There is no possible excuse right now for how long the new chapter is taking to write. I'm SO SO SO sorry everyone, but my life's been REALLY busy as of late, and the terrible monster called writer's block has reared its ugly head again.

First, my parents have been taking me to a few ice-hockey games. Go Fire-Ants!!

Then some idiot flagged 'Spirited Away' on YouTube and I had to look all over the place for the English version… for the third time!!! And the guy who posted it made sure to say that he didn't own it!! Luckily I found it on a cool site that has pretty much every anime ever created including 'Inuyasha'; 'Yu-Gi-Oh!'; 'Sailor Moon'; and even 'Samurai Jack'!! Here's the link for anyone who's interested. Just remember to remove the spaces:

www . anime freak . tv

Then my poor computer came up with a little virus. Okay, not so little, and it's still recovering. And for some reason I'm not getting any alerts from the site. No update alerts; no PM alerts, nothing. So for those of you with your stories on my alert list, sorry if my reviews come in late. Hopefully my computer recovers soon. I miss my updates!!

And my church group recently reacted the Stations of the Cross. In case you didn't know, the Stations of the Cross were Jesus' last moments before he was crucified. Most of us were miming the event, but two of us were reading from scripts to the audience on what was happening. I was the second Reader. The whole thing went off without a hitch!!

So the new chapter won't be on for a while. I have to go to a church retreat this weekend, and then I'll have to finish a report on a Catholic saint for Confirmation. I'm really sorry guys, but unfortunately, life has to come before FanFiction.

I'll try my best to finish the next chapter. In the meantime, there are other stories that are probably way better than mine, so feel free to check them out while you're waiting for this one!

Oh, and you guys might want to check out the new poll I have on my profile. I'm thinking of doing a one-shot in honor of Valentine's Day once my workload has lightened up, though it'll be a little late for it. Still, check it out if you feel like it!!

Again, I'll try as hard as I can to post the next chapter. I'm just letting you guys know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Hope to see ya'll at the next chapter!! Ja ne!!

Update date: March 3rd, 2010