Agon/Sena- This one was a request from one of my fateful reviewer, I was –literally- rammed by the idea. I was walking by and then one of my friends was singing this song while doing the Honor Roll (It's the dance to the song, you should learn it) and I started singing and doing it with her.
I'm doing my best, if you rush me, if won't be 100% satisfaction guaranteed, okay? (Not that I would ever guarantee it…)
Warning: Yaoi, Hiruma, and Agon, cursing,
Disclaimer: Don't' own song I based on and Eyeshield 21.
Enjoy and Review~~ (BTW, you can give me requests, they don't have to be Sena pairings, but they cannot be het. Yaoi ONLY!)
You were always the girl
Who would give me girl advice whenever I needed it
Sena and Agon may not be the best of friends, but Sena was as close as it got to Agon, Unsui being exceptional.
My best friend in the world
My friends thought you were fine but I was always denyin' it
If Sena was a girl, Agon would be more than happy to have some quality time together. Agon didn't love him, but he knew that there were a lot that did. So maybe… Just to piss them off, especially that blonde devil, he would take Sena and 'make love' to him.
Great idea.
Too bad it didn't go as it was supposed to.
Then one summer day
I saw you sitting by your swimming pool
Well, Agon wasn't expecting it, at all. He was supposed to meet at the swimming pool, take some laps to show off, and smoothly take him into bed.
Instead, he was caught by a certain Eyeshield 21 in his swimming trunks, at the edge of the pool…
And I was thinking 'damn you really changed'
You're not the little girl I used to know
…Looking so damn hot.
Agon remembered how when he first met Sena, it was because of Mamori, and he was a trash, a complete piece of trash, trying to defeat him. But now…
You opened up my eyes
"Agon-san, are you okay?" The brown-chibi eyes stared up at me and I felt so… different. His brown hair was a bit wet, but still looked great, if not, even better.
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
The moonlight shined off Sena at the exact angle to make everything look perfect. It reflected off the water onto Sena's chest and eyes, faintly seeing a small smile, it looked perfect. The moonlight shining directly off his back, blending in with Sena's brown hair, and showed the slightly tanned skin.
Now I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
Sena blushed lightly at Agon. Agon wasn't wearing a shirt, just short jeans. It was almost as if Agon was purposely showing his body off, in front of Sena. 'He'll never really love me… no matter how hard I wish…´ Sena thought and looked back at the water and his reflection.
My window, frames you like a Monet
So don't come back to bed yet
The moon was really bright and sparkled off the water. Sena gazed in awe as he stared at the water, occasionally throwing small glances and blushes to and near Agon. It was a silence between them, no one tried, or attempt to, break the awkwardness.
Cuz I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
Agon was having way to much fun watching, was he actually getting turned on?
This wasn't happening…
I'll never see you the same
The veil has been lifted, now I see you're gifted
Sena looked at the water, and then up to the sky, "It's… It seems beautiful…" Sena said.
Agon was awe-struck, opening and closing his mouth, like a fish. He quickly attempted to get his cool back, sit down next to him and get the operation over with.
My whole perspective has changed
Don't think I can go back cause I will always desire it
Easier thought than done.
Don't take another step
Near me just in case we have regrets
He didn't want to get to close, he might ruin the picture, but he didn't need to, Sena was already coming close to him.
"Agon-san?" he asked and Agon let the breath that he was holding if for such a long time out.
If tomorrow we go back to being friends
I'll think about the way you looked tonight
Agon coughed before staring as cold as he could at the smaller male, who looked at him curiously.
"Weren't you going to go swim?" Sena asked, motioning to the pool.
You opened up my eyes
"Not really, unless you are going to swim," Agon said, as if he was bored.
"Well… If Agon-san called to meet up so urgently, I couldn't say no," Sena said and then looked up to the older one, his chocolate eyes showing almost no fear or doubt.
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
Agon blinked. "Er… At least when Agon-san calls me… it… It has to be important… because…" Sena's eyes wavered but still came back to Agon's eyes, as if it could see right through the shades. "I can't think of another reason why you would pay attention to someone like me," Sena smiled sadly.
Now I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
Agon snorted, "Even if you're a chibi, you can't be that stupid," he snarled and Sena blinked.
My window, frames you like a Monet
So don't come back to bed yet
Agon stared at him, "You mean you seriously don't know?" he asked in complete disbelief. Sena just kept on staring back, blinking.
Cuz I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
"You're fucking kidding me," Agon cursed and Sena blinked.
"Agon-san…" Sena looked uncertain, "Wh…What do you mean?" he asked.
Maybe if you were someone else
It wouldn't have to feel like this
A plan popped into Agon's mind and he smiled maliciously, "Let me show you," he said. I win.
I'm wondering how you feel about me now
Or was it just a friendly kiss
Agon lightly kissed Sena's lips.
Cause I'm seeing you for the first time
If Sena was a volcano, this was the time where he erupted.
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
Agon found the reaction from the brownie quite… Interesting…
The flush and the babbling, even though he would usually roll his eyes and smack the person, but Sena was an exception, the smaller boy opened his mouth. And then he closed it. And then opened it, only to close it once more.
Now I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
"a-Agon-san… What… What was that?" Sena asked, feeling light-headed and dizzy. He didn't comprehend what just happened, he couldn't.
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
"That was a kiss," Agon said simply, and grinned at Sena's flushed face. "Like it?" Sena, if it was possible, blushed harder.
Now I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
And hotly.
My window, frames you like a Monet
So don't come back to bed yet
Has he always been like that? Man, for a genius like Agon to miss this…
Cuz I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
Agon picked Sena up and threw him over his shoulders and sprinted off to a room (that came out of nowhere…) at full speed and locked the door.
She holds me
Closer to her body
Agon 'gently' puts Sena on the bed, and that's where his fun starts.
As she whispers softly
"Turn the lights off"
-After a… quite long… enjoyable… bonding time…-
See you in the dark
See you in the dark
Sena was happy, could words explain his feelings? Sure, it didn't seem that Agon actually hard-cored loved him, but… It was close.
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
Grinning at the new memory that was engraved into his mind, Sena stretched and walked off, putting some clothes on and walking out of the room with his newly found lover.
Now I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
Maybe it was a good thing, maybe it was a bad thing.
Although Agon did not like the disappointed looks he got from Yamato, Shin, Kakei, Akaba, Riku and some others, but he didn't mind how many people bet that they would get together, and then, the next thing came.
"Who do you think Sena would get together with next?" No, the dreaded man hated it.
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
But, with the help of Sena, he didn't kill anyone. Although that blue-haired cheeleader was way too close for comfort.
It was nice having him back.
Now I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
"Missed me?" Sena, older, maturer, and grew half a back-bone, was teasing Agon, wasn't he?
"Of course, I didn't have a good night sleep because I kept worring that you would be carried off," the male grumbled, rambling about his worries.
"Well, they aren't here anymore, right?" the younger one asked.
"...I guess so, I'm still iffy about that linebacker, though," Agon replied, "Dun like his eyes."
"Shin-san? I guess he's... different..." the male responded.
My window, frames you like a Monet
So don't come back to bed yet
The scene was all too familiar. At the pool. In the night.
The only problem?
They weren't exactly alone. Those pieces of trashes trying to hit on his Sena.
Cuz I love to see you in the dark
See you in the dark
Apparently, Sena noticed, because, he called him into a private room for just the two of them.
Luckily, the only things were, Agon, Sena, a bed, and a window, the moon shinning brightly through it. On to Sena.
Oh yeah, life is good.