The place did celebrate Halloween but it wasn't as maniac as in Halloween Town or some other places. It was nice and calming for most of parts. Naminé did the trick-and-treating while Demyx kept watch. After coming back to the castle, The Nocturne was ready to hide into his room but Naminé put in a small request. "Could you sleep in my room tonight, please? I'm quite surely going to see nightmares tonight." She asked slightly ashamed.
Demyx chuckled quietly but nodded. "Just let me change clothes and I'll be there." He stated smiling. Naminé nodded happily and thanked him before going through a dark portal that Demyx opened for her.
While Naminé slept in Demyx's embrace, the Nocturne started to think about the day. It had started badly but ended happily. And he managed to surprise others. In over all the day had gone pretty well. The young musician fell asleep with a happy smile on his face.
A/N: Thanks for reading! If you read this, I'd love it if you left a slight review! Thank You! (Even flames are accepted! Though, those are going for Axel's amusement or then for Demyx to practice on. Thanks!)
Oh, and thanks for everyone who has favorited my stories and/or put them to alert! Sorry if I forget to thank you about those when I reply to your reviews!
...Over and out...