Hello everyone, this is the one and only auramaster724. Well I have to say my first story, "Necrons Reign", well its crap, sooooo, I decided to do a rewrite, a rewrite that will make sure to knock your socks off. Chapter 1is going to be somewhat similar to chapter 1 of Necrons Reign but with some twist and turns.

Thanks to





Silver Shields


My friends Craig Allen, Tomas Thomson, Luis Ruiz, and Raymond Phoenix

And last to all of you readers who took the time to look at this story

Disclaimer: I only own Jose and Keith, SEGA owns sonic team.

Chapter 1

March 24, 2006, 4:32 pm

The image reflecting back on the mirror was one I didn't want to see; a medium size teenager around 16 gazed back with green emerald eyes, his hair was blonde with light blue highlights. He wore a dark blue navy shirt; his army camo shorts were basically jeans since they were about 2 inches away from his ankles. His black steel-toe boots reflected the light that was given off from a near by lamp. I walked up to a counter next to my bed and picked up my pocketknife.


I chucked the knife at the mirror causing it to shatter into pieces. The glass fell to the ground causing more shards to emit from the remains. The door behind me flung open, a middle-aged man with dark red hair entered the room, and he had a look of concern on his face. He wore black army camo jeans with a black muscle shirt, his dog tags bounced back and forth as he continue to scan the area. The middle aged man looked at the mirror then at me

"Jose, what the hell are you doing?"

I gave him a glare; I started to walk toward the door, ignoring the man. "Terry, shut up". I closed my eyes and walk past him, I could tell that his jaw just dropped from my comment since he doesn't take shit from anyone. I walked into the kitchen; I grabbed a bowl, box of lucky charms, and some milk. I walked over to the table and pour some into my bowl. I saw Keith walk into the room, his black hair looked grayish when it reflected off the light; he was wearing his usual, black jeans with a black shirt.

"Heard you got a crab up your ass" he scoffed

I chuckled at his greeting, he gave me a slight playfully punch and turned away. He walked over to a nearby stool and took a seat.

"Today's the day," he said calmly

I slowly took a bite of my cereal, memories from the past exploded in my mind; the scream of middle age women, next to her was a man in his early forties. There was blood all over the inexpensive carpet, to the right of the couple was a bulky stranger; this man had a bag full of belongings and a gun. A small 12-year boy with black messy hair could be seen hiding behind a nearby corner, his eyes, filled with tears as he saw the unexpected happen. The sound an AK47 fired off and blood filled every corner of my mind. At that moment Keith started to snap his fingers in front of me causing me to return back to the present.

I let out a death threaten growl as I turn and backhanded the bowl of cereal. At that moment terry walked into the room right when the bowl made contact with the wall, he looks at me, then at the bowl. I quickly get up and walk out the room; I could hear Keith arguing with Terry about if that were him, he would get grounded. I walk down the halls of the hideout; I open one door and took a step outside. Garbage, towers of garbage were all that could have been seen since the hideout was underneath a landfill. I walk over to were a dirty mattress on top of piles of garbage. I walk up and through myself causing dust to emit into the air

"Why…." I whisper

Tears fell down my cheeks; they were hot, as if they were just taken out of a pot of boiled water. The sun was starting to set, behind all this trash was a beautiful site of bright orange as the sun started to set. My eyelids became heavy, my head ached from all of the anger that was built up inside. I started to daze off, eventually everything became black and silent.


MARCH 24 2002

Gunshots filled the air, I didn't know what was going on, I heard mommy screaming for help. I got up from bed and rubbed my eyes, I walked out of my room and slowly headed down the stairs. There I saw it, daddy was on the floor, bleeding a lot while mommy kneeled besides him crying. A big man in a mask was standing beside them holding a gun. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. Mommy started to scream; the big man lifted up his hand and raised the gun to mommy's face. The shot rang through my ears; I could help to let out a small yelp as more tears fell down my face.

"Mommy…. Daddy…" I whispered as more tears fell down my cheeks.

The big man turned around and saw me. His look, it shocked me, I couldn't move, I couldn't even breathe. He raised the gun at me, I my legs started to move on their own. I ran closer to the man; I tripped over my feet and bumped into him. The big man dropped his gun; I landed on my head and skid through the floor. I looked up and I saw the man running toward me. I started to crawl backward; I felt the grip of the gun as I crawled back. I picked it up and closed my eyes, I could hear the sound of the big man gulping; I felt something wet it my face. I opened my eyes and saw blood all over me as the man fell to the ground.

"Mo…mommy" I cried silently.

I crawled to mommy; she had worn her nightgown. I notice her gold necklace; I quickly grabbed it and shove it into my pocket. The door flung open and two more big mans came running in, one was fat and the other was skinny. They came running up to me; I was scared, I didn't know what to do except run. I threw the gun against the floor causing it to go off. I ran toward the back door, I heard the sound of a man yelping and a scream of "MAAAAAANNNNNNNYYYYYYYY, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as I made my way through door.

The rain was pouring, I made my way to the streets, and I heard the sound of a car horn then…


"Hey…HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY" shouted a voice.

I opened my eyes to see Terry hovering over me. I slowly started to get up; he extends his hand in an offer to help me up. I grabbed it; he helps me up then gives me a look, he started to laugh out of the blue. "Jose" he said, "you always seem to show me your tops and today, oooooooh I could tell today is gonna be a day. His laughter filled the corners of the landfills, I saw Keith from the corner of my eye, and he was wearing a black trench coat. As Terry continued to laugh I saw Keith's eye twitch as he scuff.


Terry stopped laughing and walked over to Keith. Terry raised his fist and impacted into Keith's stomach.


Keith kneeled on the ground; he started to cough but nodded his head in a way to indicate that it won't happen again. Terry turned to me and was still serious

"Now today is the day, the Wong's on 9th street got a pair of lovely rare gems and I want you guys to go get em"

I started to scratch my head, Terry remembered something and started to laugh. "What?" I asked. Terry walked over and placed his hand on my head. He rubbed it vigorously and laughed harder

"You know Jose, I like your way you think of our work, you take the money and to make a challenge you take of your mask in front of the camera and give the piece sign, and now" he paused and laughed some more, "and Now you look like a banana that's been bruise pretty badly since you had to get the blue highlights too"

I grunted at his comment, even Keith was laughing at Terry's comment, both of them started to piss me off because one I don't like bananas and two I don't like blonde hair. I reached into my pocket and pulled one of my raptor.45 and shot toward the sky. Everybody stopped laughing and looked at me.


I saw Keith one the ground smiling for Terry to smash me in my stomach. Terry walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "He's right we got to get started". I saw Keith's jaw dropped as Terry continued to talk about the mission. Terry mentions that Keith and me had to go to the garage. Keith stood up and entered into the hideout, I followed behind him making turns of left and rights.

"Ok load" Keith said coldly

I almost laughed at him; I could tell that he was pissed at me because of the little accident with him shouting at Terry. Keith entered the driver's seat of the mustang while I took the back seat for myself. He started the car and we were off. Keith started to drive through the landfill taking the secret exit. He hooked a headset onto his ear; I could hear Terry yelling at him stating why couldn't he be more like me. I reached into my pocket and took out my mp3 player. I started to blast some Zebrahead as we continue to drive toward the destination.

I stared out the window as we continue to drive, images kept reflecting, shouting sinner. I shook away the thoughts and closed my eyes; I saw the image of a weird looking creature. It was like a mutated hedgehog or something; standing on two legs, its one hand was on its hip while the other was behind its back. I could tell it was a female since it had breast. As the image started to become more visible I could see it was wearing some kind of ancient clothing, an open skirt that was tan, green, and brown, underneath was some old kind of women's panties. She was yellow, her spikes were down like some kind of hairstyle for women; at the tips it was light blue.

Her hair covered one of her eyes. It was weird, a gold color in the back with light blue tips, but the front, her hair was completely light blue. She extends her one arm and points at me; I couldn't make out what she was saying then….


I open my eyes to see Keith slapping me awake. I grunted and move his hand away; I walked out of the car, I scanned the area. We were behind an old abandon ally-way; Keith was searching in the trunk for supplies that might be needed.

"Yo, get working on that door," commanded Keith as he pointed at a nearby door

Nodding, I walked over; the door was built in with locks reaching from the top to the bottom. I notice that some of the locks were old and could easily be picked. I pulled out a pair of small flat head screwdrivers including bobby pins, paper clips, hairpins. I started to work. Keith came up behind me, I had the locks pick and in record time. He entered the room first; as I entered I saw diamonds, emeralds, rubies. Keith walked over to a cabinet; he searched for the emeralds that we were looking for. I scanned the room and notice a door that was locked.

"Yo check that door," I whispered

Keith nodded and walked over to the door. I continue to search around, I heard Keith give off a silent whistle. I walked over to his location, the door that he opened lead to another hallway. Inside were shelves of boxes, I caught up with Keith, he was in a daze by something ahead.

"What is it?"


He extended his hand and pointed out to seven rectangular gems each of different color. I couldn't believe the size of them, never before have I seen a gem that big. We walk over; he grabs a bag out of his pocket while I picked up one of the gems. It shined a bright ruby color; I shoved it in my pocket while Keith put the others in the bag. As I turned around I felt a chill run down my back. I pulled out both of my raptor.45 and rounded; Keith had his guns pointed at me, his face was serious.

"So what is it?" I ask again


At that moment I ran to the left as he pulled the trigger, the sound of some kind of glass breaking filled the room. I looked at him; his face was serious and at the same time he had some kind of insane smile pasted on his face.

"I'm done with being the one to be shone down, being blamed for your faults," he said darkly

I ran toward him, he swiftly moved to the right. I tripped and fell over his foot, both of my guns fall out of my hands and slide across the room. I heard the sounds of sirens approaching as Keith drew closer. I tried to get up but Keith slammed his foot against my chest causing me to fall back down. I scanned the room searching for some kind of weapon. I notice a sharp kind of glass pillar, enough to impale some one with; its angle was perfect. I heard the sound of the gun reloading; I looked up and saw Keith, his gun pointed to my face.

"Well, looks like the best just got beaten"

"Not yet" I said smiling

I grabbed his foot and threw him off; I heard his body thump as I quickly jumped up. I turned and saw him charging, I swiftly moved to the left. He stops at an instant; I saw my chance to strike back, I quickly charged while his guard was down. As I made impact with him I started dragging him forward; Keith, unaware what his fate was going to lead him struggled to break free but couldn't.

"YOU DIE TODAY," I shouted

At that moment I heard Keith gasp, I could feel the tip of the glass like pillar. I looked at him; his face was twisted with anger. He coughed up blood; I turned around and started walking away.

"I'll make sure to get a copy of this through that video camera. Terry would want to know why your dead and to show it, well, lets just say if you were to survive and come back he's gonna whip your ass then kill ya"

I turned around and started walking away; I notice that I was forgetting the emeralds. I quickly turned around and walked back over to Keith. I grabbed the bag from his hand and walked away again. I heard manically laughter, I turned around and face Keith, his other hand was still holding the pistol, he lifted up and pulled the trigger. I felt the bullet go right through me; the pain, it felt like a hot knife just stabbed me in the heart. I slowly fell to the ground, everything went dark then….

Alter of life

Voices, that's all I heard and they kept talking. I couldn't speak, couldn't see, or breathe, all I could do was listen.

"but Asura, you cant, I wont let you take the place in that man's soul, surely someone of your level cant"

"Cain, I don't care. The seal on Necrons imprisonment has broke and we need to stop him, I know the knew guardian, Blaze, wont be able to stop Necron alone"

"But Asura, you can't give this man life again, his soul is tainted with sin, surely you jest"

"Cain, my mind is made up, and besides I wouldn't talk, if I remember you had time to atone for your sins. I…I could sense that he wants to pay for what he's done"

"Fine…but Asura…what if…what if he fails"

"He wont, I'll be there by his side"

the voice's started to dim out. I didn't understand any of what was said. Asura, Necron, Blaze, Cain, I have never heard names like that and what did Asura meant by to bring back alive. I didn't know but everything started to become hot, then bright.


I opened my eyes, there were adjusting to the view. I could feel rain pounding on my back. I saw a cream color blur along with a blue blur. They both walked up to me.

"Cream" said the blue blur "it's a good thing you found him, but we have to hurry, he's really gushing out here". The cream blur jumped, she then started to do some kind of flying in the air.

"Sonic" it said, "Here comes Tails"

the blue blur lifted me up, the pain coursed through my veins, I saw the cream blur move up, she put some kind of cloth over me.

"don't worry mister, we'll get you to the hospital soon"

after that everything started to go fast. Everything was quiet, I felt weak, I could hardly breathe but I new one thing was way wrong with the picture. I was supposed to be dead. The pain eventually drained me out; everything became black then nothing

well there you go, chapter one is finished. Hoped you guys liked it. If you want to see chapter 2 then you better review because if I don't get a lot of reviews I'm not continuing. Well till next time, cya