So... here it is, my first ever fanfic. Sort of cute, not particularly slashy. I would be insanely happy if I got reviews.
"Merlin?" Arthur questioned the panting figure, leaning with its back to his chamber door.
"Evening S-sire" and a weak smile was offered in response before Merlin resumed his worried and breathless expression.
"Something the matter Merlin?" Arthur asked, with only a slightly entertained look on his face. Merlin took a deep breath before returning the smile and providing what was meant to be a confident reply.
"N-no Sire, not at all…"
"Are you sure, you look a little erm… flustered."
Merlin looked confused at Arthur's concern.
"Well, you're hardly going to manage to clean my armour like that, it takes you long enough when you have the ability to breath properly."
The blush rose in Merlin's checks betraying his true feelings.
"I'm fine… it's just… there's just.. just a…"
"…a rather large eight-legged beast in the corridor."
"Merlin? Are you trying to tell me that you're afraid of a tiny little spider?"
Merlin was quick to leap to his own defence, quickly regaining the ability to stand upright.
"Ok, that thing, was not tiny, it was huge! And it had pincers! Pincers!" protested Merlin while gesturing exaggerated claw-like movements.
"Yes Merlin, I'm quite aware of what pincers are."
Merlin focused his gaze on the floor, appearing sad and helpless as he normally did to Arthur. He swayed slightly on the spot and crossed his fingers behind his back for luck.
Arthur recognised the expression instantly, it was Merlin's 'I'm-entirely-hopeless-and-you-want-to-help-me' look. He definitely wanted something, Arthur just had to work out what…
"Oh no…"
" What?" Merlin questioned dropping the staring-at-the-floor plan and gazing up at Arthur.
"You are not staying here."
"But…but… it'll eat me"
"It is a spider Merlin, it will not 'eat you', I doubt it'd even bite you given the chance"
"Bite? What if it's poisonous? And then it bites me? And then I die?"
Arthur sighed at his very own hypochondriac.
"Merlin, it…"
"Please Arthur, I'll sit in the corner, you won't even know I'm there"
Arthur frowned.
"You're not going to go away, are you?"
"Nope," replied Merlin with an innocent smile.
"Fine, but if I hear anything, you're out of here"
Merlin grinned, squeaked his thanks and ran over to his Regular chair in the corner of Arthur's chambers.
Arthur smiled, realising that this was not the first time Merlin had been to terrified to return to the corridors and had to stay the night.
Thanks for reading, hope it wasn't too terrible. You're amazing if you review :)