Author's Note: Thank you very much for those who've read or reviewed me from the last chapter! I really appreciate them, and I'll try my best to make this story even better. Before the chapter, I wish to enlighten you all with this story's timeline in Digimon 02. I wrote this story assuming that this Drama CD took place after the finale event of Digimon 02 (which happened around christmas), on the winter 2002-2003 (around November – February). I assumed that way because 3 out of 4 Digimon 02 Drama CD took place in 2003 (with this one's timeline untold). The cover of the drama CD showed Yamato in his middle school uniform, since Gabumon was present in the story as well, the timeline should be post 02, because it's Daisuke and the others who brought the older chosen children's partners as christmas gift, while before that, their Digimon partners tended to stay in the digital world. Assuming the timeline's post 02, Yamato and Sora have had their relationship and had been dating. That's basically why I tried to create this story, since I thought that when whole thing in the Drama CD happened, Sora's role and reaction would be interesting. I hope this will give you all a better view on the situation. If any of you kind readers are interested in the official Drama CD's story, I suggest visiting a blog called "Digital Scratch – Onkei kun's Translations", just search with Google and you'll find it. He's been hosting the english translations for most of Digimon series' drama CD and stuff. Credit for this story goes to Onkei-kun as well, since it's from his translations that I've ever had the idea for this story.

Without further ado, I do hope you all enjoy this chapter as well.


Chapter 3: I Know You Can Do It

"Here, this one is the last, Piyomon." said the auburn haired girl while handing her partner digimon a plate which she had just washed.

"Okay, Sora!" answered the digimon lightly as she took the plate and wipe it dry. "All finished, Sora!" chirped Piyomon happily while she put the last plate on the plate shelf.

"Thank you, Piyomon." said Sora with a smile on her face. "Now, how is Takeru-kun doing with the laundry?"

As the girl said that, she and her partner digimon headed towards the washing machine, there they saw Takeru picking up the clothes, and Patamon picking up the socks from the washing machine into a basket. While trying to retrieve a cloth from the washing machine, Patamon lost his balance and fell towards the washing machine. Takeru, in the other hand, having seen his partner in such condition, held out his right hand in reflex towards the hole, which cushioned Patamon before it hit the clothes inside. Seeing the incident, Sora and Piyomon hurried towards them.

"Takeru-kun, is Patamon okay?" asked the girl in panic.

"Don't worry, Patamon is okay, we're already finished and have switched off the machine before." answered the younger blonde as he lifted up his partner digimon.

"Thank you, Takeru!" said the digimon with a bright smile.

Seeing that Patamon was okay, both the girl and her partner let out a relieved sigh. "Thank goodness, at the moment I thought that the machine was still on." said the auburn haired girl.

"Haha, fortunately not." answered the younger blonde. "And, you're welcome, Patamon. I really don't want to wash the clothes all over again, so my hand just moved on its own to catch you before you fell into them."

Upon hearing his partner's words, Patamon's eyes widened, he blinked a couple of times in disbelief before he put both of his hands on his waist and said "Whaaaat? Are you saying that I'm dirty, Takeru? That's mean!"

"Ahahahaha! I'm just kidding, Patamon. I know you always take a bath every morning on the washbasin." said the younger blonde while laughing.

"I know, Takeru." answered Patamon with a smile, "I just wanted to see your reaction if I acted angry at you."

"Well, it's too bad though. I also knew that you would never be really mad at me." answered Takeru with a huge smile.

Upon hearing Takeru's words, the room was soon filled with laughter.

After a good laugh, the younger blonde said, "Well, Patamon, the clothes are too deep for you to reach now, so just hold on the basket for me."

"Okay, Takeru." replied the digimon while holding out the basket.

"Do you need my help, Takeru-kun?" asked the redheaded girl willingly.

"Umm, actually it's not a very good idea, Sora-san... You know, the laundry also has... those things..." said the younger blonde uncertainly.

Suddenly understood what Takeru meant, a tint of red appeared on the girl's cheek, while she stammered, "O-oh, okay, I-I'll just wait at the dining room then."

On the other hand, her partner, with a high curiosity, simply voiced out the question in her head loud and clear. "What are those things?" asked Piyomon as she tilted her head slightly.

Hearing Piyomon's question, Sora and Takeru froze, getting all silent, while Patamon try to answer Piyomon's question. "Well, those things are und— hmmmpphh! What arf you doinff, Takerff—"

"Patamon! No! Don't say that!" exclaimed Takeru with his hand over Patamon's mouth.

"Piyomon! L-Let's just wait at the dining room!" said Sora while pushing Piyomon towards the dining room. "Sorry for disturbing you, Takeru-kun."

"Not at all, Sora-san." replied the blonde shortly.

As Sora shove Piyomon towards the dining room, Patamon asked his partner, "Why'd you stop me, Takeru?"

As a response, the blonde sighed and answered, "You know, Patamon, in a certain condition, there're some questions in this world you should answer straightly and some questions you shouldn't answer at all. This time is of the second condition."

At the same time, at the dining room, the pink feathered digimon also asked her partner a similar question.

"Why'd you shove me off there, Sora? Did I ask something wrong?

"W-Well, I don't blame you for being curious, but there're some things in this world that is better off not known, and I think this is one of those times." answered Sora with an uncertain tone in her voice.

Hearing their partner's response to their questions, both Patamon and Piyomon just furrowed their eyebrows and tilted their heads slightly, still didn't fully understand of the times their partners have mentioned.

"Alright, I'm finished." said a young blonde haired boy as he and his partner walked towards the dining room. In the dining room, he found the redhead and her partner digimon, each one sitting on a dining chair next to each other.

"Oh, you've finished already, Takeru-kun?" asked the redhead with a soft smile on her face.

"Yup, all's done. Onii-chan hasn't back yet? I guess I just need to write a note for him then."

As the younger blonde said that, he headed towards his older brother's room, within a moment, he came out with a piece of paper and a pen on his hand. Then he sat on the chair right in front of Sora, wrote something onto the paper and placed the paper under the TV's remote on the dining table. "Okay then, I'm all done."

Seeing his partner's satisfied expression, the digimon asked the boy questioningly. "Takeru... Don't you think you forgot something? We're not coming here to do laundry, are we?

Hearing Patamon's question, the younger blonde slapped his forehead lightly and laughed a little. "Eh? Ahahaha, I almost forgot about my things. Wait here for a sec with Sora-san and Piyomon okay Patamon? I'll take my belongings I've left behind, it should be in onii-chan's room."

When the younger blonde disappeared into his older brother's room, the auburn haired girl asked the orange furred digimon the question she had been wanting to ask before. "Patamon, wasn't Takeru only allowed to spend a night here once a year? Every 31st of September if I'm not mistaken?" She knew that every year of their 'Odaiba memorial', Yamato and Takeru would show up together for the reunion, whilst in the other times, Takeru would've to come and meet them all the way from his home in Sangenjaya.

"Well, actually after the incident from the last christmas, Takeru's mom had been very busy, arranging some articles, meeting up with various people and all. Then, sometimes she even had to travel somewhere for a while. Because of that, rather than leaving Takeru all by himself at home, she'd told him to stay over at Yamato's." explained Patamon.

"It can't be helped really, my father had been very busy too since then, he hardly come home nowadays, it must be quite tiring, to be the Digimon Critics and all." said the girl with a soft smile adorning her lips.

Just as Sora finished her sentence, the younger blonde entered the dining room, with a green backpack on his shoulder. Seeing the chosen child of hope, his partner digimon hopped from his seat, and flapped his wings towards his partner, to claim his exclusive seat, which is no other than on top of Takeru's hat. The boy glanced through the window, the sky is pitch black, without any grey clouds visible to his blue orbs, and lights illuminate the streets around them, indicating that the night has arrived today. The child of hope soon rummaged through his pocket and pull out a green colored D-3 digivice, to gain exact information of the time. The characters on the screen showed: 'TOKYO, PM 6:27'. Having learned of the time, the younger blonde and his partner digimon excused themselves to the chosen child of love, told her that his mother would return early today and prepare dinner for them back home. The auburn haired girl looked uncertain, since she hadn't fulfilled her reason for coming here, she was trying to decide on what she's going to do: going home and return some other time, or insisted on waiting for the elder blonde despite of the time.

Studying the expression of the girl, and obtained a rough idea of her thought, the younger blonde took out his keychain, and let out a key with pale silver color. On it, there's a label written: "Ishida". Takeru handed out the key to Sora, as he told her to keep it just in case if she would like to leave before his brother's return. Upon receiving the key, the girl thanked the younger blonde, and said that she would later return the key to him or to his brother. After saying goodbye, the child of hope left the room, carrying Patamon in a hugging manner as he fold his hands in near his chest, and gone with a green backpack hung on his shoulders.

Silence. The room which was filled with happy laughter some moments ago just turned silent as if there's no one home. Sora sat down on one of the dining chairs in the room, with Piyomon right in front of her. The rhythmic ticking noise from the clock was the only sound that was present in the room for some time. The girl folded her fingers together, and soon her fingers started to fidget.

"Now... What should I say to Yamato when he returned? Ask him why he's not at school? Ask him where he had been just now? Or... just ask him about that girl? Why he's in such a broody mood because of her? No... This all sounds like as if I'm trying to interrogate him... But then, what should I say?"

The girl thought, and thought, and kept on thinking of what she will say to her boyfriend. Deep down, her heart understood that the reason she's feeling like this is because she didn't hear the cause from Yamato himself, but she kind of had the idea of what had driven the elder blonde to be in such a mood. He's the type of person who at first, didn't seem to care of others, the way he talked sounded a bit harsh, but if you started to know him, get closer to him, he's the kind of guy who actually cared too much for others. Sometimes, he may look selfish, but in the end, he cared for others even more than himself, he would do anything in his ability to help, it's just that he won't show that explicitly to anyone. In Sora's opinion, she'd say that Yamato's a shy person. Once you got to know him better, his quality, which turned him as he is today, have made him to be the best companion of life anyone could have. If anybody might disagree, at least for the chosen child of love, that's her personal case and opinion. A very caring and shy guy who had a hard time of being honest of his intentions in front of others. The sentence which Sora thought described the chosen child of friendship in briefly and precisely.

Unrealized to the girl, the pink feathered bird-like digimon observed her partner's facial expressions and gestures ever since they're alone. At first, the girl looked as if she's in deep thought, her eyebrows furrowed, her hands were fidgeting, and her expression looked unsettled. But then, in just some moments of her gaze softened, her auburn orbs looked clearer and clearer, and lastly, her lips formed a tender and gentle smile, the kind of smile which is quite rare in midst of her usual smiles. Knowing her partner very well, Piyomon had studied and known of the reason behind this unique smile of Sora's.

"Sora..." Piyomon's voice broke the silence in the room. "Let me guess, you're thinking about Yamato just now, am I right?" asked the bird digimon, her voice sounded a bit on the teasing tone.

Hearing her partner's question, the girl let out a small gasp, and a tint of red started to appear on her cheeks. She stammered a bit and replied, "H-How could you know that?"

"Hm-hmm... Should I tell you or not..." Piyomon answered, while trying to create a confused expression on her face, in which she failed miserably, since anyone would've realized her true intentions from her voice's tone that she was teasing her partner.

"Oh, come on, Piyomon!" said the girl with a fake pout adorning her delicate face.

Her partner digimon was trying to dodge her assault of questions for some while, until at last she gave up when the girl threatened the digimon by tickling her. When the child of love received her partner's explanation, she blinked in disbelief, and then she asked her partner if her facial expressions were always that easy to read.

"Actually Sora, I don't think just anyone can read you from the gestures you've made, but since I'm your partner, I can always figure it out!" chirped the digimon happily.

"Thank you, Piyomon. That's a relief though, I've just thought that maybe I need to be more careful with my facial expressions and gestures so that I'll be less predictable." answered the girl with a clumsy smile.

"No! You don't need to do that, Sora! You know what, actually I've ever caught Yamato's gaze on you several times. When he did that, his gaze looked so tender and he's got the unique expression on his face too whenever he did that!" said the digimon with a wide smile adorning her face.

Hearing her partner's explanation, the girl's face turned even redder than before. The girl tried to look over her past memories in brief, searching for any moments Piyomon had indicated to her. In the end, she couldn't find the moments Piyomon talked about, and asked her. "Really Piyomon? I don't think I've ever seen him like that towards me... Actually, I was very surprised when he said 'yes' to me that day..." said the girl as she reminisced of the last christmas eve, the day when she finally gathered her courage and confessed to the chosen child of friendship.

"Sora, you know Yamato, he only did that when he knew that you weren't looking. I only caught him several times as well, but I guess he must've done that quite often. Even I can see that he loves you so much!" answered the digimon with a happy expression.

Seeing Piyomon's sweet smile, Sora decided that her partner's smile is contagious as she also smiled without her own accord. "Thank you, Piyomon... For consoling me..."

"Not at all, Sora! I'm not trying to console you, I'm just telling you what I know!"

As the chosen child of love heard her partner's words, her auburn iris coordinated with her lips, creating a gentle smile and a tender expression, painted beautifully on her face. Unbeknownst to the girl, the expression decorating her face right now, was the exact expression which Piyomon loves to see in Sora, and also the one which had attracted the elder blonde's gaze all this time.

Just as the warm atmosphere from the girl and her partner started to fill the room, a sound of key rustling inside of a keyhole can be heard from the room. When the key is unable to turn to the direction for unlocking, a voice can be heard to be wondering about the key, whilst another voice answered if maybe the door was already unlocked. Hearing the voices, the auburn haired girl's nervousness returned to her, she quickly got up from her seat and walked towards the door. Before the girl can reach the hallway to the entrance of the apartment room, the door opened, revealing a boy with azure iris, and blonde colored hair hanging midway his neck. He's wearing a deep brown trench coat with a scarf encircled around his neck, on his back he carried a guitar case with him. His companion was half of the boy's height, a digimon wearing a white felt fur with blue stripes on his body. The boy's azure iris soon caught the girl's auburn colored ones.

"Sora? What are you doing here?" asked the boy with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Y-Yamato, it's... I-I just thought that I wanted to see you..." answered the girl as she stammered with her words.

"Oh, okay then. I'm a bit busy, so I'll talk to you later, Sora." replied the elder blonde curtly. The boy took off his trench coat, and just went to his room with his guitar. From outside, Sora could hear the sound of the guitar case unzipped, and the sound of something like pencil hitting the desk. Soon afterwards, the sound of guitar strums filled the air. The strums were laconic, and often replaced by sounds of a pencil scratching on papers. Knowing that the elder blonde wouldn't want to be interrupted, the girl asked the questions that had been lingering on her mind to his partner instead.

"Gabumon, where have you and Yamato been?" asked the girl with a worried expression on her face.

"Well, we're from the beach..." answered Gabumon uncertainly.

"What? Beach? In this weather? Why did you guys go there?

"I don't know. Yamato just said that he wanted to go there, so I just go along with him."

"Oh... Then, what were you guys doing there?"

"Umm, a lot of things. Yamato spoke to several strangers he met at the beach, I think there's a surfer, a stand owner, then he ate some shaved ice in the stand, and—"

"Wait a second, shaved ice?" interrupted the girl with a surprised look.

"In this kind of weather..?" continued the pink feathered digimon.

"Uh, yeah, shaved ice..." confirmed the digimon with a tone of uncertainty in his voice. "I know it sounded very strange, I find it strange myself at first, but I kind of understand why Yamato forced himself to eat it... He seemed to be quite down today. Oh, yeah, we also met Sakurada-san there, and then in the middle Sakurada-san's story about a certain film, Yamato just got perked up all of a sudden and decided to return home. And just when we passed the park along the way, I got to fully understood why Yamato was in such a mood and what he's trying to do now. So, please understand him and don't worry, Sora." explained the boy's partner digimon assuringly.

"Okay... Thank you, Gabumon. But, if you may enlighten me, is the reason why Yamato acting this way is because of... that girl?" asked Sora carefully.

"Oh? So you already knew about her? Well, yes, it's her. I think Yamato said something about he just wanted her to listen or something..." explained Gabumon with his eyebrows furrowed, wondering what his partner meant by his words earlier.

"Yeah... I know about that girl, but I didn't hear about her from Yamato himself..." replied the chosen child of love, her voice filled with a tint of sadness.

Upon hearing the girl's reply, the elder blonde's partner could only managed to let out an awkward "Oh" from his mouth. Both digimon were trying to cheer the girl up, tried to convince her that the chosen child of friendship must've had a reason for not telling her personally, and ensured her everything will be fine. On the other hand, the girl appreciated all the efforts from both digimon, she tried to push herself up, tried to cheer up for a bit, and her lips forced a small smile. As an effort to ease her mind off for a little, the auburn haired girl offered to make them dinner. Both digimon were feeling kind of hungry, and accepted the girl's offer happily. The girl asked the felt-covered digimon if his partner had eaten dinner, acquiring the answer, she decided to make something for him too.

An auburn haired girl and two digimon were standing in front of a door. From there, melodies of guitar strums, followed with pencil scratches could be heard. Occasionally frustrated groans could be heard coming from the room. The girl had been trying to get into the room, but she also had been hesitating for some while to do so. Sora took a deep breath of air to fill her lungs, gathered her determination together, and at last, knocked on the door.

"What is it?" answered the voice with a bothered tone, the sound of knocking had just got his concentration broken.

"It's me. Can I come in?" said the girl carefully.

The male voice replied with a short 'yeah', as the girl opened the door and let herself in. Inside of the room, she saw her boyfriend, the chosen child of friendship, sat on a chair in front of his desk, holding a guitar within his hands. On his desk, several sheets of paper were scattered. Each of the paper had some writings on them, some were long, while some were short. Right above the words on the paper were some characters with symbols, which Sora deciphered as guitar keys. Some papers had been wrinkled to the shape of a ball and were scattered around the floor near the trashcan. The chosen child of love picked up the wrinkled papers from the floor and put them into the trashcan. After doing so, she looked at what the elder blonde had been working on all this time, and asked him.

"Yamato, are you... trying to write a song?" asked the girl softly.

"Yeah." answered the elder blonde curtly. He wrote a couple of words on the paper with his pencil, but then scratched them away.

Sora tried to read what Yamato had come up with until now. After reading what's on the paper, the impression she had is that the song will be of encouragement. In her opinion, the lyrics were wonderful, with metaphors that she knew must be the results of his deep thought and hard work all this time. Captivated by the words on the sheet, the girl blurted out something before she realized it.

"I'm sure she'll be very happy when she hears this song." said the auburn haired girl with a soft smile.

"I hope so." said the boy shortly, then he suddenly faced his girlfriend, and asked. "Wait a second, how could you know about her?"

The girl's expression froze when she heard his question. She's been trying to feign ignorance about the girl and decided not to ask Yamato about her, and now she had ruined all her efforts herself.

"Oh, I see, must be either Gabumon or Taichi." said the blonde with a sigh escaping from his lips.

"Umm, is there anything I can do to help?" asked the girl willingly.

"No, I'll manage by myself. Thanks though." answered the boy curtly.

Sora understood that Yamato didn't mean to be talking in a curt or cold tone, she knew that's just the way he'll talk to anyone whenever he's focused on something else. But still, she could feel sadness seeping to her heart. Realizing the need of some distance and time to sort out her feelings together, she decided to excuse herself from the blonde's room. Before she left, she told the elder blonde that she'd prepared some food for his dinner on the dining table, said that she'll be going home, wished good luck for his work, and excused herself from the room.

Outside of the room, Gabumon and Piyomon were waiting for her, their face full of worry. The girl forced a small smile towards them, trying to assure them that she's okay and that Yamato were just focused on working with his song. Before she left the apartment room, she took Takeru's note on the dining table, tore the unused part of the paper and wrote a note on her own, stating the words she hadn't said to him, as well as the words she can't bring herself to say to him in person just now. When she finished, she put the paper next to Takeru's note and put the TV's remote on the top the paper. Afterwards, she excused herself and Piyomon to Gabumon, and left the apartment room to return home.

By the time his partner digimon entered his room, Yamato's work hadn't been doing very well. On the paper right in front of him on his desk, only three additional sentences had been written ever since his girlfriend left. The elder blonde had been looking for words, to form lyrics and melodies out of them, to describe his intentions, the message he wanted to convey to her. The only thing he thought he's able to do for her, is to let her listen and know, that for sure the future which will come after you've worked your best in the present, will be the best reality. Of course he knew that for doing so, courage must be mustered, strength will be needed, and with this work of his, he hoped that it will provide her with the courage and strength she needed. Unfortunately, his work hadn't progressed much since the auburn haired girl left, all because of the twisted emotion of worry for the chosen child of love, which had been left unrealized to him ever since her leave.

Seeing the sight of his partner, struggling hard with his work and emotion, the felt covered digimon convinced his partner to have his dinner first, took a short break from his work, which he said would help him to find his inspirations. After going through a lot of things together with his partner, Gabumon's understanding of Yamato kept on getting deeper along with the time they'd spent together, which seems to be the reason why he's successful to convince him in his first attempt to do so. The elder blonde put his guitar to its stand, and left his room together with his partner, heading to the dining room. On the dining table, the boy saw a plate of riceballs, covered with a wrapping plastic, beside the plate he saw a blue colored mug, his mug. The elder blonde picked up his mug, removed its cover and examined the content. It was hot chocolate, which had turned warm by the moment he found it. Then his azure iris caught the image of the notes on the other side of the table. There's two pieces of notes under the TV remote, he took the first note on the left, which read:

"Onii-chan, I've picked up my back pack I'd left here before. I met Sora-san just outside and invited her in, as she was looking for you. We've also done washing the dishes and the laundry. I have put the clean laundry in the basket at Dad's room.


As the boy finished reading the first note, he put down the note to its previous position, his gaze moved on to the second note, which he took and read:

Yamato, I've made you and Gabumon some food for dinner, they might not be very good, but please do eat them. I know that you're busy with your work, but don't push yourself too hard. I...'m sorry if I bothered you today by coming here. Sorry if you thought that I interfered with your problem or violate your privacy, but I... wished her the best too, I like your idea of writing the song, I'm sure that she'll feel a lot better as soon as she hears it. I know you can do it.


As he read the last words on the second note, emotions flooded over the elder blonde's mind. They were consisted of happiness, confidence, sadness, and worry. Happiness of finding the words he had been looking for a while with his work, searching for words to convey in trust to others. Confidence of being able to create the masterpiece he had in his mind. Sadness of finally realizing what he had done to the chosen child of love, his own girlfriend. He also worry of her now, of Sora, which must've been feeling down because of him. The chosen child of friendship, with her note in his hand, gazed upon her handwriting with his clear azure iris, as he softly chanted her name.


Author's Note: Thank you very much for reading this chapter as well. I feel like I must apologize for fulfilling a promise of mine while breaking the other. I did manage to update faster (I didn't take some years now, right?), but this chapter is not the last. A new idea to my current plot just hit me all of a sudden, and as I found the idea to be very nice, I've decided to use it, but it will affect the story's length significantly. I hope you all will bear with me, and this story. I do hope that I still managed to keep the characters in character though. Sorry if any of you found Sora's mood to be rather unstable and if Yamato sounded too cold, but I did try to make their reaction to be as logical as I can.

Please enlighten me with your opinions for this chapter or story in the reviews.