An: Wow I'm an epic fail on the ass of fanfiction. I'm sorry for taking so long to update ANYTHING. and Hopefully I'll get that to change soon. :)

It only took a week for Booth to arrange everything and move back, but instead of spending extra money buying back his house, Brennan offered he move in with her, and he quickly accepted.

She had cleared some of her stuff away, and gave away some things she didn't need, to make room for any books, pictures, and memorabilia he would like to place in her living room, as long as making space in her bedroom for him.

She had moved things in the den she didn't need out, which seemingly only left her desk in the den, smiling at the thought of Booth moving all of this things into this single room; a single space that was just for him.

He had told her that his plane landed at 5 in the afternoon, and at this time it was almost 4, when a soft knocked filled the room. She glanced through the peephole and smiled throwing open the door and wrapping her arms tight around Booth, jumping into his arms and connecting their lips passionately.

"What are you doing here?" Brennan asked, smiling and kissing him as he carried her into her apartment and dropped his bags near the door. "I thought your plane was supposed to land in an hour."

"I lied," Booth teased, smiling and holding her tightly as their tongues fought together and he stumbled back into her bedroom, resting her on her back before he came to hover over her, and parted her shirt from the middle of her body.

They smiled and laughed, rolling together until all of their clothes were pushed from their bodies and Booth's hands trailed up her hip as he settled between her legs and kissed her deeply before pressing his erection into her heated core.

She whimpered and her hands held his face tight, moaning softly into his mouth while her legs wrapped around her waist, and eliminated any space between them. He slid home easily and swallowed her cry, his arms wrapping tight around her as their hips collided and pleasure incapacitated them.

Her hands ran into his hair and pulled at the short strands, while his hands couldn't find one spot to settle, and instead skimmed across the whole expanse of flawless ivory thrashing and arching under him.

Their lungs burned from the never relenting kissing, and their neurons fired beneath their skin at the electricity being generated between their two bodies, the passionate and heated rocking bringing her hands to shake and fall against his shoulders; her nails digging into his skin as she clenched him within her and her body forcefully collided with his, her back arching from the bed as she cried out in ecstasy, and his lips moved to her neck.

His elbows shook against his weight as he felt the flutter in her womb, and he released a strangled sob when her nails tore across his skin and her heated juices flooded around him; milking him of his own orgasm and pulling his seed deep inside her.

He settled on his side slowly, bringing her into his chest and keeping his eyes closed tight against the swimming in his vision. He smiled and brushed her dampened hair from her shoulder, his lips depositing gently kisses against her collar bone that collected multiple drops of post coital sweat.

"Is this why you lied about your plane landing time?" she asked tenderly, smirking and running her fingers along the rivets of his muscles. "So you could sleep with me?"

"I'm pretty sure no matter what time I got here we would have made love," Booth corrected, smiling and kissing her jaw lovingly. "I just thought it would be nice to surprise you."

"You know I hate surprises."

"Yes, but when the surprise is me, you can never hate it."

"Mmm, valid point," Brennan agreed, smiling and placing a gentle kiss to his chest before she rolled onto her back and ran her hands over her face. "You know, I was going to make you your favorite Mac N' Cheese before you got here…"

"Well then what's stopping you?"

"Now, I'm tired."

Booth frowned and whimpered, rolling onto his stomach and wrapping his arms around her, resting his head on her chest before looking up at her with a playful smile. "Well, it's a small sacrifice. I would rather have you than anything, any day."

She smiled down at him and ran her fingers through his hair, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, humming softly and picking up her alarm clock from her bed side table to bring it into view. "Well, I should be able to get moving in about an hour or two, and then I can make us dinner."

"Only if you let me help," he asked, smiling at her and sitting up on his elbow. "I don't know how I feel about you being a housewife…it's an odd concept to take in."

She shot him an evil glare and he smiled, falling back when she backhanded his chest and rolled onto her side, facing away from him.

He smirked and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest and hugging her tight to him. "I'm just kidding Bones; I already know you're a kick ass housewife."

"I suggest you quit calling me that if you want to keep your genitals."

"Feisty," Booth growled, nibbling on her ear lobe teasingly, but releasing a strangled half gasp half cry that remotely sounded like a bird when she reached back and pinched the tender skin on the inside of his hip. "Ow!"

"Take that as warning, I'm not afraid to pinch much more…tender…areas."

"I say again, feisty!"

When Booth opened his eyes, the red digits glowing on the clock said 2:36, and he was alone in their bed. He groaned and took in a deep breath, taking in the smell of the all too familiar dish, and smirking before he lazily stood and walked into the kitchen. "Bones, what are you doing?"

"I'm determined to make you macaroni on your first day back Booth," Brennan answered, stifling a yawn into her elbow. "And I overslept, but I always keep my promises."

He smirked and walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his lips to her neck lovingly. "You're amazing baby," he muttered quietly, resting his head on her shoulder tiredly.

"Booth, you should be very much aware that I am not a baby. Nowhere near in fact," she argued, stirring the pasta in the boiling water and turning her head to place a tender kiss on his forehead.

He growled playfully and pulled her tighter against his chest, rolling his hands low on her midsection before bringing them up to brush his hands over her breasts. "Don't I know it," he muttered, smiling and sucking on her neck tenderly. "But it's affectionate."

"It sounds sexist and demeaning," Brennan argued, smiling and brushing her fingers against his arms. "I think Bones is affectionate enough."

"Mmm, I love you," Booth whispered, smiling and sharing a gentle kiss with her before he kissed her nose and hugged her tighter.

"I know," she returned, lacing their fingers and bringing his hand to her lips before she leaned forward and turned off the stove, stepping from Booth to drain out the water and place the pasta back into the pan.

He smiled and kissed her temple gently, running his hand down her back before he walked to the refrigerator and pulled out two beers for them, placing them on the table as she finished making their food.

They settled down on either side of the table, and Brennan dished out helpings of her dish, smiling as Booth looked like a child at Christmas. She chuckled when he immediately dug in and she reached over and slapped his hand. "Slow down Booth, you're going to make yourself sick."

"Mmm, I don't care," he muttered with a smile.

"Well I do," Brennan argued, "I don't want you to be sick."

"Aww, you really like me."

"Of course I do, why else would I make you macaroni and cheese at three o'clock in the morning."

Booth smiled and raised his beer bottle, clanking it with hers and sipping the frothy gold liquid before he sat back and looked at her with adoration in his eyes. "Thanks for this Bones."

"You're welcome," she whispered, smiling and blushing gently against the look in his eyes before she glanced back down at her food and brought small portions to her lips, looking up at him and laughing. "What?"

"You're beautiful."

Her cheeks colored a light red and she shook her head. "You're too nice to me."

"Mmm, you should probably get rid of me then. We all don't need that ego boost to go to your head."

"Look who's talking," Brennan argued, shaking her head "You flaunt your alpha male status whenever you can. You enjoy making other men feel puny."

"How else am I going to keep you around?"

"The fact that you have proven time and time again that you are very protective, loyal and caring, especially towards me."

He smiled and chuckled, leaning forward on his elbows, and pointing his fork in her direction. "I like that answer Dr. Brennan."

She smiled and laughed, shaking her head and bringing her food to her mouth again. "I find that in our years of being partnered, and being friends, that I have learned what sort of things you like and don't like to hear."

"But you rarely use that to your advantage do you?"

"Correct," she said, smiling and nodding once. "I prefer the honest truth is better than sugar coating something."

"That's another reason I like you," Booth nodded, smiling and taking a drink from his bottle when he had finished his plate. "You have steel ovaries."

She smirked proudly and nodded, standing up and taking her empty plate and placing it on his before she brought them into the kitchen and placed them in the sink. She ran hot water over them and threw her empty bottle away. Booth came up behind her and finished the last of his beer before throwing his own bottle away, and he yawned tiredly. "Let's go to bed," he muttered, wrapping his arms around her stomach and pulling her against his chest.

She smiled and rested her hands over his arms, leaning back and humming tiredly. Her fingers laced with his and she brought his hands from her body, leading him back into the bedroom, where she turned to face him and leaned up to kiss him gently before falling back, and sneaking under the covers.

Booth smiled and followed after her, bringing his arms around her and tenderly holding her while brushing his fingers across her cheek and down her hair. He moved forward and kissed her forehead lovingly before he brought her into his chest.

Her fingers ran over his bare torso and she kissed his chest lovingly. "I'm so happy I have you in my life Seeley," she whispered, her voice quiet and holding a level of intimate passion he had never heard before.

He smiled and moved back a fraction so that his hands could frame her jaw gently and bring her eyes to his, his thumbs brushing against her skin as he kissed her neck lovingly. "Temperance, beautiful Temperance. The love of my life, you are my happiness. You're the way I talk, the way I breathe, the way I am. You're my everything and I thank God every single moment I can that I have you in my life."

His words closed her throat, and a single hot tear rolled down her cheek as she leaned forward and brought their lips together in a heated kiss, before she snuggled against him and held him flush against her body.

"Just be patient," she whispered against his chest, tilting her head up to place a kiss to his neck. "I'm starting to figure everything out."