Hey Guys this is my first EVER story about these guys. Please be gentle with me. I hope I got them down. But please I'm begging for you guys to let me know how this first chapter is. I hope that it is good guys. Please read and review...Read and Enjoy

"I am so tired of hearing that damn song." Akana said looking at her sister Alexandria who was driving their red 1986 camaro. "Would you please change the damn song?" She added as she put a piece of her dark black hair behind her ear.

"Why would you want me to change Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd?" Alexandria asked looking at her in the passenger sit. "Never." She added with a grin.

Akana let out a groan as she looked out the window as the darkness passed.

"You're so annoying." Akana said shaking her head without looking at her.

"You're so boring." Alexandria replied as she kept on bobbing her head to the music.

The older sister went to say something else but stopped when she slammed on breaks as if a very quick streak went across the car. Akana grabbed the dashboard as the seat belt snatched her backwards into the seat.

"Please tell me that you saw that too." Alexandria asked as she put the car in park on the side of the road and quickly pulling her black hair up into a messy pony tail.

"Oh I saw it." Akana replied as she took the seat belt off.

Akana got out of the car with Alexandria close behind her. The younger sister touched the ground as she tried to figure out which way the thing went.

"By the way the marks going across the road it looks as if it was skipping?" Akana said with a small laugh as she was still touching the ground looking up at her older sister.

"Great we are in the twilight zone." Alexandria said rolling her eyes. "We are hunting a skipping scarecrow. Why can't we get like a demon that is after our soul or maybe even a blood sucking vampire?" She added.

Akana looked around as the sounds of crickets. Both women looked at each other as the sounds around them stopped. Alexandria walked over to her baby sister who stood up quickly.

"Oh look." Alexandria said turning around to face the being in front of them. "It's the big bad skipping scarecrow. What are you going to do? Skip us to death?" She added crossing her arms.

"Alex maybe you shouldn't mock it." Akana replied looking up at her older sister. "You've never dealt with this thing before." She added.

"What is it going to do to me?" Alexandria said looking at her over her shoulder. "It's just a scarecrow that people put in the fields to let the crows eat." She added

Before the younger twin could answer she quickly went flying backwards onto the concrete pavement. She turned and looked at her sister who was slowly getting up with a pissed off look on her face.

"Bad mistake buddy." Akana said looking up at the being in front of her as her almost olive eyes shined with a glare across them.

She wiped her hands on her jeans then looked at Alexandria who went flying thanks to the scarecrow who moved at almost light speed catching the older one off guard. Akana ran up to the scarecrow being with a slick grin on her face. She looked him up and down sizing him up as she started to throw punches left and right.

"You think your good but I'm better." The scarecrow said with a demon like voice.

Akana let out a small like scream as the scarecrow grabbed her fist and twisting her wrist. She kicked him in the stomach with her legs pushing him away from her body. She moved her wrist around as Alexandria returned to her sister side.

"Let's finish this piece of shit." Alexandria said nodding at her sister.

As soon as she finished her comment the scarecrow was tackled to the ground causing both women to jump and take a step back as two men appeared in front of them.

"It's ok we've got him your safe."

Akana and Alexandria looked at each other in confusion then back at the two men who appeared in front of them.

"He is ours!" Alexandria said looking at them. "What do we look like? We are damsels in distress?" She added.

"Well you do look like you need two needed to be saved."

Akana shook her head and rolled her eyes as she put her hands on her hips. The taller one looked at them then back at the man who was on the ground trying to wrestle the scarecrow down for the count. Alexandria stepped forwarded pushing the man out of her way grabbing a hold of the man who was on top of the demonic being.

"This is our fight! This is our demon scarecrow get lost." Alexandria said with a hiss.

"Hey lady we are helping!"

"We are not damn damsels!" Alexandria said looking at him. "Now get lost!" She added.

Akana went to walk forward but the man in front of her got in front of her trying to keep her away from her sister and the man he appeared with.

"Ok mister giant move before I make you." Akana said looking at him.

"What are you doing to do? Kick me in my shin?"

Akana smiled a little bit as she looked away then quickly kicked him in both of his shins causing him to jump and move out of the way of the younger and spit fire of the two sisters.

"Would the two of you stop bitching for one minute?" Akana asked walking up to them. "The damn thing is getting away!" she added.

Alexandria let the man go causing him to stumble as the sisters ran off leaving the two men alone.

"Come on Sam we have got to do something." The shorter one said looking up at him.

"Dean, they said they had this." Sam replied looking at him.

Dean shook his head and took off after Alexandria and Kana with Sam close behind him.

"Which way did he go?" Alexandria shouted as they were running through the corn field they had chased the scarecrow into.

"What do I look like?" Akana shouted as she turned around every direction as sounds appear around her. "A direction finder of a skipping demonic scarecrow?" She added.

Akana jumped as the taller man was coming towards her once more.

"I think he got away." Alexandria said walking up her twin sister.

She went to say something but stopped when the two men once more appeared.

"Thanks to you two idiot bone heads we lost them." Akana replied crossing her arms over her chest looking at the men who were breathing heavy from chasing after them.

"Do you seriously blame us?"

"You bet." Alexandria replied looking at him.

Both men looked at each other then back at the sisters who looked upset.

"Ok question before all the damn bitching and blaming starts once more." Akana said shaking her head. "Who the hell are you?" She added.

Akana and Alexandria looked at each other once more then just looked around as the crickets started to get louder once more. Akana sighed and looked ahead at the men in front of them.

"I'm Akana and that is Alexandria but she goes by Alex." Akana said nodding towards her sister. "Yes we are twins and she is older by like two minutes." She added.

"Who the hell are we?" The shorter one asked looking at her. "Who the hell are you? I'm Dean and puss bag you kicked in the shin is Sam. And no we aren't twins but we are brothers" He added.

"Either of on you call me Alexandria I will kick your asses." Alexandria said with a glare. "And who the fuck do you think we are? Damsels?" She added.

"Yea." Both Dean and Sam said at the same time with a grin on their faces.

Akana and Alexandria looked at each other shaking their heads as they pushed past the guys leaving them alone in the corn field.