A/N: This is it, loyal fans. The last and final chapter of my story. Okay, getting a little teary-eyed here. I am working on several other Glee stories, but this will always be my favorite. (Just don't tell my other stories.) I usually only show one POV at a time but on this chapter I go back and forth a little because I want you to know what both boys are thinking and going through. I hope it is not too confusing. Thanks for all the love and support!
First Kiss
"Okay, last one… I swear," Kurt said, twirling slowly.
"It looks great," Finn said with a smile.
Kurt looked at him suspiciously. They were in Finn's living room, and Kurt was modeling the clothes he had just bought.
"I don't believe you. You hated this in the store."
"I did not," Finn replied. "I just think it's a little too much. Even so," he continued as Kurt started to interrupt, "it looks great on you."
Kurt smiled in satisfaction. Even though he knew Finn didn't care for the outfit, he could tell by the appreciative gleam in his eye that it didn't matter. He thought Kurt looked good in everything. A wonderful trait to have in a boyfriend.
It was the last week of Christmas break. Sectionals were over, and since they had won first place, they now had Regionals to look forward to. They had been really busy with final exams, Glee practice, and the holidays. Now things were finally slowing down.
And so they had gone to the mall today and spent all Kurt's Christmas money on clothes. At first Finn thought this might be his 'making it up to Kurt' task. He didn't really like to shop and anytime he went with Quinn, it was torture. However, he found he actually had a good time. Kurt was hilarious, and he really had the sales girls hopping. Although he asked Finn's opinion from time to time, he knew what he liked and didn't need Finn to agree with him. Finn loved that he was so confident in himself, because really he didn't know anything about fashion. And Kurt honestly did look great in everything.
Kurt soon returned, now back in his original outfit, and sat on the couch next to Finn.
"What?" he said in response to Finn, who was just smiling and watching him.
"This is nice," he replied. "Nothing to do… just spending time together."
"It is nice," Kurt agreed, returning his smile. "But I'm a little nervous about tonight."
"There's no reason to be nervous, Kurt. My mom thinks you're great."
"But usually we're in your room. This is a spending a whole evening with her."
Finn laughed. "Kurt, if I can spend time with your dad… I was terrified, by the way… then I think you will do fine with my mom."
Kurt giggled then, remembering that particular evening. His dad had glared… not yet ready to forgive, and Finn had been so nervous.
"So what are we going to do?" Kurt asked curiously.
"Well, we're going to have dinner…"
"I know that," Kurt replied. "I mean, what are we doing afterwards? I think we need a plan this time. Just sitting awkwardly with my dad didn't go as well as I had hoped."
"I thought we could play Wii."
"You're joking."
"No, Kurt," he said, trying not to laugh at the look on Kurt's face. "I'm not. My mom loves to play Wii. She bought it because she knows how much I love to play video games, and she thought this would be something we could do together."
At Kurt's skeptical look he added, "It's fun."
"I have never played that or actually any video game, Finn. Now, I'm really nervous!"
Finn laughed. "It's not hard, Kurt. My three year old cousin can play."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"My mom won't be home for another hour. Why don't we practice? Then you'll see how easy it is."
Kurt still looked unconvinced.
"I did go shopping with you," Finn reminded him.
"Fine, but I make no promises as to my ability."
"You can chose the game… do you want to play baseball, tennis, bowling, boxing, or golf."
"Finn, those are all sports games."
"Yeah, that's because we have Wii Sports."
"That's it?"
"We also have Wii Fit," he said. "I used my money from Olive Garden to buy it for my mom."
Neither of them mentioned the fact that the money was originally set aside for Quinn's baby.
"It's kind of cool. When you first get on the board, it tells you how much you weigh and if your weight is normal or not."
"Absolutely not."
"Then I repeat… do you want to play baseball, tennis…"
"Bowling," Kurt said quickly.
Finn started up the game and clicked on a tiny figure that looked remarkably like Finn.
"Okay, this is my Mii. Now we have to make one for you."
"He's adorable, Finn."
"Well, yeah… it is me," Finn said smiling.
The next twenty minutes were spent perfecting Kurt's Mii figure. He wasn't happy until it was exactly right, and he was noticeably unhappy about the lack of fashion for the little figures.
"I'll be sure to let Nintendo know about that," Finn said with a laugh, as they finished the settings for the game.
Finn demonstrated the way to work the controllers, and Kurt tried to copy his moves. Unfortunately his first throw was a gutter ball… and his second.
"This is a disaster, Finn. I can't do this."
"Giving up so soon, Kurt?" Finn said as he threw a perfect strike.
Kurt just rolled his eyes at the other boy.
"I thought you went bowling with your dad."
"I don't actually bowl. It messes up my nails," Kurt explained. "I usually just keep score."
"Here, let me show you. You just need to get the hang of it."
Finn came up behind Kurt and put his left hand on Kurt's hip. He then took his right hand and put it over Kurt's hand that was holding the controller.
"You need to keep your arm straight as you throw."
"I did," Kurt said but his voice sounded somewhat out of breath.
Finn brought their hands back and then forward again to throw. Kurt seemed to have a hard time focusing, and he didn't release the ball properly. The result was that on screen, everyone in the audience jumped as the ball was pointed at them.
Kurt giggled at that. "I am truly awful at bowling in real life and on video games."
"That happens to everyone," he explained. "You just need to work on your concentration."
"Really," Kurt replied as Finn pushed against him.
"Throw again."
Kurt took a deep breath as he prepared to throw his ball again. Finn was making it difficult for him to focus, and he knew that was the other boy's intention. Kurt was determined not to let him win at his little game.
Kurt threw the ball again and this time he got two pins. He might have been able to get more if Finn hadn't decided to slip his left hand into the pocket of Kurt's jeans.
"Finn, that's not fair."
"Problem, Kurt?" the other boy whispered. "Remember to just flick your wrist when you throw. Now go ahead and pick up the spare."
Kurt brought his hand back to throw again just as Finn kissed the back of his neck.
Another gutter ball.
At this point though, Kurt didn't care about the game anymore. Finn wrapped his arms around him to pull him closer. He was still kissing Kurt's neck, and the other boy dropped the controller he was holding to reach behind him. He ran his hand through Finn's hair and pulled him closer.
With everything going on, they still hadn't actually been together. Of course they wouldn't be doing that today, either. Not with Finn's mom coming home shortly.
Kurt turned around then and kissed Finn. He put his hands around Finn's neck and stretched up, trying to get as close as possible. Finn did his part by pulling him against him. A familiar sensation caught Kurt's attention.
"Finn," he said softly. "I think there's something in your pocket that needs your attention."
"Crap!" Finn said taking the vibrating phone out of his jeans. Moving his hands, Kurt placed them around Finn's waist.
"Finn?" Kurt was still holding on tight and could actually hear Mrs. Hudson on the other end.
"Hi, Mom," Finn replied.
"Is Kurt there with you?"
"Yes, he's here." Right here.
Kurt decided it was his turn to test Finn's concentration. He reached up and placed small kisses on Finn's neck.
"Okay, well… I have some bad news. One of the girls couldn't come in so I'm going to have to cover for her."
"Um…" Finn's reply was barely audible, as Kurt placed his hands under Finn's shirt.
"Finn. Are you listening to me?" she asked.
"Yeah, Mom."
"You're playing video games, aren't you? You know I hate it when I'm trying to talk to you and your doing that."
Kurt suppressed a giggle.
"Sorry, Mom," Finn said, trying to push the other boy away so he could concentrate. Kurt wasn't letting go.
"What did I say, Finn?"
"Um… you said you wouldn't be home tonight until late."
"Okay," she said placated. "Tell Kurt, I'm sorry. I was looking forward to tonight but, I can't pass up the extra money."
"I'll tell him, Mom," Finn said, staring into Kurt's eyes as the other boy smiled mischievously.
Finn ended the call and looked at him accusingly.
"Kurt," he started but the other boy interrupted him.
"Problem, Finn? I think you just need to work on your concentration."
As if in answer, Finn grabbed Kurt and kissed him until he was dazed and clinging to him. He then pulled him over to the couch and onto his lap.
Kurt giggled at him as Finn's hands wandered over his body.
"Are you happy, Kurt?"
"Ecstatic, Finn."
"Good," he said. "Then I have done my job."
Kurt let his hands wander over Finn's chest. "You know, Finn," he said. "You don't have to always please everyone. You always think about me, but I want to focus on you."
"Kurt, you talk too much," he said, as he pulled the other boy closer to him.
"I'm serious, Finn. I want to know what you want. Anything… I would do anything for you. Just tell me."
Finn looked serious as he thought about what the other boy said. "Right now, Kurt, I just want you to kiss me."
Kurt smiled as he touched his lips softly to Finn's. He tried to put a lot of emotion in the kiss. He wanted Finn to know how much he cared about him.
As they parted, Finn continued, his voice huskier, "And I would really like it if you touched me… right there," he said, placing Kurt's hand where he wanted it. "And, Kurt," he added. "Don't be afraid to use that wrist action I showed you earlier."
Kurt giggled at him. "You know… I am a quick learner," he said, proceeding to demonstrate his new skill.
Finn closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations Kurt was invoking. "Hmmm… you are good, but it doesn't hurt to practice…" he said with a smile. Finn kissed him again before pulling away.
"Kurt, I think we need to take this to my room. There is a slight chance that my mom could still show up, and I really don't want her to find us naked and sweaty on the couch.
Kurt nodded his agreement, and let Finn lead him into the bedroom. He'd had a mental picture of them naked and sweaty, and he was having trouble breathing.
Finn took off his shirt and pulled Kurt onto the bed with him. He took his phone out of his pocket and turned it off before placing it on the night stand. Slowly, he unbuttoned Kurt's shirt and pushed the expensive material out of his way. Kurt watched his progress with a sudden realization. They were actually going to do this. There would be no phone calls, no parents, no ex-girlfriends… nothing to interrupt them.
Finn kissed him and then looked at him with concern. "Are you okay, Kurt? You're kind of quiet. Are you sure this is what you want?"
Kurt reached up and touched Finn's face tenderly.
There were no preparations… no candy, no flowers, no candles, no music…
He nodded at him. "This is what I want, Finn. I love you."
Finn smiled in relief. "I love you, too, Kurt."
It was perfect.
It was more than he could ever have imagined…
…and all that he ever wanted.