Hi guys! I needed a break form my usual fan fics and I had a few ideas that I'm going to make into a few small fan fics. I just needed to take a break from my stories like 'Falling into Myself' and my other ones. With 'Falling into Myself', I just need a few days so I can make sure I end the story in a way that you'll all like. Plus, a lot of the action is not my forte, so I'll need a little extra time. So, I'm going to put up about four short stories that will probably only be about 3-5 chapters each. I may continue them on if you like them.

This first one will most likely be a one shot, because I wanted to try writing in different characters than I'm used to. This would probably a bit of a crack, so I hope you enjoy it!

The Bet

The office was peaceful with the scratching of pens on various documents and the breaths of the men in the office. A minute passed until a blonde head peered up and scanned around the room.

'The hawk's eyes are gone......' he thought and smirked. "Hey is that Black Hayate?" There was a loud scream and one of the men was now cowering on top of his desk.

"What the hell Havoc?!" The man yelled and the blonde smirked while a cigarette rested between his lips. "You try and scare me as many times as you can get!"

"Well, we aren't being watched. We need something entertaining once in awhile when Hawkeye isn't around and you freaking out about a non-existent dog would be the closest thing I can come up with right now." Havoc replied and leaned back in his chair.

"What has surprised me is that none of you have made any bets in the past weeks." Colonel Mustang mused from his office. The door was open so he could see right into the large room. Havoc and Breda looked at each other and smirked. Meanwhile, Senior Warrant Officer Falman reached into his desk and grabbed an old worn out notebook from his desk.

"I believe that it is now Lieutenant Breda's turn to set the bet." Falman said while flipping through pages of old bets with the name of the winner of the bet at the end of each page. A bet usually took up side of one of the sheets of notebook paper, however in the past year the entire military had been starting to get in on some of the larger bets such as 'How long can the Flame Alchemist continuously work on paperwork'. Surprisingly, Lieutenant Hawkeye had entered, and won, the bet with the entry as 'As soon as he gets it completely done and done completely'.

"Name your bet." Havoc sneered, his unlit cigarette dangling limply through his smirking lips. Breda pondered for a moment until he focused in on Havoc and smirked.

"I bet you can't go a week without a cigarette; even if it's unlit." The betted item dropped out of Havoc's mouth and even Mustang had looked up from his doodling.

"How long would Havoc last?" Fuery asked, looking at the other officers.

"I bet he won't even last two days tops." Breda declared and Havoc sent him a glare.

"I bet I can!" He shouted angrily and Breda grinned in reply.

"So what do you wager?" Falman had already scribbled the bet down and looked up at the pair with his pen already on the paper.

"If I win, you have to prank Hawkeye everyday for a whole month." Havoc said and smirked. Breda's face went pale along with the other men in the room. They all imagined Breda's funeral with Hawkeye and Havoc smirking over the grave.

"Fine." Breda finally replied and everyone looked at him in shock. "But if I win, then you

have to give Major Armstrong a sponge bath." The men's faces turned ghostly white and they shuddered. No one would be able to endure that and not be scarred for life.

"Fine." Havoc replied shakily. Both men shook hands, confirming the bet and Falman looked up from the bet chart and looked around.

"Put me on for 600 on Havoc." Mustang called from the other room and Havoc smirked.

"Thanks boss!" He called and received a huff in reply.

"Fuery, would you like to bet as well?" Falman asked, writing down the Colonel's wager/

"Well....I uhh.........." Fuery stammered and Breda smirked.

"Come on Fuery, you know that Havoc can't last a week without his smokes!" He laughed and Havoc glared. Meanwhile, a private delivered some more paperwork to the Colonel's desk and overheard the conversation.

The Mustang crew was an infamous bunch in Central Headquarters and rumors leaked about the group everyday. The 'Flame Bets', as they were called, were also infamous as well and were usually the cause of the mass mayhem that took place in Central HQ about three or more times a week.

The private listened in closely to the name of the current bet and smirked quietly to himself. 'This is going to be a good one.....' He thought and rushed out of the room after snatching the Colonel's completed paperwork and ran out of the room to tell the rest of his own team. Mustang looked up when he heard the private run out and shrugged, thinking that his team probably sent another new recruit to the mental ward or scared them shitless.

-The next day-

Mustang walked into his office the next morning to see Havoc facedown at his desk, not moving.

"Is he breathing?" He asked and Fuery jumped up and lifted Havoc's head. What was revealed was Havoc with his eyes half open and releasing groaning noises.

"Yes sir, he's breathing."

"Good. Please make sure it stays that way." Mustang replied before going over to his desk to start 'signing paperwork'. A few minutes later, Breda walked in and smirked at Havoc's crumpled form.

"I should have know he wouldn't have lasted even a half of a day." He gloated and plopped down in his desk across from Havoc. The blonde weakly lifted his head,

"I..... can take....this!" The stammered and his head dropped down onto his desk with a loud thud.

"Fuery." Mustang called and the young officer jumped up and checked Havoc again.

"He's still alive sir!"

-At lunch the same day-

"Well, it seems that the betting pool for this is extremely large." Falman announced before taking a bite of his turkey sandwich. The other men of the Mustang crew, excluding Havoc, looked up from their lunches.

"How big is it?" Breda asked but a lieutenant from another squad came up to their lunch table behind Falman and whispered into Falman's ear and handed a hundred sens.

"Well, we have 200 people betting against Lieutenant Havoc while 300 are betting for him." Falman said, skimming through the sheets of paper in the bet journal. Mustang gagged and took a breath of air before setting his sandwich down.

"How can the entire HQ know about this already?" He exclaimed and Breda smirked.

"We're infamous sir." He replied before gnawing on his beef jerky.

"I believe that we've even had bets from Eastern HQ as well." Falman said and Mustang groaned. This was going to be a tough one to explain to the Furer.

-Two days later-

"Well, the lower ranked officer's betting pool has about 400 officers in it while officers that are above the rank of Major have about 300 officers." Falman said. He had gotten a separate notebook for this bet, seeing as it was the biggest betting pool in Amestris history. Who knew that Havoc was so well known around Amestris?

Mustang groaned and signed another sheet of paper. Hawkeye was coming back from her mandatory vacation in 4 days and he needed to get at least some work done.

"I believe that even General Hakuro has even put in a bet."

"Falman, do you think that we could get court marshaled for this?" Mustang sighed and Falman shook his head.

"I do not believe so Colonel, even Furer Bradley has put in at least some money."


"This is a popular bet sir. I think the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother and put in some money when they had to stop by Eastern Headquarters the other day. Fuery has been on telephone lines taking bets from different regions of the country for the past two days!"

Why was it always his group that caused this sort of thing to happen?

-3 days later-

Havoc was sitting at his desk, staring at the tray of steak that was at his desk and he drooled. Who knew that giving up smoking would give him so many rewards! He grabbed the nearest fork on his desk and started eating it happily. Meanwhile, the other officers in the room stared at his in disbelief.

"He went insane." Breda stammered.

"Well, nicotine does affect the brain a lot." Falman replied, "Since the Lieutenant has always smoked, his brain is probably taking the after blow of giving up its fuel.

"But he's eating his paperwork using a pen!"


-The next day-

Hawkeye strolled into the office the next morning to see Fuery on multiple telephones at once while furiously scribbling in various notebooks; Falman with a calculator at his desk and writing various things down; Breda working on some paperwork; an overly happy Havoc roaming the room; and the Colonel in his private office signing papers.

"Has there been a murder spree or something?" She asked and all of the men, except Havoc, paled when they looked up.

"Oh! Hawkeye! You're back already!" The Colonel chuckled and Hawkeye sent a glare at him and he froze.

"What are you all doing exactly?"

"Ummmmmmmmmm, holding a national wide bet." Breda said nervously.

Let's just say that the contractors were called again later that evening due to various bullet holes in Colonel Mustang's large office.

-The next day-

Havoc grinned while he smoked his cigarette at his desk the next morning. He had a camera in his lap and Breda was nervously shuffling in his desk.

"You're the one who thought I couldn't make it a week." Havoc chuckled, "Now you have to pay the consequences."

Breda ended up in therapy with a phobia of guns a month later. No one knows if he ever recovered.

There you go people! I hope you liked it! It was just a small thing I thought would be fun to write!