Minus points are a GOOD thing

"Weasley, ten points from Gryffindor for sheer stupidity." Snape sneered. He was not expecting the grin that followed this, however.

"Yes! Minus thirty-six!" His twin smiled smugly.

"What about me, sir?" Snape glared.

"Ten points from you also, Mr Weasley."


Why were they so happy? Didn't they understand? Minus house points were a bad thing. They were what made teaching these idiots bearable. If he couldn't enjoy the look on their faces when he gave them minuses… what could he do? What else could possibly compensate for teaching the thrice-cursed Weasley twins?

Unknowingly, Fred and George had discovered the very best way to annoy Severus Snape.

And thus concludes this fic! It's been a looong journey, thanks to all of you who stuck through it with me, and especially those of you who dropped me a line or so. (Psst, the button's just down there! Presss iiit… leeeave a reviewww…)