(A/N: Even in the Wizarding World, Chuck Norris is a man to be feared. Published by a Muggle-Born wizard, it's Chuck Norris facts for Wizards. You'll find several, all new, Harry Potter based Chuck Norris facts, as well as an old favorite or two.)

Chuck Norris drank a Drought of Living Death. It made him blink.

Chuck Norris can play Qudditch without a broom.

Invisibility cloaks were invented as a method to hide from Chuck Norris. They didn't work.

The original Tale of the Three Brothers replaced Death with Chuck Norris. The first two brothers deaths were the same, but Chuck Norris killed the third one himself.

Chuck Norris can win a game of wizard's chess in one move.

Wizards aren't hiding from Muggles. They are hiding from Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris can kill a ghost.

The final task of the Tri-Wizard tournament was facing Chuck Norris, but there were no survivors.

There were originally five houses at Hogwarts. Griffyndor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris though that there would be no wizard badass enough to be in a house named after him, and all four founders died from mysterious roundhouse kick related deaths.

When Chuck Norris put on the Sorting Hat, the sorting hat was placed in Gryffindor.

If you put one of Chuck Norris's hairs in a Polyjuice potion, it will explode. There can never be another Chuck Norris.

Voldemort is gathering followers so he can fight Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesn't care, because he won't win either way.

Students were originally sorted by how long it took for them to cry in the presence of Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn't cheat Death. He wins fair and square.

Chuck Norris can kill 13 curses with a single person.

A wizard once used an unknown curse on Chuck Norris. That wizard is now dead, because no one curses Chuck Norris.

Voldemort made his Horcruxes so he'd be able to fight Chuck Norris. Unfortunately, no magic can save you from a roundhouse kick.

Chuck Norris beat a basilisk in a staring contest.

Mad Eye Moody has his magical eye so he can see when Chuck Norris is coming.

Chuck Norris knows every spell known to man, and a few unknown to man.

Chuck Norris can make Snape, and even Filch crack a smile with a joke.

Chuck Norris was the original caretaker, but he was fired because he roundhouse kicked a student for bumping into him.

Students are forbidden to go into the dark forest because that is where Chuck Norris exercises.

The Department of Mysteries was where Chuck Norris kept his beef jerky.

The ministry was originally going to have Chuck Norris guard Azkaban, but they realized it was more humane to have the dementors guard Azkaban instead.

Chuck Norris was bitten by a basilisk. After mere minutes of unbelievable agony, the basilisk died.

Chuck Norris was once hit by the Killing Curse, which killed the caster.

When a teacher was late for class, Chuck Norris gave them detention.

The only known predator of the vicious Hungarian Horntail, is Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris can see through invisinibilty cloaks.

When Chuck Norris looks in the Mirror of Erised, the mirror sees what it desires the most.