Author's Note: This is so odd, I recently stumbled upon my old fanfic account and I had forgotten about the stories that I had started. So as an update to those who care, I'm off to be a college freshman majoring in Anthropology/Law & Society and International Relations. Anyhow, I'm going to have a LONG Summer break, since I do not start school once again until September 27th, so I decided that even though it's been two years I should start writing again. So here it goes!
My eyes scanned the horizon as I sat on the porch waiting for the mailman to come. This has been a ritual for me for approximately four years, ever since Bella left to Paris when we were thirteen. Seeing as she never visited, and was too busy with school and catching up in French and other excuses she listed in her apologetic letters, the post was the only way we stayed in touch (e-mails aside). Being in France had cultivated her romantic personality, for though I complained that the post office was slow, Bella trilled that letters were save-able and concrete memories.
I sighed and returned my attention to my latest book, Catch-22, which has so far proved to be an excellent read. My AP Literature teacher had recommended it as a Summer read, so I had to annotate and write an essay on it before school started, which in other cases would irritate me, but seeing as how Alice was gone to Paris to visit Bella and Emmett was visiting the Columbia campus for orientation, I was stuck at home with nothing to do.
In the distance, the mailman's puttering car was heard and I instantly jumped up. Mr. Brown's smile greeted me as he had his stack of letters ready to hand to me.
"That time of the month again, huh son?" he grinned, shuffling his stack for the letter that I yearned for.
"Yes sir, and you know how long these letters take, so I'm extra impatient for this particular letter. My sister went up to Paris two weeks ago, so my parents are waiting for her post cards as well" I said, thanking him quietly as I grasped the familiar silk-like envelope that came to be Bella's signature message carrier.
"Not only that, but I see it's time for you to start applying for college too, right son? I see Harvard and Yale have their eyes set on you" he said, as his bushy eyebrows rose comically.
I sighed and shrugged, tucking their letters under my arm and waved goodbye, itching to read her letter. Mr. Brown laughed and nodded, altogether whilst whistling towards his postman truck. I flew to my room, and sat on my desk, carefully sliding my finger along the envelope flap. Bella's customary cursive graced the papers, and I smiled.
Dear Edward,
Bonjour, mon frere! Merci for the deelish brownies, I have to admit, your cooking has definitely improved. I just may have to kidnap you and sneak you into my dorm, not only would you keep me nice and fat, but you'd charm the pants off of Madame Rosetta, so she will have no reservations in letting you stay for free over here! Beware though, her intentions may be less than innocent and more perverse. Alice told me why you weren't able to come with her to visit, and I was upset but I understand that you have to intern at your uncle's law firm, I know how important it is for you to impress fancy-shmancy Harvard. And no, I am not bitter! But I do hope that next time you decide to come and visit, if not I shall go over there and personally give you a good shake, and perhaps even box your ears. My English has changed, as you can tell, it has more of a British inflection, and now when Alice says that something's "cray" I cannot help but laugh at the silliness of the word. Anyhow, I have started to work! You know how I refuse to ask my parents for money, every allowance deposit in my savings account goes unspent, for ever since we moved our relationship has been less than amiable. Luckily for me, there's Summer school, and I work during the holidays, therefore it gives me more of an excuse to stay away from them, though I do miss my daddy. It seems odd that you have changed so much, Ali has showed me portraits of you from your football games and family pictures and you look so grown-up! Not surprising, since you ARE seventeen, but it's still shocking nevertheless…I'm afraid what your reaction would be if you saw me, am I the same? Different? No matter, it's the same Bella. Ali is bugging me to take her to the city to shop, and you know that with Alice, one simply cannot win.
Au Revoir!
My eyes scanned the indentations upon the paper, each letter's specific italicization, and I sighed. My mom crept into the room, and gave me a secret smile. I handed her Alice's post cards, written in her bubbly writing and she ruffled my hair.
"It's been so long, hasn't it?" she murmured, scratching my head as I leaned in to her stomach. I nodded numbly, until a lone paper caught my attention on the floor. Intrigued, I leant over to pick it up.
P.S GUESS WHAT? I just bought a ticket back to Forks! I'm leaving with Alice for a holiday, only for two weeks, but I finally used my money for something! Ask Esme if I can sleep with you, can't wait! XOXO
I glanced at my mother, bewildered, and she winked.
"Mary Alice Cullen! Where are my shoes!" I screeched, stumbling to pack my belongings into the small suitcase that I had bought at the cheesy French Boutique. Alice was busy bouncing around, chanting "America" on top of her lungs while my dorm mates walked by the open door, bemused.
"Alice! Only I am allowed to freak out over here! I haven't seen your family in years and now I'm going and leaving and oh my God what if they don't like me anymore and decide I'm a freak and leave and oh my God-" I started to hyperventilate until Alice's small hands clenched my shoulders.
"Bella!" she commanded, boring her navy blue eyes into mine, "My family loves you, Edward lovesyou, Emmett's going bonkers, and you're going to have fun! Chill out!" she screeched.
I deflated and scanned my room, the place that I had called home for four years. On my board were still the pictures that I took with me from Forks, but now they were littered with my other two best friends, Rosalie and Jasper. Unfortunately, they had both gone back to Ohio to visit their grandparents, so they had not had the chance to meet Alice, but Alice was gaga over Jasper (after making sure we were not going out). Pictures of Rosalie and I in our ballet ensemble, pictures of Jasper and I playing chicken with Rosalie and her boyfriend, and pictures of me in my first work uniform. I sighed and looked back at Alice.
"Je vais les rater." I mumbled, but she simply hugged me and whispered a soft "I know" in my ear.
I was nervous, I decided as I gently closed my dorm door. I was nervous of seeing Edward again, I was nervous that he wasn't going to like the new me.
The past couple of years in France had been difficult. Rosalie had taught me what the definition of friendship was, for she became my French tutor and my sister. Whenever a group of girls would want to start picking on me, she'd come to my defense in an instant, and with that I came to absorb her "fuck-you" attitude. She made my transition to a new school smoother, encouraging me to participate in school activities, to try new things, and to most importantly be myself . Jasper, though we had an awkward beginning, encouraged me to exercise and to be healthy, to not be afraid to get down and dirty, and to love sports. This lead me to promptly lose forty pounds, and to gain self-confidence. However, in Alice's presence it seemed like my personality would revert to the old shy me, and it bothered me. I glanced at my pixie-like friend while she chattered animatedly in the taxi towards the airport, because though puberty treated her wonderfully, she still remained the same. Though she was still of a short stature, her long black hair reached her waist, her elfin face gained maturity, and her androgynous body gained a feminine quality that made me realize that we all had grown up, and that's simply how life was.
I sighed and leaned into the seat. I wonder how Edward was going to take my presence.
The past couple of weeks had been a flurry. Once I finished "hyperventilating", as my mother kindly put it, I went in a frenzy cleaning the house and going to Ikea to set up Bella's room in the guest room. My mother laughed as she listened to my explanation as to why I wanted to use the emergency credit card. I bought Bella an elevated bed, decorated her room with white Christmas lights, set up a wide desk and a comfy futon, and moved my bookcase into her room so she'd have an easier access to books. In place of her bulletin board, I tacked on old pictures and keepsakes, all the while hoping that she'd like it. According to my mom, she was supposed to arrive in a week, so I decided to calm down and rest in my room while my mom went to go do some errands. I drifted off to sleep when a loud slam interrupted my thoughts.
A musical laughter caught my attention, and my mom's murmurs accompanied it. My mom must have company over, I decided and once again I closed my eyes.
"Oh, Esme. The house looks beautiful!" a soft voice once again forced me to open my eyes. Intrigued, I listened.
"Dear, I forgot something in the car! Come, you. I need your help" exclaimed my mother.
"No, not you dear, yes you! Come, I need something" my mother said in an odd tone. I rose and crept down the stairs as I watched the door shut. I froze, for the first thing I saw was the luggage at the base of the stairs. An unfamiliar young woman was at the fireplace, looking at the picture frames all the while her fingertips caressed each frame. She giggled quietly and cocked her head to the side, sensing someone behind her. Slowly, she turned, her long mahogany hair swaying to the side, revealing the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. I gasped, and coughed. A willowy woman, with her hair parted to the side, wearing a black blazer, an ivory v-neck, and black jeans, with black ballet flats. Her eyes were a chocolate brown, framed with feathery brown eyelashes, plump lips, a button nose, a heart-shaped face, and carefully arched eyebrows. Her brow furrowed, and at once shocked me with a magnificent smile.
"Fancy seeing you here, Edward"
Okay, this was last minute, and I had to scramble in order to get the story back in process, but oh well. I assure you it will get moving! Much love!
-Brown-Eyed GirlXOXO