Diclaimer: So... I guess I don't own Naruto?

Chapter 9: Sympathy for the devil

(Yamato's POV)

I stood there sitting while watching Naruto in is peaceful slumber. Now I know that everyone has their breaking point, Naruto reached his. It sure was awful seeing him in that kind of state, but I'm sure that he'll recover from it. I mean it's Naruto we're talking about. No matter how bad the situation might seem he always finds a way, I guess a great part of his force is based on his positivity. Maybe that is the key, stay positive about everything.

I wonder how Kakashi and Sai are doing, and I must say I'm quite worried about Sakura. In fact I became so close with team Kakashi that I feel like I am their sensei, which I'm not. It's funny how bonds work. Suddenly Naruto started to move. 'He's awaking already?' But after a moment he became quiet again. I guess he just had a nightmare or something…

(Kasumi's POV)

"So did you have any success in locating your colleagues?" Suigetsu asked me sarcastically. Oh, how hate this brat. I sat down next to them.

"No. I really don't know where they went; besides I can't find any chakra traces around here." I told him. He shrugged it off. He seemed so carefree about everything, I really wanted to be like that but I can't. "Suigetsu, why do you do this?" When I asked this, Juugo, who had been sleeping (or faking sleeping), opened one eye looking rather interest in our conversation.

"What do you mean by this?" He asked not making eye contact. "Why do you join Sasuke in the first place?" I asked again. He seemed to think about it a little before responding. "I guess I just wanted help to defeat Kisame. I do want Samehada to be my sword." He explained me briefly and I snorted.

"That's it?" I asked him with a raised brow.

"Yup, that's the story of my life, so what?" He snapped and I suddenly felt self-conscious. I'm sure it wasn't just that, but anyway who am I to being asking this type of personal questions to someone that even might by enemy. "Sorry I shouldn't have asked." I said. And then I felt it. Is that?!

Natural chakra.

I got up and followed the source of it only to find an orange blur running at an incredible speed towards the woods. Well, it was definitely Naruto, now I only need to know where he came from. I felt two more presences around me. "You stay here, I'm going to find where he came from, se we know where he's heading." I told them and they merely nodded.

"That Sasuke has lots to explain when we meet him." Suigetsu said menacingly.

"You're just saying that because you're worried about Karin." Juugo stated bluntly which made Suigetsu froze. I think it's time to take my leave. Following Naruto's chakra traces was rather easy because it was something so unique. I might add that I was quite shocked when I saw a broken ceiling from a pension and Yamato captain apologizing to the owner of the pension and promising him that he could fix it. "Yamato Captain?" I asked approaching them. He seemed really surprised in seeing me there. But, who would have known that I, from all the people would be in the middle of this mess?

"Kasumi-san. What are you doing here?" He asked me trying to stay calm, but it was quite obvious that he was under lots of stress.

"I was sent here, because nobody knew what you were doing; besides I think that I am the one who should be asking for explanations." I stated looking deeply into his dark eyes.

"Fine, I'll explain everything to you."

(Kakashi's POV)

Sai had just informed me that his clone had seen Sakura poisoning Lee and Kiba who were now sleeping soundly on the forest's ground. What is that girl thinking? Is she trying to get herself killed or what? I understand that she wants to kill Sasuke so that Naruto won't be bothered by the promise he made, but she should know that it won't be easy. In fact, I doubt she'll be able to make it. Not because of her skills but because of her heart. Sakura is too kind hearted to kill Sasuke like that, moreover I think that she might still like him.

And now, because of this I was running full speed. Hopefully I can prevent a tragedy from happening. If someone can and should stop Sasuke it's me. I was his sensei and I failed him, and because of that I'll have to kill him when the time comes.

(Sakura's POV)

Just seeing him is so… painful. He's not the Sasuke I met when I was a kid, he's something twisted and dark… and empty.

"What did you say?" He asked me again. The bloodied red haired girl was now crying viciously on the ground. 'What did you became Sasuke-kun?' He's not empty. He's full, of hatred. "I said I'll follow you, and help you with your revenge. I should have followed you, back then when we were kids. But now I'm not going to let this opportunity pass." I said trying to make my voice look strong, but on the inside I was shaking like a leaf in the wind.

He looked at me for a few seconds, like he was texting me. I could feel sweat starting to drip from my hair to my neck. "Is that so? Well then, I'll need proof of your loyalty." He said. What he's he thinking. "Let's see… Oh, I know. Kill her." He stated boredly pointing to the bloodied girl on the floor.


I stepped forward while trying to prevent my body of shaking and I approached the pair, only to figure that I couldn't make eye contact with Sasuke. Not because of his sharingan, no because I was a coward. I was afraid of making eye contact, I was afraid of what I could find. I looked at the girls face. More than anything she seemed betrayed and vulnerable. I am a doctor. Doctors exist to treat people, to prevent them from dying. In fact our job is to fool death. I'm a doctor and now I'm going to kill a vulnerable person than more than anything needs my care and help. Does this really worth it?

'I can't do it.'

"Sasuke, please don't!" The girl yelled and I turned around alarmed only to see Sasuke with his chidori activated and ready to strike. And then I made eye contact with him… And I saw, killing intent. 'Is this, the… end?' I close my eyes waiting for the pain but instead of the brutal pain I was expecting I felt the pain of being shoved to the ground. When I opened my eyes I saw Kakashi standing in front of me, shielding me from the view of a very pissed Sasuke.

"Good thing I came in time. Right Sakura?" He said and I could see that he gave me a small smile.

Am I really this weak? Do I really need to be saved by the others? I don't really know how but next thing I knew, tears were dripping from my eyes.

'It was all in vain. All my plans, my work… They were all wasted.'

(Kasumi's POV)

So… Sakura ran to kill Sasuke with Kiba and Lee, Kakashi and Sai ran too trying to stop them and finally Naruto blew the floor out and ran to help Sakura and the others. Now I'm going to run to find them? Seriously, this is a stupid chasing scene.

"What are you planning to do, now that you know the all story?" He asked while starting to use is wood jutsu to fix the floor. "Are you following them?"

"Probably. I think I might help Sasuke change is mind." I stated, he looked at me in pure desbilief.

"If his long time comrades can't do it, why do you think you can?" I thought about it for a while. They will probably start talking about the all times and apealing to his deep buried feelings. In my opinion that's not the best way. I mean if they start to talk about feelings his hatred will go to the surface and than it's all over. He'll freak out and he'll probably atack.

"That is exactly why I'm coming. I don't know him so I can't talk about the old times or nothing like that. But I do have something in my favor. Logic." I stated and he stayed there looking at me like I was insane.

"Logic?" I guess his trying to find out what I want to do. "Well I don't care anymore, you can go too, I mean you can always help in case things start to get out of control." He sighed and shook his head in defeat. "I suggest you hurry, Naruto and the others must be arriving there. Hopefully, you'll be able to easily trace his chakra."

I nodded and got up. "Natural chakra is pretty easy to find, when you know what you're looking for. I'll be going. Thank you very much Yamato Captain." I was going to leave but then I remebered something. "Yamato Captain?"

"Yes?" The kids are going to hate me for this but… "Do you know where Chihiro's house is?" I asked and he nodded interested. "Could you please go there and take my students to Konoha? I don't think this is the best place for them to stay…"

"Oh sure, no problem. I'm just going to fix this and then I'm going to get them." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Good, if they don't want to go… Drag them." I said an left. Now where Juugo and Suigetsu went?

(Kakashi's POV)

"Sasuke do you really want to do this? I know that there's more to you than your clan. There is more than hatred. Take another look deep inside your heart." I appealed to him trying to make him come to his senses, trying to get the old Sasuke back, and, at the same time trying to buy some time, because I was quite tired after using mangekyo.

"Are you still spouting that nonsense?" He asked me with a smirk on his features. His face, his eyes… They were so cold. This can't be my student. This can't be Sasuke, can it? "They are all laughing. They're all hapilly laughing…" He mumbled. Than he screamed like an insane person. "They are all laughing because Itachi died! They are laughing because they know NOTHING!"

My eyes widened at that sight. And then his Susanoo it suddenly became stronger and more deadly. It was fueling of his hatred. 'He's dangerous!' I guess the time as come. Now I know how the third truly felt in the end. Hopefully I'll survive. But then something happened. He started moaning and grabbing his eyes in despair. Could it be that he has already overused Susanoo?

My eyes widened again. Not because of Sasuke this time, but because of Sakura. She jumped on him with a kunai ready to strike. 'Is this it?'

She stopped. She hesitated. 'NO!' Too late. In a matter of seconds she was pinned against the wall with the kunai she carried pointed to her throat. I tried to move, but I couldn't I was still sore because of the mangekyo. But I can't lose another one. I can't…

And then, like a ray of pure light, he came and saved her.


(Kasumi's POV)

"Any luck?" Suigetsu asked me for the tenth time. I clenched my fist. "We are close. But we need to calm down okay? We can't just get there and surprise where here!" I said in a moking voice.

Juugo nodded. "We need to be discreet. Accordingly with the information that was given to Kasumi-san, Sasuke and his old team might be there. You know how Sasuke reacts every time we speak about the old times. Now imagine what can happen now that he's being confronted with it." I turned around. There is a chakra concentration. I think that that is a monument or something.

"Not that I really care." Suigetsu shrugged is shoulders but I stopped him.

"I found them."

(Sakura's POV)

Once again I couldn't do it… I'm a disgrace. I'm useless, I can only stay here and hope that Naruto might be able to stop him. That's the only thing I'm capable of right now. Have hope.

Naruto started to talk to Sasuke, and contrarily of his behavior with us he seemed to be actually listening. "I know the story about Itachi, and I understand you Sasuke." Naruto said. Story? Itachi? What did he knew?

"You know nothing. You don't have parents, you don't have siblings you can't understand my pain. But don't worry part of my revenge as been already made! I just killed one of Konoha's elders, his name was Danzo, and believe me it felt good. I almost could feel the Uchiha's name being purified! And by me, nevertheless!" He stated. Did he just say that he has killed Danzo?! I don't know how and why but by the time I turned to look they were clashing. Naruto with the rasengan, and Sasuke with chidori. Who knew that this two so basic techniques could make this type of damage? The energy released was enormous and I had to shield myself. 'Naruto, are you alright?' I didn't even realize that I didn't thought about Sasuke for a second.

(Suigetsu POV)

We we're hiding when we saw the clash. And I must say this two were powerful! Unfortunately my eyes were to busy scanning the perimeter to actually care about the fight. Where the hell is Karin?!

That stupid girl, always thinking about that bastard. Always focusing on him, always blind by him. How can't she see that there's more than him in this world? That there's actually someone that truly cares for her?

"This is not good. Not good at all…" Kasumi mumbled. She was a weird chick that I can say. She was talking with the enemy and at the same time still protecting those shinobi's back. I must say that something will have to fail, she's not super woman. My mind suddenly went blank. There lying in the ground alone and bloodied, was no other than Karin. I didn't knew what I was doing or why, I just know that suddenly I was by her side and she was looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Suigetsu come back here!" I heard Kasumi half whispering/half yelling at me, but I didn't cared. "Karin what happened? Who did this to you?" I asked her. Not that I didn't knew, it was pretty obvious that it was a Chidori in the chest.

"S-Sasuke…" She said in such a vulnerable voice, that I wanted to cry. I just wanted to go there and kill that bastard. "Don't go. Please, just don't leave me…" She said grabbing my hand. I stopped and looked at her. I guess I don't have much of a choice. So there we sat looking at each other and the shouts coming from bellow where Sasuke and his comrades were.

(Kasumi's POV)

Shit, shit, double fucking SHIT! I just knew that that brat would give me trouble. I knew it! But on the other, he did it because of someone he likes; seriously I never knew that he could be caring. Normally the bad guys aren't caring, at least is what I like to think so I don't fell guilty when I kill them. I looked at Juugo who shook his head.

"Sorry Kasumi-san, but I'm going to Sasuke's side, obviously I'll say where you are so it's better if you came out with me." He stated. Oh, and bad guys also have morals. I guess I don't have a choice, if Juugo leaves and says I'm hiding he might become even more instable. So time to get up and face reality.

"Fine… But let me just tell you that you messed my plan, and I won't forgive you for that." He smiled at me. "But I guess I can't hate you Juugo, you're just a loyal person after all." He nodded and we both got up. Our presence was only noticed when I appeared right behind Sakura that jumped when she saw me and Juugo positioned himself by Sasuke's side.

"Kasumi-san what are you doing here?" Kakashi asked me eyeing me curiously. Sasuke had a different reaction. He laughed but greeted Juugo nevertheless. "So you're here too? Let me guess, fulfilling your missions goals right?" I smirked at him. How dare he to make fun of me? He's the freak show here.

"Not exactly, I'm just being a good Samaritan." I stated and he looked at me intrigued. "I came here to tell you something." I added and his eyes bulged out.

"You don't know me at all, but you have something to tell me? That's not like you can talk about the old times you know? You can't appeal to my feelings like them." He said to me smirking. Now that I look at him he looks awful. He's sweaty, his hair is messy and he has blood dripping from his mouth, eyes and stinging is clothes. He seems like some psycho who will kill anyone that comes in a close range, which is not too far from the true.

"That's exactly why I want to talk to you. I'm afraid that the conversation must be private, there are some things that I know that you probably don't want them to be revealed." I looked at him in the eye; I was mostly trying to figure out if he was stable. But I couldn't afford to make a clone of myself because he would find out and probably would end up even more upset. "So, may I approach you?" I finally asked, faintly I could hear Sakura gasp behind me.

"Kasumi, what the hell is your idea?" Kakashi asked me but I raised my hand to tell him to quite down. "I'll explain later." That seemed to calm him a little.

"You may approach yes, it's not like I feel like killing you now. Besides, I don't think I could kill you that easily, could I?" I let that comment slide and slowly but steadily approached him. I must say that my heart was beating really fast and at arrhythmic pace but decided to ignore it. When I finally was face to face with I spoke.

"You're stupid."

His expression was priceless, that is, for a few seconds. Than it started to darken until it was one of pure anger. "What did you say?!"

"You heard me. I know the story that Madara told you. Don't ask me how, I just know. Now would you mind telling me why did you buy it?" I asked him. Long time ago Master told me that when we're trying to convince someone from something, first we have to make them doubt of their believes.

"What are you saying? That it's a lie? It all fits, and everyone knows that the Uchiha weren't trusted in Konoha. They betrayed us, I know they did." He stated with such certainty. Okay, forget about the doubt thing, let's just say the theory.

"Okay, fine. But if you're so certain about tell me please why did your father refused the deal the Third Hokage proposed? It wouldn't be easier if he accepted it? Your father couldn't want that amount of bloodshed that civilian war could bring. He wasn't no tyrant." I stated trying to look certain when in fact I was just speculating.

"The Uchiha were a pride clan, we wouldn't agree with any deal." He stated. I could feel the eyes of the others burning my back. Especially Naruto's that was looking at us with such intensity that I was starting to get goose bumps. "And I don't need to be talking to you about this. I don't own you a explanation for my actions I do what I want when I want!" He yelled.

"Stop saying those things Uchiha and face the facts! Do you even know what the deal was? The third offered the Uchiha high posts in the council and even offered to make a new Uchiha neighborhood closer to the village center! The Uchiha were a pride clan but they weren't stupid!" I stated trying to make him realize.

"What are you implying then?" He asked me. I give a step back. "You don't know, right?"

"Well something doesn't fit, that's for sure! This revenge thing is making you blind!" He laughed. "You don't know how right you are." He told me and then he leaned in so that he was whispering something in my hear. "I'll give you reason when you find me proof. If you find me proof that Madara is in fact using me, then I'll be the first to go and kill him once for all. If not, too bad, anyhow Konoha is going down."

"I'll find you proof." I said. Now that I think of it, there are many others things that I need to investigate.

"Good." In a quick move I backed of and turned to Kakashi.

"You can't say I didn't tried. I'm going to check on the girl upstairs, there might be another member of Sasuke's team that we'll have to take to Konoha." I whispered when Naruto and Sasuke started talking again. Something about both of them dying.

Sorry Naruto, I can't let you die.

When I got upstairs I saw Suigetsu holding a red haired girl that was now almost asleep. I approached them. After a quick analysis I found that she had already have been healed, probably by Sakura.

"She's alright Suigetsu, you don't have to be worried." I told him but he just snarled.

"That guy… He doesn't have feeling at all. She loved him! She LOVED him! And look what he has done! I'm going to kill him." He told me enraged. I, on the other hand was thinking about something else.

"Suigetsu, how is it going to be? Are you going to Konoha or will you stay with Sasuke?" He gave me a look of 'do-you-really-have-to-ask' and shook his head.

"I'm staying with her." And with that he shut up and resumed looking at the girl in his arms. After that Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura appeared. Turns out, Sasuke got away with Madara.

"It seems like we have two prisoners." Kakashi said looking at both figures lying in the ground. I nodded.

Getting them up wasn't easily but we finally managed to convince Suigetsu to let go of Karin and put some chakra bindings in him.

"Kasumi-san, I apologize but after I saw what happened here, I'll have to take you to interrogation." Kakashi told me. Wtf?

Seriously I'm only trying to help but I get burned in the end. Bah, it's the story of my life, after all.

"Kakashi-sensei, how can you say that to Kasumi-chan?" Naruto asked but I put a hand on his shoulders.

"It's fine Naruto-kun. I don't have anything to hide." I told them. Well, it's partly true. And, there's something that is troubling my mind right now.

Suigetsu might not see it but, I'm almost sure, that Sasuke spared Karin's life.

I mean, he wanted to wound Danzo, but he said that he wanted to kill Karin but she can be taken as hostage. Karin is way shorter than Danzo, so if he strike her heart directly, he would still wound Danzo.

I know, maybe he didn't remember. But it's Sasuke we're talking about, and he likes to be direct and clean.

(Sasuke's POV)

We were back into Akatsuki's hide out and the operation of the implantation of Itachi's eyes was a success, unfortunately, I couldn't take her word of my mind. The idea of being used was making me sick and revolted, I'm glad that Madara isn't here, because I might would started talking about traitors and he could take advantage of my state and kill me. Although I'm quite sure he needs me too much to kill me.

I can feel that Juugo is sitting next to me. He's always so quite, I think that I miss Suigetsu and Karin already. I knew he would stay by her side. "You know it's quite a shame that she doesn't know what you did for her." He told me.

"Shut up. They don't need to know." I hate myself, how can this be, that after all this years of hatred I still have this stupid soft heart?

"You saved her, Sasuke. No, you saved them. They deserved to know." Juugo said and got up leaving me alone.

I spent a few minutes in silence until I heard someone entering the room. "Who are you?" I sneered.

"Well, hello." A deep but slight cheerful voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked again. The owner of the voice sighed and sat by me.

"I'm your new co-worker. The name is Luka. I believe you know my best friend, Kasumi."

It's done! I know sorry for the delay (sigh), unfortunately, I'm afraid that the next will only be released in the next month or so. I'll try to update as soon as possible but I have exams |:

Anyway I hope that you enjoyed and please review! Thank you (: